FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED: “Viking” who stormed the Capitol Building previously photographed at BLM rally wearing the same outfit
Wednesday, January 06, 2021 by: Mike Adams
Tags: antifa, BLM, capitol, chaos, left cult, mostly peaceful, patriots, protests, riots, uprising, violence

(Natural News) The storming of the US Capitol Building today is now being pounced upon by the left-wing media to demonize Trump supporters as violent terrorists. Yet the same media outlets described Antifa / BLM violence as “mostly peaceful,” even when those left-wing actors were hurling Molotov cocktails and wielding blinding lasers against law enforcement.
Update: We have now confirmed that the storming of the Capitol Building was initiated by left-wing provocateurs who met with Capitol Police yesterday and planned the event. A photo has emerged of the “Viking” individual who led the storming action today (shown on the right side of the photo below). This same person — wearing the same outfit and nearly identical face paint — was also reportedly spotted at a BLM rally earlier this year.
Note the identical tattoos, facial hair and costume:
Read the entire article here:
History of ADL /B’Nai B’rith JDL drag Queen🏧 s pretending 2Bna🇿 ℹ 's KosherKluxKlan Plantation🤒 Subversion
ReplyDeletescottISH Rite😷 Intl assassination Bureau of Sion🕍 Black flesh slaveRY britISH weapon against ameri🇰 a
hollowCOST🏁 ** Empire of 🆓 Trade/dirty💉 Liability🆓 Psych Ops**
preMIDpost CIVILwar yungKULT of Yung Englanders Yung Turks & dual 🐀 🚸 aGENT's of CONfederacy Belmont^piKers^judahpbenjamin secofWAR🦈 AG
Campaigns🏧 into Mexico Puerto Rico/Latin America
Ministry of Apartheid deep 🇶 oronaNONs State ilHEALTH
trotsKy sharK🦠 1917🦈 RE🤖 ACTivate 7 NOAHideInLaws lord Palmerston's🏁 diZZy liZZy💂♂ Boer War 2.0 Tin-amen 🔲 Palestine 🇿 oahr ZOO 🎃 settlers🎅
tagNbag🐄 of K_ulacs refuseniKs⚕ GOYim💉 BORG speed🐄 trials🏇
Some low vibr said the (foreign) gov't loans seemed sustainable! They must be real?
DeleteNOP, in the last 84 years Great gold theft committed, how great? At least xxx X... 1933. combining with human retirements, savings, slavery insurance, 16 types of taxes, all in their controls, to make unlawul loans seem real.
Of course they reap what they saw immediately for their circle. (to back their illegit $, banknotes. Bookentry = IOU$, wall street, etc.. to reap max.benefits they block people access to our transformed fatty HJR192, values increased by their secret g'theft).
False Flag, which all the flags around the world are false flags, the GOLDEN GLOBALIST (HOLLYWOOD) DON'T HAVE A FLAG THEY WANT IT ALL
ReplyDeleteFF = 66 = 6X6 = 36 = three 6's or 666
Just like the fake story of Founding Fathers
Natural News is a controlled alternative media shill
ReplyDelete1⃣ 👁 D jac🇰 ass K_ing of cyrus grate SOVIETisreel📽 scofield faKe coldWARloc🇰 down🧙♀
GERM🔬 ans & black Janitor did It to COvert🐽 19🏧 13🐜 👁🗨 DissentL_neverNATIONal Mary Phagan West of lord Palmerston's💂♂ Boer War on Shem Palestine ArabSemite 🇿 ohar JUDENmason🏁 ry🇿 oo🚨
Kabbalah🙃 reCOVER⚕ y 🎋 ISTs Revvis🕍 loan Kapital👁🗨 Pharoah🚀 Ferengℹ
faKe SEAL🦅 walKingFED eral Reserve^less CORPORATION Gematria 20💵 💲 & 10💵 💲 copulate bunch 5N1💤 s💵 dia🇬 nosis👾 ers 12345🇬 anon📶 whirled gyuelry
COverttrots🇰 y 19🦈 17
Kill bunch Main St CIVILian Romanoff Families & steal their NoFlyPiracy Private Property😷
PCR Test Test Kitty 🇧 👀 Kies tagNbag of GOYim😷 warehoused LEGAL FICTION Entities CONceived in your NAME using your SS NUMBER 2infinity
45 🇶 oronaCONanon's DIGITal cash-TRASH for Main St while Centuries Old WALL/War St stay in the qTARD organiZed crime 🎰 Continuum dot🦈 dot🤖 dot🔯 ... v v v www🔢
DON The Adjective RNC & DNC walKingFED eral Reserve CORPORATION🤖 45 🇶 oronaCONanon's CON-Vention - SUMthang Test Kitty 🇧 👀 Kies HUUUUGE They ALL BagMenLives KolNidre Lies matter aGREED On 🍀 FiatNote laundering to INGSOC🎉 Heir organi🇿 ed faKe Enron's richer Peasant Pogromers crime para MiliTerrorSt JUnta Liability 🆓 Afghanistan opioid 😭 isis^ Families💉 ? Seattle👽 Space💉 Needle🤒 20😷 21-1933 BDS^6^Divest Main St CIVILians Creditors/Grantors of Health/Wealth - Ein Sof🐍 ers Canaanites Are No Longer Hiding Their DEAD rebbe INC BEARDedLADYhealthHORROR 👣 👣 👣 Babylon®beLIEfs !
East GERM🔬 an DHStasℹ
ReplyDelete911PNAC🎭 ers CELL🏴☠ ing BEARDedLADY🐘 health🎪 HORROR🧛♂
Selling Dr pseudonym🦄 ism livingston^rocKyfellers`🇺🇳 ocKulTHEOSPHANY🦹♀ god of FoRcEs🕍 NUJEL💊 neutered pi🇰 ers CASSgeneral'sssss📮 carbon🆓 Liability🆓 CO2 Trading💉 Scheme🍏 rs magicK Usury💺 📺 🆕 s COvert🏧 19🌭 13📻 LUBEaGRIFT🎩 ers ☢ JUDENmason🏁 ry😷 🇬 7⃣ NOAHideInLaws Rites2 Habiru🔯 🐀 🚸 Numerology👲 WARPsped💉 GOYim🐄 #polytheISM / #talMud ISM 🇰 abbalah🙃 6 Gender Mystery reCOVER🎋 y of 🇿 ohar dia🇬 nosis🤒
& #antiWhite prestige
in a NY angelMORONℹ VIRUS #TinFoilXx 0 % #FiatNote plates russellISM moment #planetKoleb #planetKlepto🛄 BOND⚕ S 👑 CONtract'🍾 s he
False 🇿 oahrdawn🇰 abbalah 🎋 ISTs li💤 y💂♂ & papistbanK☀ er faKe SEAL🦅 1913antiDissentL_neverANTIONal franKfurt libertarianISM Austrian school k_ids🐐 franKists 🕎 ity judeoFascists INC RAPist🦓 s/1917ussa🔯 Pogrom🧛♂ ers not Johnathon Edwards reVIVal Awakening Is Pop🕍 Gyudiazers⛪ Here - You Need To Know This!
ReplyDeleteNY GYUman DEAD WALL/WAR st corporation Baby® SCAM🇺🇳 mers pseudonym🦄 ish trots🇰 y
bolshevicKies 💄 got 🇨 🅾 🅾 Ties🎭 WARloc🇰 down👛 ✊ er goverNOIR'📽 s 📮 announced his DHSydrome🎪 strategy🐘 on how to defeat the living flesh/blood Main St CIVILian Creditor/Grantor in all Ethnic🌊 ** hostLAND'S ** White Army.
"Recognizing the existence of an acute military danger😷 , we must take steps really to transform Soviet Russia into a military camp💉 . With the help of the INGSOC party Heirs🎉 and the trade-unions a (Immunity((registration))passPORT) must be carried out listing every member of the party, of the Soviet institutions and the trade-unions, with a Title 28 UNIformed doc🇰 ters👻 👑 🍾 F_oreign aGENTs 💂♀ view to using them for military service." (24)
"the Land to the Peasants, the Factories to the Workers".
Makhno later told Emma Goldman 🕎 that his objective🕎 was to establish Pilgrim &🚗 dashian settlers` a libertarian society 🔯 in the south that would serve as a model for the whole of Russia. When he set-up his first commune near Pokrovskoye, he named it in honour of Rosa Luxemburg🕎 .
Also the Simpsons predicted in a show yesterday plus that man in the outfit was in the prediction.
ReplyDeletePLEASE delete the above idiots posts what a moron!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere is video of the crowd at a barricade with a line of police, and then the police casually opening the barricade to let all the staged crisis actors do their thing! usual most these events are staged and well planned out organized in in advance.
Why delete the comment with this link
I'm posting again grab it while you can
It's from the book Greenland Theory
The vaccine is a product manufactured in Germany
DeleteTweets by presscoreca
As of December 24, 2020 Twitter has locked the account of @presscoreca Cannot access or update Twitter account. Germany government had the account locked for informing Canadians that Germany is using Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to wage biological warfare against UK, US and Canada. Germany had Twitter delete @presscoreca tweets implicating Germany. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine being used to conduct illegal medical experiments on the UK, US and Canadian population was mfg by Germany and Pfizer (Charles Pfizer and his cousin Charles F. Erhart, both from Ludwigsburg, Germany, founded Pfizer in New York City in 1849.). Germany isn't using the vaccine to vaccinate/experiment on EU or Germany population - WWIII Axis Powers. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are Germany government sponsored medical experiments - biological warfare. BioNTech stated / admitted in official government documents that:
"Our product candidates may not work as intended, may cause undesirable side effects or may have other properties that could delay or prevent their regulatory approval, limit the commercial profile of an approved label, or result in significant negative consequences following marketing approval, if any. ... use of our product candidates could be associated with side effects or adverse events which can vary in severity from minor reactions to death and in frequency from infrequent to prevalent" FORM F-1 REGISTRATION STATEMENT filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission on September 9, 2019.
Here is the link to their SEC filings in September of 2019 folks
mRNA all over this document folks
On page 8 it states the following
DeleteCorporate Information
We were incorporated on June 2, 2008 as Petersberg 91, V V AG, a German stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft). We changed our name to BioNTech AG on December 11, 2008. On March 8, 2019, we converted to a European stock corporation (Societas Europaea, or SE) under the laws of Germany and the European Union called BioNTech SE.
Our principal executive offices are located at An der Goldgrube 12, D-55131 Mainz, Germany. Our telephone number is +49 6131-9084-0. Our website address is The information contained on, or that can be accessed through, our website is not incorporated by reference into this prospectus. We have included our website address as an inactive textual reference only.
Implications of Being an Emerging Growth Company and a Foreign Private Issuer
Continue reading on page 8 of the following link
Is it not off that German jews are who founded Bnai Brith
And it is German Jews behind the vaccine?
Go on this link to the article the Archduke and the Failed Reich
You best take heed because the woman who writes all these damned articles is a german jew with the fake last name of REITZ
HINDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT has been saying this all along folks about Germany and their involvement in what is happening today
How about this
The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation
Scroll down and see this on the left side
If the viking dude was a BLM/Antifa dude why did he have American flag painted on his face in the BLM pic?...just askin🤨
ReplyDeleteBig Loud Mouths, also known as Bad Lives Matter, also known as DemoCrats
ReplyDeleteI can't prove it, but I've heard that the guy with the horns is special forces, he is supposed to have a video cam and is recording everything. While watching it, it seemed he was standing very still, it wasn't until Thursday I heard about the hidden cam.
Then got to thinking quickly, of the cam was true, that's why he is holding so still, for a good video.
Put this in the memory bank and see it holds true.