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Sunday, May 3, 2020

For Our British Friends -- "The Rule" --- Hahah! --- "Of Law"

By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, we have had lawful money all along and the power to create more, simply by publishing a standard and doing it.  Our United States Silver Dollars and your British Pound Sterling still exist and new standards can also be created. 

What happened is that the Corporatists set up legal tender laws and insisted that the military and civil servants use “Notes”—- military script for money— or rather, in replacement of money.

Because we had to deal with them all the time and they could only use script, we had to convert our lawful money into their script to pay taxes and conduct other business, just as you might have to convert Euros to Yen.

In this process they received back lawful money which they couldn’t use, so they cashiered it away in Slush Funds and used our lawful money and the silver it represents as the collateral for their “credit spending” — the basis for their I.O.U.s.

The problem for them is that their script was based on our credit to start with and as corporations chartered under our authority they didn’t have the power to tax our labor or our land and so, didn’t give us anything of value in exchange for our lawful money in the first place.

So the whole thing was fraud and “nothing from nothing remains”.  We are owed back our silver and our lawful money plus interest and damages and accruals— which of course, their organizations can’t pay.  

So they are bankrupt and we are defrauded and all of these fraud schemes lead back to the banks and the politicians and Principals who allowed this.

We, Americans, know what we are owed and it is actually pretty easy to track the embezzlement simply in terms of “what should be there and isn’t” and their own double set of books known as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports in this country. 

Long story short, both fraud and embezzlement are crimes and they are desperately trying to avoid admitting what they’ve done and are trying to use the black robes to defend them under the “Rule of Law” which is simply the court rules that govern things like “Rules of Evidence” — and are not Law at all. 

So bugger the “Rules of Law” and pay attention to truth and justice and the actual Public Law and make sure these jokers enforce it or swing for treason and Breach of Trust. 


See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:

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1 comment:

  1. Anna is this document from our public law accurate
