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Saturday, December 21, 2019

It is “Cognitive Dissonance”

By Anna Von Reitz

Cognitive Dissonance occurs when new information doesn’t fit into our learned pattern of assumptions.  Such information tends to bounce out of our minds, like a pin ball hitting a bumper.  

The information I teach isn’t actually hard to understand. It’s not rocket science—- but it can feel that way because of Cognitive Dissonance and our built-in tendency to avoid, shut out, and if possible— ignore, whatever doesn’t fit neatly into our own conceptualization of the topic at hand.  

How difficult is it to understand that the Reconstruction that was supposed to happen after the Civil War didn’t happen? 

And an important part of our intended Federal Government has been missing ever since? 

So we need to.get.organized and do the job, right? 

What good does it do to drain the swamp, if you don’t also remove the dam that’s causing the problem in the first place?

We are missing the largest, most important, and only truly American portion of the Federal Government because the Reconstruction is still hanging. 

This circumstance is what is causing the breakdown of accountability and discipline — it’s the dam creating The Swamp. 

So let’s try to consciously move past the Cognitive Dissonance and into the clear light of new understanding. 


See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. The concept is not hard to grasp. But there needs to be an updated step by step example of how to "file your paperwork" the current method relies heavily on it's and should's. With no "what to expect" or "if x do x" scenarios to be found.

    1. i'll say it again ; where's the simplification in this 'process' !! "there is none" !! does it pay for me to even bring this up again ?? david straight spells it out very SIMPLY in his 3 day lecture in arkansas this last spring . it's on you tube !

    2. @ Craig: If you haven't started your paperwork, then perhaps you should, then if you have questions and the answer is not on the website page, , then contact the co-ordinator for your state.
      One does not update data that doesn't need updating. Much of what to expect has already been explained by Anna over and over.
      Getting started is the hardest part and because it is not all online, you have to do it manually.

    3. David Straight:
      Session 1:
      Session 2:
      Session 3:

    4. @ lut: Why are you complaining if it is so simple on David Straight's tutorial? If you haven't done your paperwork, get started. You have both best information sources don't you?

    5. I have no coordinator for Indiana unfortunately. I have done extensive research besides what Anna has laid out. The American assembly is incomplete, it says there is a training exercise but it's not yet available.

    6. I can help you with paperwork and with filing. Someone walked me through every step and I was able to complete the paperwork and file in in a local records office. email

  2. This is one of the better articles (IMO) for several reasons. It briefly and concisely states a single point. It includes a mental picture that sufficiently relates to the subject matter. And so much of what it doesn't contain also makes for the quality of what is presented.

  3. Craig I absolutely 100% agree with you! I am currently in the same frustrated situation! I feel so blessed to have finally reached this information but how to go about claiming what is mine seems extremely difficult! I seen video's of how other people are actually maneuvering the system to get things they want right now but a lot of that info is from 2017. I've even been able to gain access to my account linked to a frb with their routing number and my ssn but the payments always bounce back, I know there's truth! However, im in need of my funds RIGHT NOW...and where to actually start to begin the paperwork process I have no idea! Do I need to hire an attorney or do I do this on my own??? I'm so confused and feel all alone in this cause I sure don't feel to comfortable sharing this info with too many other people! I need help!! Please!!

    1. Are you talking about getting you State national Passport and State Citizenship?

    2. @Infinite Trinity 2020: go to
      and get your paperwork and follow the instructions. You have to change your political status first. All the other video's information systems has been blocked. You don't get access to the funds just yet.

    3. How did you gain access to an account?

  4. I need help on how to get my paperwork started immediately. Im at risk of losing everything I own....again! Please help me!

    1. Are you talking about getting your State National Passport and reclaiming your State Citizenship?

    2. you tube ; david straight arkansas 1,2,3

    3. I can help you with paperwork and with filing. Someone walked me through every step and I was able to complete the paperwork and file in in a local records office. email

  5. Bravo Anna, bravo. Simple, concise and directly to the point for all of "the people" to grasp firmly in their minds. ��

  6. Related perhaps to alcoholic behavior. The effected one, the drinker him herself has blocked out the truth and has no idea anything is wrong.
    Even called the insanity of alcoholism. Does not make sense to ignore things so you can keep destroying yourself.

  7. Well this is my opinion. Sence we !well almost all of us are not the blood relatives of signers of the compact well lets call it the Constitution we are not a party to it. No protection No Rights Just a volunteer to serve the elite bloodline of the signers. Organic or otherwise we are not party to it..

  8. IMO

    "We the signers and all our blood relatives....."

    "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

    8 U.S. Code § 1101.

    (21) The term “national” means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.
    (22) The term “national of the United States” means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.

    (a) 21 "The People"...........

  9. Rumor has it the U.N.may be used on militias but that won’t fly were to heavily armed .trump use an EO. To conflate antisemitic to hate speech hello red terror !
    The constant war not slowing down,non stop false .flags then pretend it was real .
    Definitely domestic violence against we the ppl.

  10. trimp of the bloodline MacLeod (see page `2) be sure to read the whole document to get the jest of how deep these bloodlines go and how they have created event after event for decades to undermine the public

  11. Listen to first couple of minutes of this, 'queen' says UK will leave EU??

  12. We the people ?? To form a more profitable business ?? Who are the people. ?? The signers and their posterity. I don't believe I am a inherent heir of the signers of the business compact known as the Constitution. Folks we have been duped .
    The drafters of that compact were the richest men in America . That document is theirs not ours. We are just considered persons = Government personnel registered slaves. Human resources. Chattel !! All the Presadents except one were all related by blood. Think about that. Its a Club and we ain't in it.


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