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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Courts Are Ruling in Favor of Trump in Election Lawsuits

A careful analysis of 81 lawsuits related to election fraud have been filed. Of those that have been ruled upon, President Trump has won two-thirds of them.  

An extensive report issued by John Droz and his team of fellow scientists and engineers is being totally ignored by the mainstream media. Instead, the media narrative is this: “There was no election fraud because the courts have said so.” 

Wrong on both counts, according to Droz’s analysis. Said Droz

To counter the later part of that false narrative, a team of independent volunteer (unpaid) scientists and engineers recently put together a list of lawsuits involving the 2020 Presidential election. In it we identified the issues at stake, how each case was treated by the courts, what evidence was objectively analyzed, who won and lost, etc…. 

We tried to walk a narrow line of not only having a comprehensive list, but also information easy enough for the public to understand. (For example, since none of us are attorneys, we consciously tried to avoid unnecessary legal jargon.)

To further assist in the understanding of this important list, we simplified 20+ pages of filings and decisions on each case into a one or two sentence summary…. 

Lastly, we passed this list by over a dozen lawyers involved with election-related lawsuits. The typical response we received was “Excellent!”. 

Read the entire article here: 

1 comment:

  1. But why are we even talking about this?

    1. Anna said these are corporate elections.
    2. In 2016, Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton yet he was elected as President, because the "Electoral Votes" selected him to be the President. Meaning, the voting by people does not, and has never mattered.
    3. 2020, the Masters up above have decided not to select Donald Trump again for their corporation. What's so hard to understand about this? Fraud or no fraud, it doesn't matter, as the Electoral college decides who is President of the Corporation, not the popular vote.


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