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Saturday, December 12, 2020

My "Crystal Ball"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Some people accuse me of sorcery.  How could I know what I know, just sitting out in the sticks in Big Lake, Alaska?  I must be "connected" to some intelligence gathering community, must be an agent of some kind, etc. 

Believe me, the agencies have been up my rump for years, tracking every communication, following every trail, trying to discover my "intel" contacts--- and to no avail.  

The truth is that I just use my head, listen, look, and talk to my friends who are similarly employed with the task of researching the past, observing the present, and, in a sense, predicting the future.  

If you have the first two parts --- the research into the past and observation of the present, it's not too hard to make good guesses about the future, particularly because the Svengalis in the back room are not really that bright or creative. 

They constantly repeat scams that have worked for them in the past.  The present situation is just a variation of what they pulled to bring on The Great Depression---- with the same goals in mind, too.  

They want to crash the economy using the Covid-19 excuse, so that the people will be reduced to suffering and poverty and dependence on the government. They, the bankers and shakers, can then come in and buy up everything for pennies on the dollar. 

Just like The Great Depression, only instead of crashing the stock market, they are using "Covid-19" to do the same thing. 

They also want to bring on World War III using the Chinese.  First, they trick the Chinese into hiring on to act as the world's policemen; under the direction of the UN CORP and its franchises, the Chinese are slated to replace the Americans as the Cheap Mercenaries needed to coerce and oppress all the other countries.  

The Chinese need some kind of work for their million man Army. 

Meanwhile, the Americans (and everyone else on the planet) are waking up to the threat and bridling against the UN CORP and the Chinese Mercenary Police idea.   People aren't liking the Corporate Feudalism that is built into the UN Agenda, either.  

The Vermin plan to get the depopulation and "ecological advancement" they want out of China by misleading the Chinese into war with the West. 

They are funding all this via counterfeiting "US DOLLARS" --- Obummer gave them the printing presses, engraving plates, inks, papers, etc., to do it, and so, they are just churning out cash by the container load and shipping it all over the world like manure. Ship High in Transit. 

They launder this bogus windfall by investing in "assets" of all kinds, human and otherwise, to build legitimate asset bases, that they then employ to do the dirty work.  It has taken them about twenty years to get this far with it. 

They were obviously helped to do all this by manipulating the elections in Obummer's favor in the first place, by corruption of the corporate Boards of Directors directing the operations of the FBI and CIA, and by using the abundant cash to buy off naval and ground force support in our own dear military.  

Herr Rothschild and Monsieur Rockefeller simply hired the Chinese and enabled them to print USD, and now, plan to pit them against the West, fund both sides of the debacle, and profit themselves while getting the depopulation so cherished by the Pope. 

From their perspective, it's all win, win, win.  From our perspective, it's all lose, lose, lose.

In recent days, people have asked me what I think about Donald Trump and what he is doing?  

I've been tracking Donald Trump's performance since he stepped foot in the Oval Office.  Trump has steadfastly either accomplished or made a good faith effort to accomplish everything he promised the voters.  Only one major thing remains --- to drain the Swamp.  

Now, I can't prove it for sure, but if I were to lay odds, I would bet that he is doing what he promised to do at this very moment.  And I would bet that as of Monday, December 14, Trump wins no matter what else happens in the world. 

That triumph may be muffled, even silenced, but it will come just like the silent sweep of the hands on a digital clock. 

Whether this is good or bad, depends a lot on China and its leadership.

Will they realize that their government has been undermined from within?  

Will they see that instead of being Good Fellas bearing gifts and labor contracts and printing presses from the US Mint, their new friends are parasites intent on finding a new host?  

Will both "the USA---Incorporated" and China refuse to take the same old bait?  

Will they whirl around back-to-back, and destroy the common enemy of all mankind----the Vermin, instead?  What part will valiant India play --- again?  What part will Turkey's million man army play?  

We tend to forget, but Turkey has an army well-able to counteract anything that China can do, already booted up and poised to move.  And the two forces have a Bad Blood memory between them.  In Korea, the Turks got no business from the Chinese, who actively (and wisely) avoided Turkish detachments like the Bubonic Plague.  

So, in a one-to-one slugfest, a million man Chinese Army versus a million man Turkish Army---well, it doesn't look good for the Chinese. 

I've said from the beginning that this is not about politics. It's not about race or religion.  It's not even about money or corporate profits.  It's about crime and criminals benefiting themselves at everyone else's expense. 

As a result, the appropriate response isn't WWIII.  

The appropriate and logical response is to play the bankers and their backers and all the criminals employed by the Vermin and give them enough rope to hang themselves.  

And then, arrest them as the criminals they are, men and women of all nations, who have acted as criminals and betrayed their own countries for gold---- or what passes for it. 


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  1. Correcting the correction; China's army is reportedly 2.3 million with 1.1 million in reserves.

  2. Shelby- Thanks for the download I was looking for a new book to read.

  3. Anna's crystal ball must be broken..Trump the Savior of mankind.. "People have asked me what I think about Donald Trump and what he is doing"? Anna's kept an eye on him since he entered the Oval Office? Really? Funny how there is never any mention on Trumps signature of "Operation Warp Speed" maybe joining Twitter would help the crystal ball predict the future better on what Trump says is coming to all Americans..and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise..not even Anna's crystal ball..Is it b/c you don't want to see or admit that Trump has most Americans bamboozled?..oh that's right he is the Savior..even though he is the one pushing the vaccines..and proudly so..Trumps tweet Dec11th 2020.. "While my pushing money drenched but heavily bureaucratic @US.FDA saved five years in the approval of NUMEROUS great new vaccines,it is still a big,old slow turtle.Get the dam vaccines out NOW! Dr.Hahn @steveFDA.Stop playing games and start saving lives..DJT
    Yes he really thinks himself to be the Savior..Dec11th 2020" I just want to stop the World from Killing Itself" DJT.."FDA approves PFIZER vaccine for emergency use!!! DJT..ok Mr Savior..maybe you don't understand that PFIZER..has spoken out that the trials in its vaccine have already killed that doesn't sound like he is saving lives..oh then let's not forget 4star General Perna..and his comments of a madman..his videos alone makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck..calling in his Dec12th briefing.. Vaccine distribution
    D-Day Operation Warp Speed (military lingo..the beginning of the end)..The Plan I put forward prioritizes the elderly and patients with underlying conditions as well as healthcare workers and first responders..DJT..maybe it's wishful thinking and praying that belonging to the Assembly's will help you all escape what's coming..there is no way to explain Trumps signature vaccine program other than what it is..the Billions he made sure went to GAVI..explains itself..along with his recent speech in the Oval office..trying to convince the American people on the safety of these mRna DNA never ever used in the history of the world vaccines..with humanized mice..yes you're reading that right along with fetal parts the list is to numerous of sickening ingredience..
    I know Anna and many others don't believe that they will not be included in all of these plans that the Luciferian NWO has for all of may escape the vaccine and maybe not..we will have to wait and see if it's not the initiation itself to prove your allegiance to Lucifer and his coming NWO one world government enough of the Savior BS..
    Now the subject of the Noahide Laws..Public law 102-14..Anna should get her crystal ball that she can see the future more clearly..b/c these madmen don't and won't give a flying sh*t what government state or state of state you will belong's again the same system of luciferian doctrine..that's been in the making forever..they are ALL in it together..even those who you are being told come from other places outside of this system..there are no good guys in this spiritual war..oh their fake due on the scene soon..coming in peacefully and prosperously..promising you wealth health and happiness if you just bow down to him and his not allow yourselves to be may want to check this stuff's for real folks..see it doesn't matter what you believe..these madmen that want this planet for themselves..don't want you here..they want their's one big club and you ain't in it..God Bless
    Former Rabbi Warning to's a interview with Steve and Jana Benoon and a Rabbi
    Non Joos are not human..

  4. Anna’s right – crystal ball indeed! If even we peons here on this forum can see what’s happening, surely, we can get the U.S. and China and every other country on the planet to see it too. The jig is up.
    This insanity in the world today is the result of third-party law…period. This technology has been in use for millennia.
    Any two (or more) countries/organizations/ political foes in conflict only need to sit down, compare notes and *figure out* exactly which third party on the planet will PROFIT from a senseless and destructive war or military action and then agree to JOIN FORCES TO GO AFTER THOSE PERPS. In these days of internet and information/intelligence, it’s obvious.
    We already know that we can’t trust the media. We know that we cannot believe what we hear (or don’t hear) on the news about ‘making the world safe for democracy’ or ‘weapons of mass destruction’ or any of that bullshit.
    We already know that it’s the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the Pope and the Queen and their subsidiaries and corporations who stand to make the most profit out of this chaos. They’ve been at it for centuries. Why do we still choose to ignore that? Why are we still buying their crappola?
    Let’s face it - No culture nor sane being wants to enter into a war which they can't afford financially. Nobody with an ounce of sense wants to enter into a conflict which will leave their country and their homes and institutions in ruin. Nor do they wish to enter into a melee from which they stand to lose their children, parents and siblings to senseless killing, torture and slavery and disrupt their lives for decades. All of this is brought about by those evil third parties.
    It’s time to get rid of all these third parties - puppeteers and their puppets, alike.
    All countries and every person on the planet need to know who these creeps really are. We need to eliminate them and START OVER. This is what *DRAINING THE SWAMP is all about. It's now or never.
    Thanks for listening

    1. Shelby- Mortal made is an "illusion", immortal made is "reality"!!! Amen, so be it said our Father (Yahweh) in Heaven!!!

    2. Shelby- Unfortunately you have a lot of indifferent opinions but no results!!! "Blah, blah, blah" is pretty much what you sound like to everyone, you finally figured out what you sound like for yourself, nice!!! Self-reflection (how others really see you) is the most powerful form of therapy!!! Amen, so be it said the Father (Yahweh) in Heaven!!!


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