By Anna Von Reitz
Some people don't like the analogy of
our actual government "of the people, for the people, and by the people" being
an extended family. They don't want to be related to the poor, the sick, the
old, the unfashionable, unknown, unwashed masses.
I don't have a problem with taking a
stand with all the Walmart Shoppers, despite the unfounded accusation that I am
a "royal" and an "elitist".
If I were a royal or an elitist, I
would sit back in a nice comfy chair and let the world go to Hell like the rest
of the "royals" did. I certainly would not dare to beard the Pope in his lair
and sue him for Breach of Trust, because my world and my "monarchy" would depend
on the Pope's good graces.
I would not thereafter spend seven
years of my life giving Due Process to the Pope's employees and nearly thirty
years exposing fraud, unlawful conversion, and personation crimes being
practiced against Americans.
I would not bother to learn law and
history and spend untold thousands of hours tracking down rare books and going
cross-eyed reading documents hand-written in French two centuries ago.
Come to think about it, this is not
what an "average" Mother with a family to support would do, so maybe I am a bit
different, afterall.
Still, there is absolutely no doubt
that I am an American and my parents were Americans before me, and on both sides
of my family, I have ancestors who were here before the Revolution.
I care about this country and its
government and its people precisely because we aren't homogeneous. We aren't a
monarchy. We aren't tied to the filthy cesspool of European politics and
Yet, upon making certain
observations, it became undeniable that those same European practices and forms
of foreign law have usurped upon us and have entrenched themselves in our
country with the same terrible impacts here as in Europe and other places around
the world. The same endless wars. The same abuse of average people. The same
wasteful spending.
Finding out --- precisely --- how
this came to be, and how we can get out of the spider's web, has been my life's
What I and those working with me
discovered is nothing less than astonishing.
In general terms, we and many other
peoples around the world have been entrapped in a system of legalized
enslavement, promoted by a practice of corporate enfranchisement and a phony
monetary system.
I call this system of government
"Corporate Feudalism" -- a feudal system of government that replaces living
monarchs with corporations that are even worse, because they are not alive and
are not individually accountable.
This system took root during the
reign of Queen Victoria in England and was birthed and championed by her Prime
Minister, Benjamin Disraeli.
Here in America, much the same
blueprint was followed. People signed up to vote, thinking that they were being
given a greater voice in their government, and instead, they were being "seized
upon" as chattel backing the debts of commercial corporations in the business of
providing governmental services.
Along with this secretive -- because
it was already illegal back then -- press-ganging and unlawful conversion of
private assets, came a system of proxy government and fiat money based on
commercial credit. This was basically a systematic abuse of Promissory Notes and
Usury in gross violation of public law and public trust.
Our own lawful and peaceful
government of the people, for the people, and by the people was shoved aside,
"held in abeyance", "presumed to be in interregnum" and left to gather dust on a
shelf for a century and a half, while two foreign governmental services
Subcontractors, one British and Territorial, the other Papist and Municipal,
have carried on a series of illegal and unlawful mercenary "wars" on our
shores--- all without our knowledge or permission as their
This was made possible by taking out
a substantial portion of the government that we are supposed to have operating
this country. Both our Confederation formed under The Articles of Confederation,
and the American Subcontractor that is supposed to be operating the Federal
Republic portion of the Federal Government, were rendered inoperable by The
American Civil War and never Reconstructed.
We, as school children, were fed lies
by omission and led to believe that the Reconstruction happened a long time
ago--- so of course, we never realized that this was crucial work that we needed
to do as adults.
The European Federal Subcontractors,
both British and Papist, brought their foreign laws and forms of government
ashore using the excuse of this "continuing emergency" and insinuated themselves
as an "emergency substitute government" which has openly colluded against the
American States and People and our best interests since 1937 when they quietly
published "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United
Thanks to the work of thousands of
Americans over the course of sixteen decades all this rot has finally come to
the surface and been exposed.
Mr. Trump wants to re-establish the
American Federal Subcontractor, known as the Federal Republic and also known as
the States of America, operating under the 1787 constitution known as The
Constitution for the united States of America.
This is a worthy and necessary goal
if we are to function as an independent nation again, but neither Mr. Trump nor
his constitutional advisors have known how to accomplish this feat and have up
until now assumed that they could just put together an American-owned
corporation, and go to town.
If it were that simple, it would have
been done long, long ago.
To have a true American corporation
to act in this capacity, it has to be chartered under the American Government of
the American States and People. It has to stand under our Public Law, not the
law of any foreign nation.
Failing this, we have only a repeat
of the same old scenario of foreign law and foreign influence commandeering our
assets and substituting "for" our actual government, even if Americans are in
charge of that corporation.
The Reconstruction necessary is a Six
Step Process and it can only be accomplished by me and you, regular old
Americans, who declare and reclaim our stolen and misrepresented political
birthright as American State Nationals and American State Citizens.
Having declared our political status
as individuals, we are then ready to "assemble" our properly populated State
Assemblies and exercise our constitutionally protected right to do
This has already been
Go to to see how you can
As a second housekeeping step to
bring forward all our States and People, those States that were enrolled as
members of our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United
States of America prior to the Civil War, have been polled by Roll Call Vote and
have acknowledged and accepted and enrolled the States formed during and after
the Civil War as full States and Members of the Union and the
This ends a century and a half of
"custodial interest" by the British Territorial Government and their "State of
State" organizations.
The next step is the collapse of the
State Land Trusts that these interlopers established as a means to control our
property interests and convey "titles" and "land descriptions" upon our assets.
As the purported Donors of these assets into these Trusts, the States have the
unabridged right to end this arrangement and receive back their own assets, and
The United States of America has the unabridged right to claim all United States
Patents, which it has done.
The fourth step is to reconstruct the
American States of States which were the lawful members of the Confederation
formed under The Articles of Confederation. The State Assembly of New York
organizes The State of New York, for example, as an instrumentality to conduct
routine business functions for it and to manage public property interests
belonging to New York. This business organization then participates in the
reconstructed Confederation.
The fifth step is for the
Confederation to reconstruct the States of America, also known as the Federal
Republic, which the Confederation oversees and operates on behalf of the States
and The United States of America. This is the "missing" American Subcontractor
and our portion of the Federal Government which Mr. Trump wishes to
The sixth step is for the States of
America to resume operations under The Constitution for the united States of
America (1787).
All of this can take place in a rapid
and orderly and peaceful fashion with your assistance and financial support, and
it is the only way that we can restore our actual intended government without
(1) recreating the same old problems of foreign law and foreign custodial
interests for ourselves, or (2) losing chain of custody and "continuity of
government" of the actual government, treaties, and contracts -- including the
constitutions --- that we are owed.
It is therefore necessary to do it
this way, to do it with alacrity and determination, and to restore our lawful
government in all its respects as quickly and peacefully as
There are a lot of "just awakened"
people running around like chickens with their heads off, alarmed and confused,
and not knowing what to do or how to do it. This is not in fact an emergency. It
is a process. We need to engage it intelligently and knowledgeably, and without
Each State Assembly is fully
empowered to control the operations of the foreign State of State organizations
and maintain the peace, with their cooperation. Each State Assembly has the
right and power to enforce the Constitutions, via their lawfully elected County
Sheriffs, and their State Assembly Militias.
Via their membership organizations,
The United States, known as "the Union" which controls the mutual soil
jurisdiction, and our unincorporated Federation, The United States of America,
which controls the mutually-held international and global powers, the State
Assemblies are more than competent to speak to all questions related to trade,
monetary policy, and service delivery, including the settlement of government
pensions and debts.
This is actually and factually the
way our American Government is set up and the way it is supposed to work. The
fact that it has been functioning on four-cylinders for 160 years in no way
changes or obliterates its sovereignty, it's power or its State Immunity.
The only element(s) necessary to
succeed in this peaceful and lawful conversion of our government back to its
full operation and glory are: (1) public awareness, and (2) your
We have no true enemies but ourselves
and our own ignorance.
Please stay completely clear of all
"patriot organizations" that are not firmly grounded and aware of these facts
and processes.
It is completely safe to join your
own actual State Assembly (not a District-based Assembly which is for our
Territorial Employees, and not a Municipal Assembly which is for our Municipal
Employees) and to "bear arms" as a member of your State Assembly Militia.
It is NOT safe to join any
organization aiming at the overthrow of the General Government that is currently
in place by any means of violent insurrection or actions taken against officers
of the Territorial and Municipal Corporations.
Remember -- these people, both
Territorial and Municipal workers, are your Employees.
It is your place to properly direct
and organize your Employees and the means to do this is already provided to you,
simply by joining your State Assembly and doing your own homework.
Also, It is NOT safe to claim that
you have "constitutional rights" or guarantees until you properly declare and
record your political status as an American State National or American State
Many Americans assume that they have
constitutional guarantees intact, but their political status has been obscured
and brought into question by the birth certification process, and until they
declare and record their birthright political status as Americans, it is not
assumed that they are Americans.
Think about that. The Constitutions
are well and fine, but your individual access to their precious guarantees has
been undermined and papered-over by foreign registrations entered in your name
when you were just a baby.
This is because your own government
was not fully functional, and that opened up the opportunity for foreign
governments to claim that you were "abandoned" and "one of theirs" --- a
supposition which must be firmly rebutted on the public record.
Lucky for you, some of us were awake
and on the move thirty years ago, so that now as you awaken to this situation,
the processes you need to declare your political status and your State
Assemblies are already present and hard at work.
Go to: to connect to the
peaceful, lawful, and correct solution. Weigh in and help finish the
long-delayed Reconstruction of your government.
I am up to my neck in
responsibilities and educational efforts related to all the above, as well as
suffering numerous "personal" adversities, including medical emergencies among
our staff members. This means that I don't have even the small amount of time I
normally have to write thank you notes, give advice to individuals, answer phone
calls, and do interviews. I am sorry.
I shall be harder pressed than ever
for some time to come, yet I will be in close contact with the State
Coordinators, and through them and through your State Assemblies you will be
kept posted and up to date. I will make every effort to keep up with our Monday
evening conferences.
God bless our country and everyone in
Your participation in your State
Assemblies is needed and requested, as is your support via volunteering of
skills, materials, and funds.
Donations are gratefully received via
PayPal at: and via
postal service addressed to: Anna Maria Riezinger, In care of Box 520994, Big
Lake, Alaska 99652.
I want you all to know what is going
on, what needs to be done, and to be assured that despite the substantial
challenges, we are continuing to gain ground.
Modern State Credentials are now
being produced and mailed out to help State Assembly Members properly identify
themselves as Americans. And our own block-chained Land Recording System (LRS)
is up and functioning. Numerous publications and instructional materials are
being made available.
You can access these important
materials and services through your own State Assembly.
In my belief, we are a family of vast
potential, a family formed of many races, religions, and cultures, a family
called "Americans". It is that which has made our country strong and resilient
in the face of many terrible challenges, and it is our willingness to join
together as Americans that keeps it safe for
See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
How do we use your donations? Find out here.
💕Godspeed! We GOT this!
ReplyDeleteHow do you get credentials if your State coordinator is unresponsive ?
Deletefill the needed roles brothers and sisters
DeleteDocumented Americans Assemble, Educate your family, friends and neighbors
Thanks Anna & Team TASA (The American States Assembly) for all done for highest good of all people! Let's all join together learning, doing, volunteering, giving and praying as each peacefully lawfully determines one can and will be and do. In love, peace, joy & much more good for All FreeMom7 :)
ReplyDeleteWhile I have followed this movement for a long time, I still wonder how any real progress can be made as long as our entire financial system remains kidnapped by the foreign banking cartel. Seems to me that massive exposure, crushing and replacing this unbelievable fraud that keeps the elitists in power and the masses in our country as serfs must be the number one focus and priority. Regaining our birthright is great, but what good does it do if we are still held captive by a financial system that has mastered the art of using any force necessary to maintain their control of that system?
ReplyDeleteYes I agree without our own currency we are still enslaved and this is going to become the biggest problem as I see it.
DeleteThe current financial system is coming down and being replaced soon.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Calypso!! Until we get out of the Fed we remain slaves in every sense of the word!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJ Homyak is correct I believe. Financial system is being transitioned now. It won't be long..
ReplyDeleteReally? How about this....
ReplyDeleteLinks that show Anna von Reitz is trying to steal the world’s assets.
Our actual government "of the people, for the people, and by the people" being an extended family is the undeniable truth of a decent society whether those snobs like it or not. That is what make us a viable community, but elect only those high-quality, high moral, high-virtuous, high-intelligent, wise people to preside and manage a large group of own people are significant, no-brainer wisdom other successful nations do.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOh hello EmperHorror. Calling others Snobs sounded like the crooked Churchill did in 1904 to the indians, then stole their resources.. Chuchill was and still is the Muderer of FDR. WHY? Their 2 Large Groups of tigers wanted their larger piece of pie, what else? They crashed in High-energy Disgreement in March 11 - 17, 1945. Both didnt budge. CHURCHILL ORDERED FDR TO BE POISONED. Dont believe it? see 1937 FDR increased Govt (crusade) spendings, and more. JOSEPH STALIN & Ambassador Discovered so, plus 20 more evidences. The UK INC, ITS COMMONWEATLH, CANADA INC, AUSTRALIA INC. The U.S.INC WERE on the verge of the largest Gold Theft in human history. Why? To back their worthless currencies, and to fuel thrir Wall Steet Great-Fraud etc. FDR was the Fannie Mae's Founder.
DeleteDont tell me that the U.S. Constirurions are not corrupt. DON'T TELL ME you are part of a decent Society. IF YOU WERE/ARE , WHY THEN this GROUP EXISTS TO EXPEL THE LONG 154+YRS OF CORRUPTIONs? (Dup.deleted)