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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

It's "Legal" to Lie --- More Insight into the Craziness

 By Anna Von Reitz

So let's talk about the False Statements Accountability Act (FSAA) of 1996, sponsored by Senator William J. Martini, a New Jersey Rat if ever there was one, and a man who later became a Federal Judge.  Go figure. 

Subsection (b) of this Act passed almost unanimously by the members of the U.S. Congress/US CONGRESS reads:  "Section (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding or that party's counsel, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding." 

This makes it "legal" to lie to the Congress during hearings and investigations, to lie to any judge or magistrate in any Federal case or Administrative Agency Hearing, or any Territorial State of State Court or STATE OF STATE COURT.

It also makes it "legal" to present falsified material evidence in all these venues--- false receipts, false date stamps, false testimony....

This is why, much to our disgust, we learned that State Troopers in Alaska were being REQUIRED to take a course in "How to Lie" at the Trooper Academy as part of their training.  

This is how Hillary Clinton could stand there bare-faced and brazen and lie her rump off about Benghazi. And about her emails.  And about her private servers. And about the demise of her computers and hard drives.

This is how Bill Gates gets away with lying to Congressional Subcommittees about the safety of his vaccines, in the face of 750,000 maimed children in India, and other completely damning material facts. 

And this is how Doctor Fauci and the CDC and NIH and various other self-interested corporations and their Personnel are getting away with lying about Covid 19, too. 

Their Territorial/Municipal "Congress" made it legal to lie. 

But it can never be lawful to lie.  

And this is Just One More Reason that you have to get up off your couch and get Highly Motivated to declare your proper political status and join your State Assembly.  Got to:

The Clintons and the Bushes tipped the District Government apple cart right over the edge into criminal insanity, and now, it's up to "the rest of us" to whup butt and clean up this mess.  


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Along these lines, of the authorization to lie, is the decision this past Friday by the State Supreme Court of Pennsylvania that section officials in that state must accept mail-in ballots even if the signatures on them don't match those on file for the voters. Why? Because the law in question didn't specifically say that they had to. (Gee, I wonder why not.)

    We have officially entered Wonderland. Although you would say that we did that a long time ago, Anna. And we just seem to be putting icing on that cake.

    1. That, of course, should be "election" officials. AI having a mind of its own.

    2. Good recognition keeps people healthy , wise & strong! The U.S.INC had her Devil card in reversed since AFTER Vietnam 1978 mercenary. Do you think sheS better or worse? She went over there for stolen gold to fuel Wall Street ~ Housing Fraud.

    3. Good recognition keeps people healthy , wise & strong! The U.S.INC had her Devil card in reversed since AFTER Vietnam 1978 mercenary. Do you think sheS better or worse? She went over there for stolen gold to fuel Wall Street ~ Housing Fraud.

    4. Good recognition keeps people healthy , wise & strong! The U.S.INC had her Devil card in reversed since AFTER Vietnam 1978 mercenary. Do you think sheS better or worse? She went over there for stolen gold to fuel Wall Street ~ Housing Fraud.


  3. Title 27 U.S. definitions singular also means plural.male also remale , past also means present.
    So can’t be nailed down .
    Changed oath office from in agreement to constitution to according that’s impossible the constitution is not specific .
    You must agree not according.
    Lufkin tx. Case discovered the change of oath

  4. So is this batshit crazy dingbat actually retarded, or does she just take lots of drugs?

    1. Typical Sal Alynsky rules for radicals tactics
      Personalize it .this is a matter of record .

    2. Nope F8, she is not, go look up, Douglas and Michael discussed this at length. The media also gave notice on radio in the form of a news story back then, I heard it and remember thinking WTF? The media and governments have had a field day lying over this virus thing.

  5. Proof they are Satan worshippers.

    Its all plain as day and no matter how much of this is brought forward and thrown in peoples faces in any manner, they will not see and they will not hear.
    The only option we have is to seperate .

  6. Smith -Mundt was repeal by President Obama allowing government Lie again

  7. Under maranda rights by judge McDonald a hero making officers tell any one arrested thair rights well that been overturned the reading of rights .
    If it wasn’t for body cams that are convenient not working at critical times we would have AG Barr call fort Bragg regulars to thump on us like Lafayette park trump wanted to walk through to a staged photo op in front of a church holding a bible

  8. There is a major lawsuit and asking for an order right now, see below, if your web site has been taken down, click the button to join as one of the plaintiff's. Emergency Injunction is being sought.


    All funds go to cover costs of this EMERGENCY INJUNCTION against Google/YouTube.

    Q: When will the injunction be filed?
    A: the injunction will be filed by the end of the week. Around the 26th or sooner.

    Q: Can I be a party to the suit?
    A: Yes, we have an open call for those that have been wrongly terminated by YouTube for political reasons. If this sounds like you, please fill out this form.

    Q: Is a class action status being considered?
    A: Yes.

    Q: How can I book an interview with Zach?
    A: Use this link to book a zoom meeting.

  9. Absolute must listen:

  10. Some people turn imaginary story into reality. They even lied that they have evidence.

  11. Some people turn imaginary story into reality. They even lied that they have evidence.

  12. Folks, do you and all the other legal liars think their lies do not have divine punitive consequences??? Man can lie to another man but man cannot lie to the Father in Heaven, Earthly lies have divine consequences!!! They can keep on lying, it is all being documented to be used against them for eternity and they are going to wish they were never born!!!


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