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Thursday, January 7, 2021


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The new American Revolution 2.0 is upon America. That was the WORST staged event at the US Capitol that I have ever seen. Everyone of those ACTORS that ended up in the Capitol Building were paid actors. There was ZERO Police Presence at the Capitol Building and I am glad that Trump got out of Washington. We are watching the Coup come to an end and it was interesting to see that the MSM are calling it a coup and it really is a Coup. A coup against Trump. Anyway Trump is now at an Elite Military Communications Base in Abilene, Texas where he is watching his Vice President finish off his Presidency as he sits in the Bird Seat. Get ready for some serious announcements. America is on the Brink. Treason is the End Game.

In the times of Internet Censorship here are my Social Media Accounts that I use for spreading the Real Uncensored Truth (hopefully). BTW... My Twitter and two YouTube channels are heavily censored and shadow banned. Mark @GlobalAgenda


  1. flight map of AF1 headed to texas and a marine friend of mine confirmed as well as code monkey justice will be swift and furious. HOLD & FAST...

  2. Dear God and Patriots, Please, Please Continue to Protect President Trump and First Family. I am a retired military person - I kneel for the Cross and Will always Dalute, Only, The Flag of the United States of America!! My Oayh of Allegiance to this President will never, ever, cease and/or expire/end!!

    So Help me GOD!!

    1. I'm a disabled Army Officer. With the greatest of respect, my hope you is that you re-think what you just posted.

      Your oath is not to the president. Rather, it is to protect and defend the Constitution... etc.

      You are bound to follow all lawful orders - including those of the commander in chief.

      But make no mistake, your oath is to the Constitution.

    2. Sorry. You give yourself too much to the Rich men, not to your country.

    3. Too bad, people misled to give TOO MUCH TO THE RICH MEM...

      SORRY mice. 4 your confusions.

  3. In furtherance of my previous text I ALWAYS, ALWAYS CONTINUE TO KNEEL FOR THE CROSS

    1. Even during the Great gold theft, the cross was used by US ARMY. to symbolize Americans died for their country, when it was this instead:

      Some lowbr said the govt loans seemed sustainable! They must be real?

      NOP, in the last 84 years Great gold theft committed, how great? At least xxx X... 1933. combining with human retirements, savings, slavery insurance, 16 types of taxes, all in their controls, to make unlawul loans seem real.

      Of course they reap what they sow immediately for their circle. (to back their illegit $, banknotes. Bookentry = IOU$, wall street, etc.. to reap max.benefits they block people access to our transformed fatty HJR192, values increased by their secret g'theft).

  4. wow. So was that what also contributed to the upsets expressed on election voting decisions?? Just not clear yet on whats w Pence. Just for me, he's a jewdaizer, whatsoever his reason or belief, he seems jewed.
    Well, so is Trump, up to his gills, & can't seem to stop giving more $$$, more pardon$, more opportunitie$, more acce$$, more Ku$hner now w his pardoned dad, fink'ery. Unceasing jewocity.

    And isn't it hard to read oaths which state 'the' United States? So they're all taking oaths to 'the' United States & don't realize it.
    Talmudic inversions provide tether needed to destroy.

    thanks & stay sane

  5. So the potus has to run and hide in his own country? WTF!

  6. I have become calloused to articles that profess "Get ready for some serious announcements" They all end up evaporating into nothing burgers.

    1. So far this is all too true...

    2. Too bad people misled to give TOO MUCH TO THR RICH MEM...

      i love to see the mice confusion.

  7. se uccidono İL PRESİDENTE TRUMP ...i democatici sono finiti questo lo sanno e da iene che sono staranno bene attenti . quello che vogliono e' ridurlo in miseria e disonore psicologico e finanziaria..... ................................ MA! İL PRESİDENTE TRUMP HA! MOLTE PİU VİTE Dİ TUTTE LE İENE... E İ NOSTRİ CUORİ E LA NOSTRA ANİMA LO PROTEGGERANNO DAGLİ SCHİFOSİ FİGLİ DEMOCRATİCİ

  8. Some lowbr said the govt loans seemed sustainable! They must be real?

    NOP, in the last 84 years Great gold theft committed, how great? At least xxx X... 1933. combining with human retirements, savings, slavery insurance, 16 types of taxes, all in their controls, to make unlawul loans seem real.

    Of course they reap what they sow immediately for their circle. (to back their illegit $, banknotes. Bookentry = IOU$, wall street, etc.. to reap max.benefits they block people access to our transformed fatty HJR192, values increased by their secret g'theft).


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