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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Focus for Assemblies

 By Anna Von Reitz

When new people come into Assemblies, they don't know what to think or expect. Most of them are scared or angry, and think that they are doing something unusual or suspect or dangerous.
So the first job is to reassure them that what we are doing is perfectly lawful and peaceful, not dangerous or questionable in the least. Then, interview them, find out who they are and where they are coming from, and given their situation --- answer the question of whether they should be in the State Assembly, the Territorial District Assembly, or the Municipal District Assembly.
A lot of trouble is being caused because Coordinators and Assembly Members are not doing this Entry Interview and making a determination about the people in front of them. Where do they belong? Are they Territorial folk? They belong in the District Assembly. Municipal Employees? They belong in the Municipal District Assembly. They may also be State Nationals and may need to record their American identity, but at the end of the day, they have commitments and concerns that are foreign and which are not part of the business of our State Assemblies.
This is nothing against them, no value judgement, just the Facts Ma'am. Some Americans choose to live their lives as U.S. Citizens or even as citizens of the United States, and given those choices, they need to be in the correct Assembly.
A second issue to sort out up front is--- are these people currently having some trouble with the Federales or their federated State of State bureaucracy? If so, you want to make it clear that joining an Assembly is not a Magic Bullet for resolving pre-existing legal issues.
You will want to get these Newbies up to speed and working on their own cases, filling out the Criminal Incident Report and taking other appropriate action on their own behalf without sopping up huge amounts of Assembly time with their personal problems.
Remember that the Assembly is a public body, not a private club.
This is not a place for you to come and regale therapy sessions about your trials and woes. The primary job of the Assembly is to get organized as a government for your State of the Union. It isn't a Battered Americans Support Group.
Give every Newcomer a copy of the charts we are producing, especially the Assembly Process Chart so they get the clear message that this is a process and it is an orderly, known process with rules and steps.
Give every Newcomer a copy of the Orientation to start their education and realization and thinking process and aim it in the right direction. We have to literally teach people what self-governance is and how to do it, which requires developing skills most of them don't have and have never even thought about.
Don't let new people come into your Assembly and commandeer it with their "ideas" about how things should be and how things should be run. Nationality is a birthright. Assembly membership is a choice. If they want to join, fine. Put them to work, but also set boundaries.
While we cannot deprive people of their birthright, we can and must throw disruptive people out of meetings and refuse to let them interfere with getting the work done. Participation in Assemblies is predicated on being polite and productive members of the community--- troublemakers and anarchists and the me-me-me people need to be disciplined, educated, and if need be, shown the door.
Toward the goal of having calm, productive meetings --- establish an Agenda process and publish an Agenda before meetings. Adopt Rules of Order, so that people know how to act and what to expect and everyone is treated fairly but firmly.
Spending three hours of everyone's precious time listening to someone's personal problems at an Assembly Meeting is not an option. Putting up with "Angry Bulls" who just want to roar and fight, is not an option. Dealing with gossip and slander and complainers and time-wasters is not an option.
The Assemblies are business organizations engaged in very serious and important business. We have to "set the tone" for new members and establish the group values, so that the group as a whole disciplines people to be polite, logical, business-like, and mature.
The moment anyone starts acting like a Seventh Grader and gossiping and being paranoid, it's up to the whole group to let that person know that that behavior pattern is not appropriate, not productive, not appreciated, and won't be tolerated. Shun gossip and fear-mongering and it will disappear.
The primary job of the Assembly is to get fully populated and organized and cleared for action. Get your own courts restored and functioning so that these foreign courts no longer have any excuse for addressing any of us. That way, you solve the actual problem for everyone concerned and don't waste time and money and energy fighting individual "brush fires".
We have had repeated problems with people not understanding what the actual Mission is. Someone comes in with a compelling complaint and drags the Assembly into the middle of their fight with the Federales --- which simply bleeds the Assembly dry and steals time and effort and money away from restoring our own court system and solving the problem for everyone on a permanent basis.
It may seem cruel. It may seem hard. It may seem like we aren't doing enough to protect individuals, etc., etc., etc., but the bottom line is that we have work to get done --- and for the sake of everyone in our State and everyone in our country, the more focused we are on getting the actual work of the Assembly organization completed, the better off everyone in this country is going to be.
We cannot afford to spend our limited time and money and volunteer base fighting individual court cases for people. Cannot. That will bleed the Assemblies dry and expose them to attack long before they can function as they are meant to function and do the things that will protect everyone in the entire State.
Restore your own courts and you put an end to all the brush fires and harassment for everyone. Keep your focus tight and get the actual job done and do not allow distractions or detractors to push you off course. Be like a fleet of tug boats, steering a steady course.

We have just published a new chart in Anna's Charts showing the Assembly Process in the Big Picture, Step by Step View, so that everyone can see at a glance what the overall plan and mission is, can assess where your Assembly is in that process, and can make speed to get the work done.


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. our lawful judicial system restored ,the army of the banksters ,the bar as David Straight calls them need to be Milligan vs expartia 1863 set when common law courts are returned.

  2. How about video recording a well organized and orderly Assembly meeting and using it as a teaching tool? It could be a real meeting or even a staged one. Either way it would show people how to behave in these meetings, it would show people how things need to proceed, how order and efficiency is maintained etc.

    Other videos could be made of Assembly members (coordinators, staff) performing various tasks, especially where it involves dealing with people. Again it could be real or staged, as long as it demonstrates proper technique and conduct to those who have never done such things.

    Heck who knows, maybe such educational videos already exist. Maybe some of the internet quarterbacks reading this can pick up the ball and do a little searching to see what's available out there.

    1. Yeah, unfortunately a lot of adults dont conduct themselves as adults. They act like children and just want to fight, argue and yell. If you can't be respectful then why should you be respected. Treat others in the manor you wish to be treated. A lot of people dont get that. A lot of them enjoy arguing and funding fault. If your not part of the solution then your part of the problem.

  3. We are better at learning what we 'see' others do than we are at learning what we are 'told' to do because it easier for us to watch and learn than it is to listen and learn.

    1. You will be totally lost if you have not studied, in depth, our Assembly documents and individual responsibilities before any such classes. It usually becomes the member whose idea it is to spearhead an idea to chair the project. However the idea has probably surfaced in all the Assemblies, I know a few of us have visited it and it would be given a good hard look. People are working feverishly to organize courts. Takes time, people and resources.

  4. All assembly meetings might be recorded and made available for education and transparency.?

  5. Enlisting the help from "retired" judges, attorneys, bailiffs, etc ??


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