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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Florida Department of Health saboteurs are RIGGING coronavirus test results, wildly inflating infection numbers to hobble reopening efforts

A stunning investigation by Orlando Fox News affiliate Fox 35 finds that the Florida Department of Health is reporting suspiciously high “positive” rates from dozens of COVID-19 testing labs in Florida, often in contradiction to the real numbers that those labs reported to the state. This appears to indicate a massive, coordinated conspiracy by State of Florida workers in the Florida Department of Health who are attempting to sabotage the reopening efforts by wildly exaggerating the number of infections for political purposes.

Read the entire article here:

1 comment:

  1. I would like to see President Trump initiate an implement a new agency. Auditing all agencies STATISTICS. Start now with health care. It would not take long to kill the Coronavirus myth.

    Semper Fidelis
    Donald JJ Brickham


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