Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Anna Von Reitz Capstone Overview of National Econoomic & Legal Reset

 Robert David Steele #UNRIG


  1. Thank you Anna, I'm in the process of helping my family get our birth right back! This will help everybody to understand what I've been trying to tell them.

  2. Thanks Anna very well said!

  3. The Sheriff in my county is an absolute traitor! I've shared this nutshell wealth of information of an explanation with family. ty so very much both of you and Paul. :) tc

  4. Thank you, I am in the process of getting my papers recorded. I have been in contact with my state coordinator. I am still trying to understane the what paper work I need to do for my car and my house and IRS. Are these things addressed with the recording of my political status? Or is this additional forms that will need to be recorded?

  5. If I am living on a couple union pensions and social security, will becoming an American on the land queerbait my retirement funds? This seems like an issue of greed, but I LOVE to eat and I do it every day.

    1. Another question, Anna. Are children born in the this republic that was restored after the U.S.A. Inc. was dissolved a year and a half ago, Americans on the land and soil or are they still being fraudulently becoming subjects of the crown? Also. The crown must have made at least Some money by trading my corporate name. Is there any way to easily recover some of it? I have zero holdings in land and maybe 50k in other stuff that is being used as if it were mine. If I only regain the right to own stuff that I don't own, is there any other benefit?

    2. Anyone with a Birth Certificate is a victim of the Beast system.

  6. Anna, Christopher James “A Warrior Calls” speaks very highly of you, like myself, he’s a good judge of character and he’s doing some very exciting work on bringing down the system! He’s using their own Legalese to bring themselves down! These are exciting times we’re living in.

  7. How does making the correction on the record that I am an American affect all my contracts such as mortgage, loans , investment vehicles made under false pretense by the Corporations involved ? What sources , resources are then available to choose to work with that are lawful according to the law on the land jurisdiction such as mortgages , investing , banking and investing vehicles ? What happens to my interest in the property I have mortgaged and the banking services I now have been using ? What more do I have be for warned about having deal with to put my financial house in order to be sovereign by the law on the land ? ... and TY Anna for all your information and efforts ! ...Godspeed !

  8. Greetings Divine Earthly Mortals,

    Anna has the land, soil, sea and air jurisdiction understanding down without a doubt (great for humanity)!!! But what Anna, The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic and the globalists and rest of humanity absolutely fail to understand, comprehend and implement (mental blind spot) is divine lawful jurisdiction standing!!! Divine lawful jurisdiction standing absolutely supersedes all Earthly land, soil, sea and air lawful jurisdiction standings, period!!!

    Robert David Steele is one hundred percent clueless just the same as Anna, The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic and the globalists and rest of humanity concerning divine lawful jurisdiction standing (crimes [sin] against original divine creation) and that is absolutely the only reason for the planned divine planetary extermination of the globalists and rest of humanity as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035 (The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic, the globalists and rest of humanity absolutely do not currently have divine lawful jurisdiction standing)!!! I am only one of the few on Earth that comprehend and specializes in divine lawful jurisdiction standing!!!

    I personally and strongly advise Anna, The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic and the globalists and rest of humanity to let me personally guide them to divine lawful jurisdiction standing before the planned divine planetary extermination as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035!!! As soon as I have my personal funding available within 6 months from now our divine Father's (Yahweh) divine lawful jurisdiction standing will absolutely be established on Earth (Paradise/Heaven on Earth by January 1, 2025 to avoid the planned divine planetary extermination of the globalists and rest of humanity)!!! I have personally established the divine commerce global network to facilitate and expeditiously establish Paradise/Heaven on Earth before January 1, 2025 to absolutely avoid the planned divine planetary extermination of the globalists and rest of humanity!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!

    Sincerely by,

    Divine-Earth-Citizen (c)*
    Divine-Earth-Agent (c)*
    Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Creation (c)*
    Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Humanity (c)*
    Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Peace (c)*
    Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents (c)*
    Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs (c)*
    Divine-Earth-Military-General-of-Military-Generals (c)*
    Divine-Earth-Director-of-Paradise/Heaven/Peace-On-Earth (c)*
    Divine-Earth-Director-of-Divine-Jurisdiction (c)*

    *Exclusive copyright by the owner of "Make it happen", February 10, 2021.

    1. Dear Make it Happen... Good people who get a glimpse for themselves of God's grandeur and benevolence, love toward His children and His Creation are sometimes blessed with extraordinary views of how marvelous a Plan God has created. God's work has been dispensed through chosen prophets over millennia since Adam and Eve, Adam being the first man and who was chosen by God as a prophet and who was given the full plan of God with priesthood authority to minister the gospel with its principles and doctrines and ordinances for God's children.

      This pattern is the means by which God governs and reveals Himself and His work to His children. Enoch, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Isaiah were each called as prophets by God. Considerable study of His word is needed to see this pattern in the prophetic lives of each of prophets during the subsequent dispensations of God's laws and ordinances to His children.

      Indeed there are and perhaps always will be many kingdoms and many degrees of light and understanding of God's laws and how to minister them. To each of these kingdoms is given a law and a degree of glory. The highest kingdom is likened to the Sun, the next to the Moon and the least exalted kingdom is likened the Stars in relative degree of exaltation or glory. Each one is glorified by the degree to which those inhabiting each kingdom conform themselves to God's Will, obey his law and live or abide His eternal order. This is the principle by which God governs the Universe in such an eternal order. We mortals are just passing through a short probation to demonstrate to ourselves. God already knows who we are better that we know ourselves, and knows by what principle of intelligence we will choose to abide, but is for us to discover in our probation of mortality. In the final judgment how we exercised faith and diligence in seeking to know and to serve God determines the level of glory we will inherit.

      Your zeal to be leader may be commendable - or also may be a cause for concern, depending on whether your zealousness is seeking to glorify God or to glorify yourself. Unless you have been called of God, your zealousness to be he leader of a kingdom on earth is without the requisite authority from God to do so.

      Your posts seem to show you think you are qualified to be the key person in a multi layered kingdom of God on earth, but you say nothing of your claimed authority and its source.

      Do you claim to be a prophet? By what means have you come to think of yourself as an authority to speak for God? If you cannot establish your authority as one who in fact is called of God, as was Moses, Abraham, etc. it might be well to do some more careful study of the way God establishes His kingdom on earth.

      Neither Adam, Moses, nor Abraham asked God to be His prophet, each was chosen after showing over decades his good works and faithfulness to God's teachings. It is not man who chooses to become a prophet, but God who looks upon the heart of man and chooses His prophet.

    2. Most rightly put Joel. May I add no Prophet ever needed "personal funding" from this FRAUDULENT ESTABLISHMENT to do our Divine Creator's work.

    3. yes, our sin numbers are used to create LLB businesses, registered in Netherlands

    4. Most rightly put Joel. May I add no Prophet ever needed "personal funding" from this FRAUDULENT ESTABLISHMENT to do our Divine Creator's work.

    5. Joel, I like the way you detailed your explanation. No doubt, since we ARE and WERE created for God's, above all else we certainly should be striving to please Him. :) Amen?

    6. Most rightly put Joel. May I add no Prophet ever needed "personal funding" from this FRAUDULENT ESTABLISHMENT to do our Divine Creator's work.

    7. Greetings Joel,

      Thanks for your inquiry response!!!

      You said "Dear Make it Happen... Good people who get a glimpse for themselves of God's grandeur and benevolence, love toward His children and His Creation are sometimes blessed with extraordinary views of how marvelous a Plan God has created. God's work has been dispensed through chosen prophets over millennia since Adam and Eve, Adam being the first man and who was chosen by God as a prophet and who was given the full plan of God with priesthood authority to minister the gospel with its principles and doctrines and ordinances for God's children."!!! I have personally been fortunate enough to be able to know and see that grandeur and benevolence of our divine Father (Yahweh) but also the side of divine lawful jurisdiction standing ("Law-of-Divinity [c]" besides "The Divine 10 Commandments (c)") from decades of divinity research!!!

      You said "This pattern is the means by which God governs and reveals Himself and His work to His children. Enoch, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Isaiah were each called as prophets by God."!!! Our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven explicitly said "You seek me you will find Me" and I personally seeked Him and found Him (you get what you focus on [law of attraction] like Anna said and I was laser focused to seek Him, actions speak louder than words)!!!

      You said "Considerable study of His word is needed to see this pattern in the prophetic lives of each of prophets during the subsequent dispensations of God's laws and ordinances to His children."!!! I have spent over 25,000 plus hours of divinity research over decades and still counting, over one million dollars for self-education (equivalent to 15 PHDs) and still counting and over 10,000 books and still counting (I believe that would give me an acquired absolute mortal authority to serve absolute divine authority, you can not do what you do not know but you may know to do [homework never ends just like wisdom never ends])

      You said "Indeed there are and perhaps always will be many kingdoms and many degrees of light and understanding of God's laws and how to minister them. To each of these kingdoms is given a law and a degree of glory. The highest kingdom is likened to the Sun, the next to the Moon and the least exalted kingdom is likened the Stars in relative degree of exaltation or glory. Each one is glorified by the degree to which those inhabiting each kingdom conform themselves to God's Will, obey his law and live or abide His eternal order. This is the principle by which God governs the Universe in such an eternal order."!!! Unfortunately everything on Earth is absolutely out of divine lawful jurisdiction standing order hence the planned divine planetary extermination of the globalists and rest of humanity as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035 unless The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic, the globalists and rest of humanity absolutely put Earth back into "Original-Divine-Lawful-Jurisdiction-Order (c)" before January 1, 2025!!!

      Continued in following post (too many characters)

    8. Continued from previous post:

      You said "We mortals are just passing through a short probation to demonstrate to ourselves. God already knows who we are better that we know ourselves, and knows by what principle of intelligence we will choose to abide, but is for us to discover in our probation of mortality. In the final judgment how we exercised faith and diligence in seeking to know and to serve God determines the level of glory we will inherit."!!! You may be just passing through Earth as a mortal but absolutely not for me personally!!! I personally have a mortal and divine duty, obligation, mandate and command directly from our divine Father's (Yahweh) explicit orders to reestablish His Paradise/Heaven on Earth absolutely before January 1, 2025 to avoid the planned divine planetary extermination of the globalist and rest of humanity!!!

      You said "Your zeal to be leader may be commendable - or also may be a cause for concern, depending on whether your zealousness is seeking to glorify God or to glorify yourself. Unless you have been called of God, your zealousness to be he leader of a kingdom on earth is without the requisite authority from God to do so."!!! I am personally in the same circumstances of divine fate you are in with the globalists and rest of humanity of the planned divine planetary extermination as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035!!! I just happened to be the only mortal that knows personally of the globalists' and rest of humanity's divine fate of the planned divine planetary extermination and also with the ability to counter it (I personally could not locate another mortal on Earth with the knowledge and ability to counter the planned divine planetary extermination of the globalists and rest of humanity and that is why I ask any Earthly mortal that have the solutions to step forward and disclose it to The Assembly and I)!!! Our divine Father (Yahweh) logically deserves all the glory due to the fact that only He may call off the planned divine planetary extermination against the globalists and rest of humanity!!! This is absolutely not about me personally receiving requisite authority from our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven but absolutely taking personal responsibility and accountability towards myself, our divine Father's (Yahweh) original creation, the globalists and rest of humanity to avoid the planned divine planetary extermination as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035!!!

      Continued in following post (too many characters):

    9. Make it happenFebruary 11, 2021 at 5:06 PM

      Continued from previous post:

      You said "Your posts seem to show you think you are qualified to be the key person in a multi layered kingdom of God on earth, but you say nothing of your claimed authority and its source."!!! My mortal and divine knowledge (intelligence, awareness, research) and ability (resources, creativity) is what qualifies me personally to be the key mortal and divine authoritarian person in a multi layered kingdom of our divine Father (Yahweh) on Earth!!! You are very observant with my claim of mortal and divine power and authority!!! Mortal and divine logic says that if a mortal person on Earth has the knowledge (intelligence, awareness, research, resources) and ability (absolutely disseminating the correct mortal and divine lawful course of action from the globalists and rest of humanity) to stop the planned divine planetary extermination as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035 automatically by default becomes the supreme authority and leader, period (if you personally knew what I personally know now and have the same ability as I personally have now you personally would be that supreme mortal and divine authority and power, it just happens to be me personally because I saw this coming many decades ago which I prepared for this moment ["Be Prepared", someone has to be that person on Earth to save ourselves from the planned divine planetary extermination of the globalists and rest of humanity, it does not matter who in particular it is as long as it is even just one mortal on Earth])!!!

      You said "Do you claim to be a prophet?"!!! I personally do not claim to be a prophet but that does not mean that I can not have the same essence and quality of a divine prophet and that goes for you, the globalists and rest of humanity!!! And I personally absolutely do not need to be a divine prophet (does it matter that only the divine prophets reestablish Paradise/Heaven on Earth or will it suffice if a mortal like myself personally reestablish Paradise/Heaven on Earth???) to achieve our divine Father's (Yahweh) Paradise/Heaven on Earth, just a unbreakable mortal and divine will (what the mortal mind can conceive it can divinely achieve)!!!

      You said "By what means have you come to think of yourself as an authority to speak for God?!!! I personally have proper divine channels for decades that I participate in and given divine intelligence (just like The Assembly channel giving me mortal intelligence about the globalists) to disseminate to the globalists and rest of humanity of their own planned divine planetary extermination as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035!!!

      You said "If you cannot establish your authority as one who in fact is called of God, as was Moses, Abraham, etc. it might be well to do some more careful study of the way God establishes His kingdom on earth."!!! I have personally acquired the "Divine/Mortal-Blueprint (c)" to reestablish our divine Father's (Yahweh) Paradise/Heaven on Earth before January 1, 2025 to avoid the planned divine planetary extermination of the globalists and rest of humanity!!!

      Continued in following post (too many characters):

    10. Continued from previous post:

      You said "Neither Adam, Moses, nor Abraham asked God to be His prophet, each was chosen after showing over decades his good works and faithfulness to God's teachings. It is not man who chooses to become a prophet, but God who looks upon the heart of man and chooses His prophet." Actually I was offered to become a prophet (guide) about a decade ago from my personal divine channels and I turned them down because they did not personally know how to relate to Earthly mortals to get their demands met of Paradise/Heaven on Earth (you get other mortals more motivated with honey than you do with vinegar [how does it benefit {honey} me??? instead of how does it hurt {vinegar} me???]) and that is why I am personally on this forum and others to get divinity, The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic, the globalists and rest of humanity on the same divine/mortal page to truly reset for Paradise/Heaven on Earth that benefits divinity, the globalists and rest of humanity at the same time (win-win-win situation) instead of being under the divine planned planetary extermination of the globalists and rest of humanity!!!

      I hope I have thoroughly answered your questions and removed all doubts in your mind. The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic, the globalists and rest of humanity who I truly am, not what any Earthly mortal "thinks" who I am!!! If you have any more questions please let me know personally!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!

      Sincerely by,

      Divine-Earth-Citizen (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Agent (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Creation (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Humanity (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Peace (c)*
      Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Military-General-of-Military-Generals (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Director-of-Paradise/Heaven/Peace-On-Earth (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Director-of-Divine-Jurisdiction (c)*

      *Exclusive copyright by the owner of "Make it happen", February 11, 2021

  9. Where do nationals from other countries record their land status?

    1. If you are Canadian you can start by taking a look at this web page.

      The author of the site, Christopher James has been to hell and back with the Canadian courts over matters of jurisdiction, so he has learned the hard way, and is winning. I value his expertise in these matters.

      Anna claims Canadians can do it through her system, but I have some apprehensions about this, since Canada operates under a totally different system of abuse than the USA. I'm not aware that Anna's system has survived real challenges in the Canadian courts, which are as corrupt as the American courts. There may also be issues given the fact that Canada is part of the Commonwealth. And since fees are involved, why should Canadian dollars have to be paid out south of the border. There is wisdom in shopping local.

      I urge you to carefully consider the responsibilities and liabilities you will be undertaking, and also to count the cost. What have you to gain by changing your jurisdiction at this time? Some proponents paint this change of jurisdiction as only positive, productive and good. Experience shows that this is but one side of an ugly two sided coin.

      Above all you need to answer this vital question. Who will help you if you end up in serious trouble with evil persons who have a very real ability to hurt or destroy you?

      Caveat Emptor!

    2. TBG - we are enormous grateful to Christopher James too! We are studying his info with great interest, his videos are excellent. We are using his 3 requirements for the gov-thugs & BAR-thugs:
      Who claims one’s property?
      Who can administer property without right?
      Produce the obligation [contract] upon which the claim is relied.
      Thanks & stay sane

    3. Canadianlu - You may be looking for this: Land Recording Services
      Hope this helps.

    4. TBG - oh really... why? Whats up with it? Haven't tried it yet. Should I? Is it legit? I'd like to know who is running it. So what causes lack of confidence? Any hint or tip would help. Gosh. Its so hard to get info since ASN's can't reach one another.
      thanks & stay sane

    5. Wink Wink, I cannot the credit for this because Shelby put it up on this page for people to take a look's I'm checking it now but I thought you might find it interesting...I'm saying this with all good intention...

    6. ...It was supposed to say, 'I cannot TAKE the credit,' but for some reason when I type a comment in this Forum so to speak, often it does not include every word I type...

  10. Дорогая Анна, благодарю вас, потому, что благодаря вам, я поняла, что все, о чем вы рассказываете, ВСЕ, созвучно с моей страной - Россией. Радости в осознании к нашим успехам!

    1. Elena, kindly go to and then type in the Search bar, the word, 'translate,' and there you can translate your comments from whatever language you want into English. Thank you. :) (There is also a very unique story as to why it is called a, 'BING,' Search. Everyone can find the answer at Gregory Bradford's videos on Youtube, thanks to Shelby. :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Seems for some witnesses are hard to find. People are so brainwashed as to be afraid to put their name on anything that "big biggies" say is conspiracy like claiming you are a state national or suggesting the census letters are not for you since you are not a resident. I recall in the 60s nearly every post office there were people there, customers who were overjoyed to witness a document.

  13. Fraud destroys every contract it touches. Since this whole system is based on fraud, we have no contract of any kind with these foreign parasites. Not only that, since no corporation has been legally chartered in the USA since 1860, all contracts with all corporations, such as the United States of America, are null and void. No one owns us, as elite foreign parasites and their attorneys readily agree to in their courts.

    1. Actually, I guess the United States of America is a British corporation.
