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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Choose Your Door

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have Door Number One, Door Number Two, Door Number Three.....
There are two Federal Citizenships currently available, and they are Territorial Citizenship and Municipal citizenships. These are foreign citizenships and they always have been, ever since the Federal Constitutions have been adopted.
There once was (prior to 1860) and potentially still is ---a third kind of Federal Citizenship possible, but until the Reconstruction is finished and the Federal Republic restored, there are only the two kinds of Federal citizenship described herein.
There is one American Citizenship available ---- American State Citizenship. This is the political status that is natural to us, and which we have declared and recorded as Persons owed every jot of every Constitutional Guarantee.
So, which one are you?
If you are a Territorial Citizen, known as a U.S. Citizen, you are subject to Territorial Law and you need to join your District Assembly. This includes all members of the U.S. Military and their dependents, until such time as they resign their commissions and officially return home to civilian life.
If you are a Municipal citizen of the United States, you are subject to Municipal Law, and you need to join your Municipal District Assembly. This includes all members of the Federal Civil Service and their dependents.
If you are a plain old American with no ties to the Federal Government, you need to join your State Assembly. Go to: and get a-going.
It's really that simple. Know who you are, and act accordingly, but....

Be prepared: our American Assemblies don't operate as corporations and they don't have a "Top Down" structure with a CEO at the top of a pyramid. American State Assemblies operate using a Multiple Committee Structure to get things done, and the Assembly Chairman is a Spokesperson, not a CEO.


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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