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Monday, April 20, 2020

Both "Sides" Are Right -- and Wrong -- As Usual

By Anna Von Reitz

I thought that after our expose of why it is not sane to attack China over the corona virus, it would be obvious that both sides--- President Trump in his comments, and China in their comments --- are correct. 

They are pointing fingers at each other, because they don't see the Middleman standing between them.  

What's missing is the Third Party information --- the Middleman.  As usual. 

That "Middleman" is the Deep State Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us about.  It's "the US" not the United States. 

In this case, the criminals involved have already identified themselves.  

George Soros funded the lab in China to do this. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci provided the "feedstock" for the project, in contravention of United States Law, and also misappropriated NIH research funding to support this outcome. 

Bill Gates invested heavily in this enterprise of creating dangerous viral agents, and also even more heavily, invested in vaccine manufacturing facilities. 

The CDC, a private, for-profit vaccine manufacturer is complicit.

DARPA, a US PENTAGON agency, is complicit.  

The WHO, and especially their "Eugenics Council" is complicit. 

The World Bank is complicit to the tune of $500 million in "Pandemic Bonds". 

The Council on Foreign Relations, and especially Dr. Henry Kissinger, is complicit. 

Dr. Charles Lieber, biological nano-scientist, late head of the appropriate departments at Harvard University is up to his eyeballs in this. 

The Wellcome Trust and the Pirbright Institute have their hands dirty. 

And most of all, the Government of Westminster has admitted their "agency" in all of this, including the use of 5G to trigger SARS viruses, by advertising it blatantly on the new British 20 Pound Note. 

We know who did it, and while its true that individual Chinese scientists worked on this project, it's not a Chinese project.  So President Xi is correct. 

It's certainly not an American project, either.  So President Trump is correct. 

It's a "US" project promoted by Nazi Corporatists, and they've been hiding in plain sight, playing both ends -- all these National Governments -- against the middle. 

Which comes back down to what we have said for the past thirty-plus years: this is not a matter of politics.  It's a matter of crime. 

It's a matter of arresting certain individuals, confiscating their assets, and executing them in public for crimes against humanity.  Convincing them that they can't get away with this, and putting a stiff price on it, is the only way to stem the tide on such profitable criminal activity.  

That, and making it illegal to profit from medical technologies, as it used to be prior to Tricky Dick Nixon.  

It turns out that the prohibitions against profit-making from medical procedures and technologies and even drugs that were in place prior to Nixon served us all very well.  But Nixon owed debts to certain campaign contributors, and he was inclined to do favors for them in consideration of those debts disappearing. Those prohibitions were removed, and now we have huge corporations and quasi-government organizations conspiring to deliberately create new diseases so that they can force-peddle vaccines and make billions in illicit profits. 

It's not hard to see --- once you see it at all.   

According to Sorcha Faal: 

"Nobel Prize winning French virologist Doctor-Scientist Luc Montagnier, who discovered the HIV virus back in 1983, and currently works as a full-time professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, affirmatively declared that the coronavirus rampaging across the world killing tens-of-thousands of innocent peoples: “Could Only Have Been Created In A Lab—thus assuring that whoever created this coronavirus as a bioweapon, will receive a crushing Russian military response for doing so."  

So, we have world-class confirmation that "Covid 19" was deliberately engineered in a lab.  We already know that, but, if you need confirmation, Luc Montagnier is as good as it gets. 

President Xi and President Trump are both stomping around, tacitly blaming each other's country for it, when in fact, both US citizens and Chinese were involved in this debacle, and neither government condoned it. 

The United States outlawed it a year prior to Dr. Fauci's sleight of hand. 

It's not the fault of "China", not the fault of "America", and this time, it's not even the fault of "the United States".  

Its the fault of individuals running wild with profit-motives and no morals at all, its the fault of quasi-governmental organizations promoting Corporatist Agendas, its the fault of sleazy military-industrial-complex interests, its the fault of failed and repealed legislative prohibitions that should have still been in place and protecting all of us by taking the profit-motives out of medicine.  

And at the end of the day, this is all just crime-for-profit.  

So, instead of planning any massive crushing Russian military option, Mr. Putin needs to be siccing his international police on the problem.  And so does President Xi.  And President Trump. 

Round the criminals up.  


See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Gallo a NIH political abuser lost case to Luc Montagnier and France over who discovered HIV. Gallo near knocked attorney general off the podium to announce on the news he discovered it but had plagarized Luc's work, then pushed for the big scare even a virologist quitting upon finding one of the big magazines made up that he backed up the theory so being a moral man quit as a government viroligist. Also Luc has been saying for years that most of us have had HIV probably 20 times and if healthy not even a big deal so he and others are working diet and good food along with generally healthy activity.

  2. Fake debt collectors SEIZING Stimulus checks before people.

    You know, that Bankers Courts are in bed together, supporting each other on their Fake debts. These crooks can go after people checks.

  3. Manipulative Mind-Games, are nothing new.

    The Churchill gang killed FDR according to Stalin, too!
    And according to FDR Charts tracing his poisoning trend. England Churrchill also killed SIAM King, and more Kings. All of these are connected to one LARGEST THING the British wanted, see below

    PS. Neville Chamberlain, listed as the most popular Prime Minister ever and one who wanted to keep Britain out of the war, died mysteriously in November 1940. His death certificate said, ‘causes unspecified.’ It’s such nonsense for the most important man in the land to have this written on his death certificate, so it was later changed to ‘bowel cancer.’
    Churchill’s bodyguard Walter Thompson claimed before his death that the deaths of Chamberlain, King George V, Mahatma Ghandi and the intelligence chief Vernon Kell, were among a batch of murders ordered by Lord Rothschild for Churchill to oversee.
    Why all of these mass murder against the Top guys?
    To conseal England Gold Theft -

    1. For the disbelievers:
      If you think, this group likes to make thing up; at least I can prove the character of each person or each country to the world, if you can televise the broadcast to every country. That, the death of FDR and England’s Bankers had to do with mutual Greed's.

      FDR had his own greed’s, FDR sold America to England to control US Army, in exchange for their ungodly shares of people belongings. Then England rid of FDR on Oct-1-1944, by poisoning, like they did to other (undisclosed) Kings thereafter.

      England knew the (2) Einstein successful Nukes ahead of time. The British planned to roam the earth with US Army to steal from every little country, all resources they can take. As soon as FDR dead, Truman replaced him, at a much lower cost to England.
