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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

About David Straight Once and For All

 By Anna Von Reitz

David Straight is a U.S. Citizen. He is also an American State National. That's fine, if that's the status you want for yourself, too. You can do that.
If you do, you have a limited voice and choice about your own assets and your own country, and you remain a subject of the Queen. You can't own land here. You will have to pay all her taxes. And you will have to obey her laws.
Now that that is flatly stated and out in the open, you need to think about it.
Is that really the political status you want for yourself? Half-American and Half-Brit? Still subject to England?
Most of us said good-bye to that in 1776 and aren't going back.
So, if that is what you want, declare and publish your American State National status, but don't join the State Assembly, because you have conflicts of interest.
Anyone born in this country can reclaim their birthright political status and regain their Constitutional Guarantees and protections.
Even Federal Employees who are obligated to retain federal citizenship --- either as a British Territorial Citizen or as a Municipal citizen of the United States ---can drop one of those foreign citizenships and be counted as an American State National by declaring and publishing their American birthright.
Having done that, however, American State Nationals have another choice to make. Should you be a member of the State Assembly or not?
If you are a State National who is retaining British Territorial or Municipal citizenship, you won't be able to vote on issues where there is any conflict of interest between the State and Federal Government.
I openly recommend that Federal Employees who want to maintain their Federal citizenship and at the same time want to reclaim their Constitutional Guarantees as American State Nationals not join the State Assemblies.
This is because we are on a two-lane road. Americans are going north and U.S. Citizens are going south. Americans are free to stand under the Public Law. U.S. Citizens are forever obligated to the Queen's Territorial Government and it's laws.
We, the State Assemblies, can extend the protections of the Constitutions to Americans on our soil, but we can't protect them from the consequences of their voluntary foreign servitude and we don't want to waste time and energy arguing with them about their choices.
We advise them not to join State Assemblies until and unless they sever those foreign attachments.
So-- go in peace, David Straight, and everyone like him.

Live with the consequences of your bargains with foreign governments. Realize that you will never be free while you serve the Pope or the Queen or the Lord Mayor or any foreign power, whether you are an American or not.


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  1. i dont know what you mean how can you be a national, an American State National does not exist and is redundant, and a US citizen? they are polar opposites. what is the status you consider appropriate? Actually one of the People is enough but you are confusing the issues, in immigration law it saw a national but NOT a citizen of the United States.

  2. The question not addressed in this posting is: What connects DLS to being a U.S. Citizen? Is he active or a dependent in the military ? It is my understanding he is a rancher in Oregon who changed status to an American State National. Or is the only fact at issue, not joining an Assembly when you change status keeping him a U.S. Citizen? ANYONE ??

  3. David Straight corrected his political status and is not a US Citizen. If you examine the process, you will know that a State National is not a US Citizen. David is not subjected to the Queen or any corporate taxation. Unless you correct your political status, you will remain a US Citizen aka corporate slave and subjected to all their codes and statutes. Starting with the birth certificate the corporate is using the contracts US Citizens have signed all their lives as their jurisdiction. You are in their system via contracts, and you need to get out by cancelling all those unlawful contracts. Once you have cancelled the US Citizenship contracts you are now a free American as is your birth right. A free American is under no obligation to join any assembly to exercise his or hers God given rights as protected by the original Constitution of the United States. A free American is a State National.

    1. As far as I understand, and I am a novice, even though he corrected his status and is an American State National he may work for a company that works with the US corporation. So he can't become an American State Citizen, but can be an American State National. He has dual citizenship.

    2. Karen, definition of the word Citizen is a municipal slave. You don't change your political status by working for a company or corporation. You're either a free American or a Citizen slave. A State National is a Free American. Never check the box stating you're a US Citizen for your employment, credit cards or anything else. You can correct it to say you're an American or a State National.

    3. Straight is a dual citizen.

    4. Anna says David Straight is a dual citizen. So he either receives a salary or a pension from the Federal government. It also means he can’t hold office in the Assembly, and has to pay income tax. She also states that he can’t own land. Is she implying that dual citizens can’t claim a land patent?

  4. What if he needs to be a US citizen because of his job?

    1. As far as i can tell he doesn't have a "job".

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Help!!! I just got summons to jury duty and do not want to be because I have filed all neccessary paperwork that I should be exempt. How should I Convey this information to the court judge. Maybe a link or video to help me...thanks in advance

    1. This happened to my husband. When is your date?

    2. California has a form to fill out if one is asking to be excused from jury duty. I would check off the appropriate reason. The first reason listed is that I am not a U.S. citizen. You may need to go online if something like that was not included with your summons.

    3. You must wait until you are in front of the Judge and the Lawyers to get out of it; so you are going to have to be there one day. When the judge ask if there is any reason you cannot serve, tell the Judge you are a State National (not a US Citizen) and you only appear in a court of Equity.

  6. Can't an American State National be a US Citizen as a title,
    and not as an identity or political status?

  7. I serve the children of my community and stand in the void as a public school teacher against liberal brainwashing. I also choose to be a member of the American Assemblies. I will not abandon those I am protecting within this horrible educational system. I will not abandon my country either. I understand that I am limited for now but in time that will change. This is not a good message to send. The message should be for everyone to help achieve the same result. Help where and when you can to bring about the proper American government.

    1. I agree, I am in Washington and the "leader" of the assembly is using the position to advertise personal and private business for personal profit and not offering a clear and rational approach to organization or taking actual action of having washington jury pool for forming a state court jurisdiction to drag the State of Washington into court. I am from a similar legal background and family bloodline status as JA but because every organization is still taking the fight on the enemies territory, I've stayed quiet for a few years. I have the royal bloodline to pair with JA to end this entire world wide fiasco. I've approached Paul twice, messaged JA via text. When you are in a position like JA, you get years of crazy approaches so there has to be an acceptable level of filtering involved. I am a bloodline descendent of the House of Orange, the House of Rollo the Walker. If you have read God Kings of Europe, any of Ralph Ellis historical books, you will understand what I am attempting to say. I was born an not numbered at birth, taken to an Indian reservation in North Central Montana, then up into Canada until after the age of 5 before returning to the "US".

  8. Has anyone in this group as a state national stopped paying state and federal taxes ,and if so what if anything has came down onto you ,please reply thank you jim

    1. Yes. The IRS only sent a letter telling me they were confused and needed to to research. So...ALWAYS respond a refute them calling you a taxpayer. They always say "Dear Taxpayer" and you send back a letter restating your standing.

  9. I recognize this is yet just another attack on a rival leader and is gaining traction speaking publicly
    Did it to the Colorado group as a whole, the continental marshals under Bruce Afterthe gun toting gruff Marsha was cought skimming funds .
    The Texas Republic accused of racism by a questionable source .
    Her reputation is know as a Assembly wrecker that’s the original Michigan in other forums.

    1. Those Assemblies were not acting in their proper capacity. They were straddling jurisdictions. Why will you make no effort to understand that? You refuse to study and comprehend jurisdiction of Law and the capacity in which you function within each jurisdiction. So, suffer your own ignorance in silence and don't blame Anna for it. You can't wear two hats. If you want to live that way get your ass across the pond where you belong. The problem is not Anna Von Reitz. It's a lack of comprehension on your part. That's your fault. Not hers. You need to confront the fact that you really don't know what in hell you are talking about. Study and understand jurisdiction/capacity and the rest falls into place. Keep mucking about and you'll get your ass in serious "legal" trouble. You can't wear two hats and operate your State Assembly. It's that damn simple. You cannot have one foot on Land and the other in the Sea. Those "Assemblies" wrecked themselves by not doing their homework and maintaining their lane. It really is that simple. You cannot be acting in the capacity of a U.S. Citizen / citizen of the United States and operate your assembly. That is your failure to comprehend the subject matter. It's much easier to shoot the messenger. But you're really just shooting yourself in the foot.

    2. Bogus argument, they had settled there state already and mapped out the process!
      Once you make clear who you are the liers that seized power that’s obvious today or your all stupid or complicit probably both !

      unless its a smackdown from on high?

  10. As Sleepy Joe said you don’t have to be a Jew to be a zionest !
    They ignore the law when it convenient and conjure up endless charges when they want to terrorize a target we all know 100% of who’s seized power globally and the world is fighting back there is multiple ways to signal your status what the process employed is one of many .
    Saying one founding group is going to probably get charged with sedition is what scared ppl to run .
    The CIA created by the zionest CFR actually both are started by communist the CIA first director Bill Donovan could walk in Stalin’s office or Harry Hopkins so when you map it out it been communist
    That started all wars .
    Not the Lord Mayor not the pope not the queen who’s on first?

  11. At 4:00 minute mark + Ex SIS Employee exposes voice to skull frequency transmissions to control not only one targeted individual but large groups, and populations.
    Project Puppet Master - Operation Control Them All!;

  12. I would think a man can be a federal employee in his public capacity, when working, and a state national in their private capacity. Nothing wrong with that, as she said. However, I am going to ask David what job he has keeping him on the feds payroll.

  13. Anna says David Straight is a dual citizen. So he either receives a salary or a pension from the Federal government. It also means he can’t hold office in the Assembly, and has to pay income tax. She also states that he can’t own land. Is she implying that dual citizens can’t claim a land patent?

  14. Yes she Destry was a military agent poor guy works with his hands in a shop .
    Some Federal agent besides the military from time to time tries to do the right thing.
    Rescue ambassador Stevens rescue the USS.Liberty only to have neocon Presidents order ground planes and purge hundreds of good officers.
