By Anna Von Reitz
Been here, done that.
Here is Dr. Richard Day's 1969 speech in which he outlines absolutely every aspect of the theater production we are suffering through today:
Please note that a similar production already occurred in 1918 as a test run called the Spanish Influenza Epidemic. At the time, it was estimated that twenty (20) million people died of the Spanish Flu, most of them in Europe, and most of them already suffering from starvation.
In the 1980's, interest was mysteriously revived in the Spanish Flu, and the numbers were inflated to (50) fifty million deaths, and at the same time, Dr. Anthony Fauci published papers saying that the cause of all these deaths was not any form of influenza, but was a result of bacterial pneumonia--- most likely caused by people wearing ineffective, but dirty and damp cloth masks.
And now, though nobody appears to know why, the number of deaths from the Spanish Flu, which wasn't influenza-caused according to the Great Fauci's own research, has been inflated to (80) million deaths.
Other doctors have paired the symptoms recorded during the Spanish Flu with the then-new availability of Bayer Aspirin which was made very widely available and routinely overdosed, which then caused bleeding from the internal organs and mucous membranes, mirroring the symptoms of hemorrhagic fever.
Just like other researchers have paired the symptoms and appearance of polio with the appearance of oil-based agricultural pesticides. Miraculously, when these same water-resistant pesticides which are known to cause nerve damage and paralysis were removed from the market, polio also disappeared --- purportedly as a result of the polio vaccine. Or not.
Just a year prior to the Spanish Flu, Woodrow Wilson, one of the prime architects of all this preposterous fraud, called together the major newspaper owners in this country and formed what he called The Committee on Public Information, (CPI), to spew war propaganda 24/7.
This new government agency also conveniently spewed disinformation about German Americans and Spanish Flu; then as now, there was evidence that the Spanish Flu was given to American Servicemen as innoculations that took place in Kansas, and then spread overseas during the mop-up phase of World War I to decimate both the starving French and German populations--- in an apparent attempt to further weaken both nations.
This resembles the story we heard at the beginning of all this current madness --- that American Servicemen participating in the World Military Games in Wuhan, China, were injected with "vaccines" provided by Fort Detrick, and used as vectors to spread the "Wuhan Disease"---- only it wasn't the Wuhan Disease. It was, technically, the Fort Detrick Disease.
Additional facts related to Anthony Fauci's involvement and the use of the pre-prepped and already patented parent viruses (to guarantee that everyone got their share of the profits from this scheme) will be forthcoming in the days to come, and will rip the covers off the coffins.
This is not as outrageous as it might seem, when you consider that decades before all this, the British Territorial U.S. Army had distributed blankets purposefully infected with Smallpox to American Indians trapped on Reservations, and Lord Pirbright had similarly used Dutch Prisoners of War as the victims of heinous vaccination experiments at the world's first-ever concentration camps employed during the Boer War in Africa decades prior to the Spanish Flu.
The theory seems to be ---kill as many weakened members of the herd as possible, so that the remainder will not be burdened with them, and so that their assets can be claimed as abandoned property by the succeeding puppet governments in support of the occupation forces.
Ever wondered how the occupation of Europe was funded after WWI and WWII?
Those of us skeptical of the honesty of British sources (because in our experience, Brits are at the bottom of every dogpile) have even conjectured that this "kill the weak" policy resulted in mass genocide of concentration camp prisoners --- not by their starving German and Polish guards, but by their Liberators, who had the ammunition, equipment, means, and opportunity to create all those mass graves and blame the Nazis for it.
And here, right on time, the results are starting to be tabulated, with soaring new death and disability numbers coming from Europe's Vaccine Adverse Reaction database showing over 3.5 million vaccine injuries and going on 40,000 deaths:
Oh, and do you all remember when I told you that the insurance companies and vaccine manufacturers would blame the victims? They are refusing to pay insurance claims for people who were vaccinated. Lookee here:
And reports are pouring in that Big Oil and Big Defense Contractors are already having their "Human Resource" departments comb through the personnel records to identify those who received these experimental shots --- and plan to replace them "within three to five years".
Remember Lord Pirbright, mentioned above, a Rothschild toady who committed genocide and created the first-ever concentration camps and forced "medical" experiments during the Boer War? Well, fellas, guess what?
The Pirbright Institute named after this Ghoul also had a hand in the current mess. Yes, they funded research that resulted in patents directly related to this "outbreak" for their own financial benefit and for the benefit of their sister organization, the Wellcome Trust. And, then, they passed off the hot potato (the one with a crown) to their American Cousins, who further developed and patented coronavirus strains at Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (thanks to more "philanthropic" funding) which all ended up at Fort Detrick and the NIH and resulted in still more patents benefiting the Vermin ....and, finally, together with over 3 million taxpayer dollars in research funding provided by Dr. Anthony Fauci--- found its way to Wuhan, China, too.
Now, did this virulent "enhanced" germ escape from the lab in Wuhan, or was it delivered to Wuhan by our own servicemen who had been unknowingly injected with it? Probably both means were used, and all to the same ends: trying to make it look like the Chinese were to blame for the pandemic and all the economic upheaval and losses created by this opportunistic furor.
Meanwhile, the intended victim, China, has wised up --- and you will note that they don't use the experimental mRNA "vaccines" mandated by the Pope:
They simply continue to pay Francis 1.6 Billion per year (ever since 2014) as hush money to stay quiet about their persecution of Chinese Christians. See here:
Once again, if you dig deep enough, you find Brits.... monotonously, always, front-and-center, at the bottom of every dogpile.
One should also brace for the Chinese to nationalize all those investments made by western companies in China since 1971 and for China to continue to withdraw for a time into its borders, even as it strives to build new trade relationships with new partners in South America and Australia and Africa and India and Russia.
Remember what I told you about how our own Western Parasites have been in the process of killing their host (America) and moving on to greener pastures in China for the past fifty years, including an obvious intention to use the "million man surplus" army they created in China with their "one child" policy, to replace their cheap American mercenaries with even cheaper Chinese throw-aways?
The Chinese read the tea leaves. It means that they are stuck with the investment costs of 70 million new housing units, and the only way they can make up the deficit is by nationalizing western investment enterprises ---or spending the gold they have been at such pains to accumulate.
Go figure what you would do, in their shoes?
Let's see, these heinous abuses of people started with the Brits (British Territorial U.S. Smallpox blankets and Lord Pirbright and Boer War experiments and concentration camps) and continued with the Brits (Pirbright Institute and Wellcome Trust) and then continued with British Sympathizers (Harvard's Charles Lieber and the Fat Man from Chapel Hill) and then onward to British Territorial operatives at Fort Detrick.
All in succession, all neatly documented through the Patent Offices and incorporation records for the better part of a hundred years --- and most of it all connected by and through one organization operating in both Great Britain and America: The Pilgrims Society, and a long list of prominent Eugenicists.
So, you see, we have been to this rodeo before, and it is a uniquely British style rodeo, where the victims are blamed, and the toady elitist scumbags are rewarded, and the weak --- especially the young and the old of the "herd" are preyed upon by cowards wearing white coats and wielding needles.
See this article and over 3400 others on Anna's website here:
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Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) is NOT a Catholic so how can he be a Pope?
ReplyDeleteAt some point you will all know that the outfit in Rome that is impersonating the real Catholic Church founded by Christ when he walked this earth is NOT His Church but has been robbed by it's own unfaithful and fallen away hierarchy and is now a new and false religion. Even Anna is confused about this and thinks she is fighting the Catholic Church when in fact she is fighting a new and false religion known by true Catholics as the Novus Ordo, which has stolen the buildings, wealth, offices and temporal authority of Christ's true Church but can never exercise Christ's Spiritual Authority. One can not be the head of what one is not a member of. These men and their minions are anti-popes and false prophets to whom real Catholics owe no allegiance whatsoever, and who have thrown the "baby out with the bathwater" as it pertains to the Deposit of Faith Christ left us. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but Anna is dead wrong about the real history of Christ's true Church, and many who read this blog will be very surprised on Judgment day about where true Faith was found on this planet, and where it will be found until the end of time itself. Christ does not fight against Himself. He didn't found more than one religion. And the 33,800 religious sects in the world calling themselves "Christian" haven't got a leg to stand on because they all DO fight with each other About What To Believe in order to get to heaven.
I will not delete any of Anna's articles even though I have made it very plain that I don't agree with her view of what the Catholic Church is and where to find it.
I have stated many times that what is currently in control of the Vatican is NOT Catholic, and not Christian in any sense of the words. Does that mean I am supposed to suppress her articles. NO She is an author on this blog with an agreement that I will publish her opinions as she writes them. That doesn't mean I agree with all of those opinions. Read the blue print at the top of every page. People who comment are not authors of this blog. Your comments are public domain without copyright, and I have reserved the right to delete any comment for any reason and will continue to do so. If that is not to your liking you always have the right to not comment.
ReplyDeleteI am not obligated to put falsehood on any equal footing with the truth. It would be wrong to do so. There is only one God, and we don't become Gods on any equal footing with the real God, Father, Son And Holy Ghost in the next life, even though we are made in His image and likeness.
I may be obligated in other public places to tolerate the false beliefs of others for the sake of civility and Christian Charity, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with those false ideas, or place them on an equal footing with long known truth.
On Religious Toleration
When it comes to any theoretical toleration of dogma (what one must believe to get to heaven, or morals (what one must do to get to heaven) there can be no toleration of error (how God sees things) as that would imply a certain indifference towards the truth in principle. I can't go there, so stop trying to get me to "compromise" (com-promise) principles I know to be true from long experience and hundreds of hours of study.