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Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Problem With Wall Street

By Anna Von Reitz

The first problem with Wall Street is that it was built by slaves, and their dead bodies were thrown in piles to create the "Wall" that "Wall Street" is named after. That, whether you are a spiritual man or not, cries out to the Creator with the pain and misery of the thousands who were worked to death there in the Land of Nod.  

The second problem is that the men who inhabit Wall Street believe in, support, and profit from slavery, and always have.  They are an odd coalition of "Owner Interests" --- Talmudic Jews (not real Judeans), Pontifical Catholics (not real Catholics) and American Robber Barons (not real Americans).

For those just entering the porthole on the way home to the land and soil:

Talmudic Jews believe they have the right to slay and enslave all Gentiles. 

Pontifical Catholics believe the same thing about non-Catholics. 

And American Robber Barons long ago devolved into "trans-nationals"--- men who don't deserve a country of origin, for they have no natural allegiances. 

They are the men "with souls so dead".    

The varied members of this Wall Street coalition have a shared love of money and enslavement, money because it allows them to enslave, and enslavement because it makes them money.  

One hand, as they say, washes the other  

So, it should be no surprise at all that the Roman Pontiff sided with the South in the so-called American Civil War.  

And it should be no surprise to find Cede and Company up to its nostrils as the Holding Company buried in the heart of the DTCC, holding all the American "Clearinghouse Certificates" authorized under False Pretenses by the King Rat, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  

It should also be no surprise that slavery in this country didn't end over a century and a half ago.  It continued right on with hardly a "blip!" as the privately-owned slaves were converted into publically-owned slaves, first impacting American Negroes, and eventually, extending to everyone. 

According to them, we are all slaves owned by the government --- which, in keeping with the Total Lie Concept --- isn't a government. It's a foreign, private, for-profit "governmental services corporation".  

Are you being served? ---For dinner?   Or are you ready to put an end to this?  

Ancient Rome established its Empire on the backs of slaves.  What do you expect from a Roman Pontiff?  It turns out that they used the same means to establish the US Hegemony and will happily enslave a billion Chinese, too.  

Until we all wake up and realize what they are doing and squash them flat as bugs.  That's an appealing thought, isn't it?  

Come on, Visigoths!  Rah-rah-rah!

They created millions of slaves for themselves, out of thin air.  And profited from selling bogus slave labor contracts (The Miller Act) and slave bodies (The Buck Act) and slave dollars (The Federal Reserve Act). 

They created a whole make-believe world for themselves, complete with a court system to enforce their delusions on actual people and actual assets.  

And then with their profits from all this bunko, they hired our own Army and various international forces to bilk us and treat us as "the presumed Enemy".  

Of course, everything they have done has hinged on "presumptions" --- false presumptions made behind our backs, without our knowledge, without our consent, and enforced as Unconscionable Contracts. 

It's all just fraud ---- but it stands, until everyone shakes awake and calls it for what it is.  With a loud voice.  

In 1980, the Big Lie went viral with the Monetary Control Act.  Formally called the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act, Public Law 96-221, which allowed for both the monopolization of the Federal Reserve's control of non-member banks, and the gutting of control and accountability by the Board of Governors.  

Imagine not only being able to steal from and control access to everyone else's cookie jars, but being held-harmless for doing so.  

Then, in addition, imagine being able to order an unlimited supply of cookies, made to your order, and all charged to your slaves' accounts?  

The Monetary Control Act of 1980 allowed for the "unlimited collateralization of debt".   

You can now buy Florida real estate out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Now, we come up to date with the rest of the story..... read this: 


See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Earth Intelligence Network?
    A 501c3 non profit CORPORATION

    It states the following on their site
    My concept is the integral systems alternative more suited to the 21st century — and explicitly relevant to creating a post-Western economy with zero waste that achieves the 17 sustainable development goals within a quarter century.



    UN PLANS FROM 1941
    More detailed UN PLAN


    And the world brain he's talking about requires 5G to run it and tracking and tracing and all the invasions of privacy you can think of

  2. re: the link, many people say dtcc is where the birth certificates go through.

    they need shut down; this is just "wall street" versus "rest of wall street" wanting to continue kidnapping everyone at birth.

    that is what needs to end.
    The Task Force will find that the laundering of money from drug sales and trafficking in women and children is the flip side of naked short selling – the first profits from selling shares that do not exist; the second pretends that trillions have been produced from smart investing that did not happen.
    that too is a distraction; if they were serious, the number of trafficked people is roughly 320 million.

    the "recovoered 50 trillion" needs to go to americans, not to "the president" so he can initiate yet another round "kidnap you, steal your credit, spend it, and make you work to pay back what i stole and already spent"

    this is just more looting and pillaging, while pretending to care about "trafficked" people. there are 320 million trafficked people. issue them proper IDs, end the birth certificate fraud, and have an ounce of faith that a portion of them will want to ensure there is some "federal" level of things and will voluntarily -- without kidnapping and enslaving everyone else -- keep required things functioning -- they can work with the other reconstruction efforts, as they should be doing anyways.

    this reads like insiders trying to loot other insiders and trying to market it as "looking out for americans" -- when they have done, are doing, and will do, anything except that.

    feds looking out for feds. same old plan. and everyone has to be a fed. and be trafficked. and you dont get anything we recover. more slavery for you all.

    1. the nsa is as useless as the cia.

      im sure their hands are tied. they got theirs.

      insiders wanting access to other "insider" data, so they can use it to benefit more "inside" deals.

      theres roughly 320 million trafficked people.

      "women and children" -- would if they actually cared about them or anyone else.

      this is just more distraction and propaganda, meant to make it appear as though the "people in power" are "draining the swamp"

      no different than q. zero real action or actual results thus far, but endless flapping of wings and squawking.

      insiders pretending to oppose other insiders, nothing else.
