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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Public Notice of Non-Compliance, Non-Assumpsit, and Counter-Claim


By Anna Von Reitz

To all Parties and Principals Concerned: Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, and Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

Although we informally call The United States of America “the United States” that isn’t really what “the United States” is.

The entity formally known as “the United States” was originally the unincorporated government of the Union of States formed in 1776; in 1790 this entity began using the Proper Name, The United States, and its Municipal power-sharing partner began operating as “the United States”.

So, in fact, “the United States” today is the District Government of the District of Columbia and it is limited to the “one mile square” devoted to the Municipality of Washington, DC. This entity continued to operate as an unincorporated business from 1790 to 1878, when it was fully incorporated as a Municipal Corporation and recognized as an independent international city-state, run as a “plenary oligarchy” by the members of Congress, allowed under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.

Now read the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2017 abstract:

“Birthright Citizenship Act of 2017. This bill amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to consider a person born in the United States "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States for citizenship at birth purposes if the person is born in the United States of parents, one of whom is: (1) a U.S. citizen or national, (2) a lawful permanent resident alien whose residence is in the United States, or (3) an alien performing active service in the U.S. Armed Forces.”

The Municipal Government dba “the United States” is claiming that babies born to all Federal Civil Service Employees, to people born in the Insular States and Possessions, to political asylum seekers, and to Americans serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States [Municipal Government] and are citizens of the Municipal United States Government at birth.

Slaves, in other words.

Public slave ownership has never been outlawed by “the United States” and so it continues and grows and thrives.

This time, they’ve attacked and attached the children of innocent American Servicemen.

They have also set up a verbal conundrum by which they may hope to claim that any American they see is a “lawful permanent resident alien”--- a form of political asylum seeker, obligated to serve the Municipal Oligarchy, if that “alien” --- from their perspective, “resides” in the United States.

Welcome to Little Rome.

The problem for them is that The Constitution of the United States strictly limits their government to the one mile square set aside for them in the District of Columbia, and their apparent gross over-reach and usurpation in forming over 185,000 Municipal Corporations and claiming millions of acres of land in this country as “federal” land owned and operated by Municipal Corporations, is both illegal and unlawful.

So is any claim that the people living on this illegally and unlawfully purloined land are “citizens of the United States” and “assets” belonging to the Municipal United States Government.

We firmly return and refuse all such claims of conferred citizenship obligations, together with all interpretations and all presumptions leading to the conscription or trafficking of any American into Municipal jurisdiction; the State Citizens, known as the People of this country, who are Principals and Parties to The Constitution of the United States issue this Notice of Non-Compliance, Non-Assumpsit, and Counter-Claim to the Municipal United States, their Bankruptcy Trustees, and all other Concerned Parties.

We demand that the 185,000-plus illegally and unlawfully and immorally established Municipal Corporation franchises be dissolved and further demand that all assets purloined in this process be repatriated to The United States of America and to the States and People to whom these assets manifestly belong.

We also demand that all abuse of usufruct privileges immediately and permanently stop, and that all so-called individual Municipal Corporations gifted to Americans as a means of constructive fraud against them be dissolved. All profits, fees, leases, tithes, beneficial contracts, stocks, bonds, titles, copyrights, patents, trademarks, material and immaterial assets, including houses, land, and public interests including our court buildings, roads, railroads, public utilities, parks, and national defense investments must be returned to the victims of these heinous False Claims in Commerce and attendant abuses.

Signed by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. I’m interested in the “Kanuk” version of this though we are clearly all “North Americans”. My mention of this caused a “just-us” to flee his bench when I raised this point of fact in a court case. If there is no Canada, then what?

    1. There is a guy on YouTube, named Curtis Stone - The Urban Farmer, I believe, but he is in Canada and his channel is about farming), however he has studied about Canada and come up with astounding news. I was listening to him for a long time. Then all of a sudden he said he was going to STOP, I believe he may have been TOLD to stop.

    2. Chitra Tang,

      I would be interested in the details of how you ran the clown in the gown off the bench!

  2. WOW - Big find.
    Thank you, Anna.
    (AND I don't care about PERSONAL court cases in Canada).

    1. You should care about what happens in Canada because their government has been infiltrated by the Chinese Communist Party and the CCP know that the border has been pretty much open for the past century. The CCP aren't interested in Canada, they want the U.S. That is why Trump is coming down so hard on China.

  3. 2017 still activity trying to fraudulent adhesion contracts .
    Congress shall make no law policy as a corporation to po li ce policy. Federal servants policy is thair law.

  4. The same actually applies to toll roads. These roads are on public property, hence public roads and there is no way that Americans are lawfully forced to pay toll.
    Even though this might be the smallest of the scams in the country.

  5. What about Direct Energy Weapons?
    California Fires—Proof of Direct Energy Weapons (DEW)? Captured First time, LIVE on video!

    Confirmation that Direct Energy Weapons are microwave technology, that is transparent or invisible to the naked eye!

  6. Is it true, trump is killing the federal reserve?


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