By Anna Von Reitz
As bitter as it is to know what has happened to our country and our government, it is even worse to know what has happened to our churches --- and not just now, but long ago.
At the end of his ministry, we are given a picture of Jesus being anointed by a prostitute and telling his Disciples to eat his body and drink his blood --- the ritual annointing of Baal and the ritual cannibalism of Baal worship, to a "t".
Are you shocked? I know that I was.
As Christians, we are never taught anything about Baal worship and I think that most of us assumed that this was because it was both unnecessary and unwholesome, but, what if there was another reason?
What if, at the end of his career, the Beloved Rabbi was set upon by Baal Worshipers and "sacrificed" in their tradition? What if his body vanished, not because he was resurrected, but because he was eaten instead?
What if we have all been kept ignorant about Baal Worship, so we wouldn't be able to see the entire narrative of the final week of Jesus's life for what it says?
It says that he accepted being anointed by a prostitute --- Mary Magdalene. It says he instituted a new version of the Passover Seder, with him playing the Lamb, and encouraging his followers to eat the bread as his body, and drink the wine as his blood --- a symbolic act of cannibalism.
How strange is all of that? And how aligned with the worship of Baal, which had been established in Samaria and the Levant for thousands of years prior to Jesus?
Their priests are all annointed by Prostitutes.
They practice blood sacrifice and ritual cannibalism.
And even more to the point, where did this ancient religion go? It disappeared at the same time that Christianity became the State Religion of Rome.
It just vanished. Like the Trojan Hoard. Like Phoenicia. Like the Templars. Like the Dutch East India Company. Like what they are trying to pull off right now -- the Great Migration to China.
There is something important missing in the historical narrative -- just like the missing Peace Treaty ending the American Civil War. What happened to the dominant religion of the region where Jesus grew up? The religion of the Samaritans?
I'm sorry to be the Constant Bearer of Bad News, and I trust that you won't blame me --- much, but after I learned what I learned about the government, I also had to look at religion, and what I found was very unsettling at best.
All the teachings of Jesus run true, right up to the very end, and then, something happens. Something that doesn't make sense. Something that doesn't ring true. My Shinola Sensor sounds off. My burgeoning knowledge of ancient religions gives a quiver. The narrative of the Passion Week dovetails too neatly with Baal Worship.
And then, hidden in plain sight, I saw The Apostle's Creed, which is clearly an Oath, and my own drinking of Communion wine as a Blood Oath ---- not my intention, surely, but actually and factually, any outside observer of the practice would be justified in thinking of it as such, and claiming as much.
So what's the truth? The objective truth is that every Christian who has ever recited The Apostles' Creed and taken Communion has sworn a Blood Oath and drunk "blood" --- Communion wine, over it.
You can't avoid the facts of what you have done. You can't deny the connection to Baal Worship once you know what that entails. You can't "unknow" it, once you know.
But you can correct it and you can stand up for your own intentions, as I did in my Letter to Cardinal George.
So up until this moment, you have been toddling along in good faith, doing what the Church told you to do, looking neither right nor left, and never once thinking that in taking Communion and repeating The Apostle's Creed, you were taking a Blood Oath.
Even though you have been.
Not only that, but the churches are no longer defining themselves as fellowships of people. They are defining themselves as corporations, instead. Just another kind of business.
I have left the Lutheran Church and I have published my objections.
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Hello Paul,
ReplyDeleteIn your direction on responding to a blog post is says to click on the article name and then scroll to the bottom and click in the box. I clicked in every box that was at the bottom of the article and the page, and nothing allowed me to type... I hope you don't mind that I email you and maybe you can copy and paste into the blog if possible. Here is my comment:
I am really puzzled by your interpretation of the last supper. This beautiful sign and seal is described in this way.
First that his body was offered, and broken on the cross for us, and His blood shed for us, as certainly as I see with my eyes the bread of the Lord broken for me and the cup communicated to me; and further, that, with His crucified body and shed blood He Himself feeds and nourishes my soul to everlasting life as certainly as I receive from the hand of the minister, and taste with my mouth, the bread and cup of the Lord which are given me as certain tokens of the body and blood of Christ.
Also, as you know, the bread and wine do not literally become the real body and blood of Christ. Like as with bread and wine they sustain this temporal life, so also His crucified body and shed blood are the true meat and drink of our souls unto life eternal; but much more, by this visible sign and pledged to assure us, that we are as really partakers of His true body and blood, through the working of the Holy Spirit, as we receive by the mouth of the body these holy tokens in remembrance of Him; and that all His sufferings and obedience are as certainly our own, as if we had ourselves suffered and done all in our own person.
Jesus' use of 'eat my body and drink my blood' are metaphors. Just like he says: I am the door, I am the bread of life, I am the living water, I am the true vine.
You actually have the whole scenario backwards. We are not pledging or giving an oath as you said, He is pledging to us! He is pledging to forgive us of our sins and give us eternal life. If Jesus has commanded us to partake in the Lord's Supper, how can it be Baal worship?
Anna, please rethink what you have said as many people look up to you. Your interpretation is inaccurate. The Lord's supper is commanded by Jesus and is one of the two sacraments, the other being baptism. There is one religion that does believe that Lord supper really turns into the body and blood of Christ and that is the Roman Catholic Religion. The Mass teaches that the living and the dead do not have forgiveness of sins through the sufferings of Christ, unless Christ is still daily offered for them by the priests; and that Christ is bodily under the form of bread and wine, and is therefore to be worshiped in them. And thus the Mass at bottom is nothing else than a denial of the one sacrifice and passion of Jesus Christ, and an accursed idolatry. I am not a part of the religion. Most Christian religions do not hold to this belief.
I pray that God will give you clarity on this sacrament.
Jeannette Oliver
Sacrifice of the Mass
The Last Supper
ReplyDeleteOnce again there is serious misunderstanding of the what this is.
Communion is commanded by Christ Himself in several places in the Bible.
From Mathew 26 v 26--
And whilst they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke: and gave to his disciples, and said: Take ye, and eat. This is my body. [27] And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of this. [28] For this is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins.
"This is my body": He does not say, This is the figure of my body, but This is my body. (2 Council of Nice, Act. 6.) Neither does he say in this, or with this is my body; but absolutely, This is my body: which plainly implies transubstantiation.
"Blood of the new testament": As the old testament was dedicated with the blood of victims, by Moses, in these words: This is the blood of the testament, etc., Heb. 9. 20; so here is the dedication and institution of the new testament, in the blood of Christ, here mystically shed by these words: This is the blood of the new testament, etc.
From 1 Corinthians 26---
[26] "For as often as you shall eat this bread, and drink the chalice, you shall shew the death of the Lord, until he come. [27] Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. [28] But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice. [29] For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord."
[27] "Or drink": Here erroneous translators corrupted the text, by putting "and drink" (contrary to the original) instead of "or drink".
[27] "Guilty of the body": not discerning the body. This demonstrates the real presence of the body and blood of Christ, even to the unworthy communicant; who otherwise could not be guilty of the body and blood of Christ, or justly condemned for not discerning the Lord's body.
[28] "Drink of the chalice": This is not said by way of command, but by way of allowance, viz., where and when it is agreeable to the practice and discipline of the church.
So YES it is really the body and blood of Jesus you receive in Holy Communion but under the appearance of bread and wine. Real Christians have believed this for over 20 Centuries.
Paul, Anna VonReitz is way off the mark with this post. Jesus prophesied about his death as being “lifted up” as the snake was by Moses. The institution of what we refer to as “The Lord’s Supper” had absolutely nothing to do was the worship of Baal but was rather a fulfillment of the Passover sacrifice before the Israelites left Egypt. It concerns me that you would post such an absurd and frankly blasphemous position that Jesus, who was tempted unsuccessfully by the devil, in person, would somehow have been deceived or willingly given himself to the plans and purposes of the same devil he was able to rebuff by quoting scripture. Sadly, unsubstantiated ramblings like this one call into question all of the other positions advocated by Anna. If there is lack of spiritual discernment on such an important aspect of the life of Christ, it makes me wonder how Anna refers to herself as a Christian. I will be carefully observing future posts to see if this gross misinterpretation of scripture was an anomaly or a trend. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI can't figure out how to post comments so I hope you will post this per Anna's 1/4/22 post.
Here is what I am responding too:
At the end of his ministry, we are given a picture of Jesus being anointed by a prostitute and telling his Disciples to eat his body and drink his blood --- the ritual annointing of Baal and the ritual cannibalism of Baal worship, to a "t".
Are you shocked? I know that I was.
As Christians, we are never taught anything about Baal worship and I think that most of us assumed that this was because it was both unnecessary and unwholesome, but, what if there was another reason?
What if, at the end of his career, the Beloved Rabbi was set upon by Baal Worshipers and "sacrificed" in their tradition? What if his body vanished, not because he was resurrected, but because he was eaten instead?
What if we have all been kept ignorant about Baal Worship, so we wouldn't be able to see the entire narrative of the final week of Jesus's life for what it says?
It says that he accepted being anointed by a prostitute --- Mary Magdalene. It says he instituted a new version of the Passover Seder, with him playing the Lamb, and encouraging his followers to eat the bread as his body, and drink the wine as his blood --- a symbolic act of cannibalism.
First of all, Mary Madaline was no longer a "prostitute" when she poured precious oil on his feet and wiped them with her hair. She was forgiven her sins and had been one of Jesus' followers (as are we, when we are forgiven).
Secondly, I believe you have put the cart before the horse with your Baal Worship analogy. Baal is one of the names for Satan who is God's enemy and was a fallen angel of light who took a third of the angels with him. Ever since he has continued to set himself up as God. Baal worship was one of his counterfeit ways along with his m.o. of "robbing, stealing and destroying" everything God does. So when Jesus had the last supper and died as the lamb of God for our sins, twisting this into cannibalism and Baal worship is atrocious. I think a misunderstanding of the whole history of mankind being pursued by Satan to doubt God and His Word and our Savior puts the horse in front of the cart. Whatever God does, Satan counterfeits and tries to usurp God on all levels. He wins when Christians don't know the voice of their Shepherd and follow their own thoughts or his.
Last but not least, please reconsider what you have said as you are so smart and have put so many puzzle pieces together regarding history. A study of Cain and Abel and what seed they came from may uncover how clever Satan has been to deceive even the elect.