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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Blind Greed

By Anna Von Reitz

I have a Labrador Retriever, now very long in tooth for a Labrador Retriever, who has been a perfect gentleman his entire life, except for one fault.  He is a glutton.

Since puppyhood, he has been first and last at the food bowl, eating as fast as he can, as much as he can.  He is, when it comes to food, the epitome of Blind Greed.

There are many people afflicted by the same character fault and impulse.

If they see "money" --- even if it is debt notes issued against their own assets -- they can't help themselves.  They are nose up to the trough and going for it as fast as they can, without a second thought.  Oh, yum, yum, yummmmm!

Arbitration award?  Did someone say, "Arbitration award"?  

Now, don't get me wrong.  Thanks to the total mismanagement of the world economy by governmental services corporations operated by the Popes and the Queens and Kings for their own greed and other nefarious purposes, there are a good many people who are severely malnourished both physically and spiritually.  They have been ground down by years of deprivation and they can be easily forgiven for rushing toward any source of "food" whatsoever.

Nonetheless, it behooves all of us to look around the corners and see what is really going on here.

Two or three years ago, I happened to have a conversation with a senior government consultant to the Department of Administration.  His specialty was and is, accounting.  So I brought up the little matter of the National Credit owed to Americans.  After several exchanges bringing forward the obvious fact that there is an answering credit for every debt in a debt-credit system, the light bulbs went off and he scurried on with his business.

I hoped that he might do something good with the information.  Silly me. Last Friday, I found out what he did with the insight I offered him. 

He did the Glutton Thing and worked very hard to figure out a way to "get him some" and joined forces with Senior Flag Officers also intent on "getting them some" and they then went to Rand Paul and Ron Paul and set up the whole Arbitration Award scheme to "give back" money owed to the people of this country. 

Only it's actually military script that was and is still being issued on our credit, so what does that amount to?  More debt. 

Let me ask you ---do you believe Municipal Congress which has stonewalled Ron Paul for forty years would suddenly roll over and give his son, or us, anything good? 


What they are actually doing is counting on human need and human greed to fuel the engines destroying the Federal Reserve Note via hyperinflation.  That is, they are counting on people to embrace their own economic destruction by being senseless gluttons.

And that is what this man, this senior accounting consultant to DOA dreamed up, as a way to repay us the National Credit owed to us: indebt us some more. 

And, in the bargain, get people to voluntarily identify themselves as British Territorial United States Citizens, so that they officially release their inheritance as Americans, give up their constitutional guarantees, give up their land and soil, and --- score double points! ---become responsible for the debts of the British Monarch. 

This man, Richard, actually had the brass  to call me a "traitor" and an "evil old woman" --- after he and his buddies, Phil and the Flag Officers, came up with such a scheme and I declined to go along with it.  

Now, either these people are really stupid, or they are really criminal, and in either event, they are playing into the hands of the Municipal Corporation which is more than happy to pay us off by handing us more debt via these "Arbitration Awards", and the Brits are, of course, more than happy to get more Americans officially signed up to pay the Queen's debts.

All this undisclosed chicanery is just more fraud, leading to the same results as ever: the Americans being bilked by the Pope, who doesn't have to pay his debts under this scenario, and by the Queen, who gets American labor and American land and soil assets to help her pay her debts, via this Arbitration Award Scam. 

As for Richard and Phil and their pals, the Flag Officers --- better decide whether you are dumb and innocent, or smart and guilty.  As I see it, the Idiot's Defense is about all you have as an option.

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  1. All I want to say is that we must have many many people in the know about all of this stuff.

    God forbid that anything happen to Anna.

    State assembly members best be on their game as well as anyone dealing with all of this.

    I only state this as the obvious. Cannot rely on just Anna, must have contacts for everyone including the living law firm and anyone else that can follow through with all of this.

    Just my opinion

  2. Well we pretty much know the problems. The crooks want to go down to the very dirty level, lawless, barbaric, to see what are we going to do. Well, they asked for these. We have no choice, we have to do the same back, the only way. They are the terrors, NOT us. The people are the Gov't said the Constitution, not the Gov't servers.

  3. RiCHARD....WHO ????? FLAG OFFICERS WHO ????? Don't these people have last names ????

    Defense..??? LEGAL DEFENSE ??? If they were charged with a crime, there only Defense would be Stupidity...

    QUESTION: What is the Lawful or Legal Remedy Against these people which this blog discusses..constantly..?

    I am sure in the real world of ordinary "people" if I was misrepresenting through non-disclosure and committing Fraud against my fellow "people", there would be a lawful or legal remedy for me.....

    1. Since the Clearfield Doctrine the door is wide open for suit against any federal actor who acts outside the limitations of the U.S. Constitution when interacting with Citizens of the States. See the Clearfield Doctrine case and also study Cooperative Federalism by Gerald Brown.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your threats of violence are unwelcome by those of us who frequent this blog. I suggest you keep your personal bias toward violence to yourself.

  6. 600,000,000 million refugees to America

  7. I believe there is a Maxim that states, 'All law is contract law'.
    Arbitration is a centuries old tradition in contract law that was upheld last year in the Supreme Court. Arbitration has the ability to force change in terms of service in contracts. This has only recently been used to turn the tables on govcorpse by the people. I believe that instead of directing ridicule at people for thinking outside the box to the best of their understanding, and intentions, I would have hoped others could rise above their ego's and helped to perfect the intent of these arbitration contracts.

    Judge Anna, Do you know how to perfect a contract, and force change to the TOS?

    1. Disclosure; After 2 weeks of study, I will be opting into this contract. As an 'opt in', I will essentially become a co-creator of this contract, and will be able to amend any technical mistakes that interfere with original intent of the contract. The original intent of the contract is to 'Come ye out of Babylon', as commanded by our Creator. He who is my true Sovereign. If it is greedy to care for my everlasting soul, then God forgive me.
      For those who wish to do the actual research on this matter, here are links;

    2. I agree with your approach Condor. I place a very HIGH VALUE on transparency and honesty. I have no "gurus" and my careful study and evaluation of the FACTS of things lead me to my decisions. I am SICK AND TIRED of hearing about the problems ----- I know what the problems are ----- what is anybody really DOING about it ? If you really think about it -----Life is one big game (IT IS A GAME) and others KNOW HOW TO PLAY IT BETTER THAN YOU DO ----THAT IS A FACT -----I can hear all the haters now with their condemnation and bible verses telling me "how it is"

    3. And I am almost 60 tears old and have worked my ass off all my life and never made any REAL MONEY , and in the process learned that the criminal class (bankers/politicians/attorneys/cops/ judges laugh their ass off at us while they steal from us ---FACT. Anna said that it is a trap and not for American State Nationals, and even if that were so, if that puts you BACK in God's Kingdom and on the do not detain/harass etc list, who CARES if the label your status as a Federal/Municipal/US Citizen. The money STILL SPENDS whether it is FRN's or Gold/Silver. They have me on so many lists now, and I don't care in the least bit . It is about THE MONEY, it ALWAYS IS-----I am just more honest than most $$$$$$$$

    4. From Anna:

      You are being fooled --- again. The people behind this have done nothing to reclaim their actual political status and haven't protested the ownership of their own DNA by foreign corporations. The money being offered is a bribe and you should know that the True God and Creator doesn't dabble in coins or pieces of paper. If that is not clear to everyone by now, it surely should be.

