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Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Most Banned Website on the Internet and First Amendment Power

Found Here:

Alex Jones has an emergency message for President Trump on Censorship of Social Media and Mainstream Media.   


  1. I suggest that everyone read everything in the following link
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  2. It is definitely a headshaker to me: the CEO/ slavemaster of this corporation fraudulently claiming to be a sovereign government being called upon by a guy claiming free speech rights who is-probably- a U.S.Citizen/slave of said corporation who has no rights n limited if any

  3. today, I gonzo, o multnoma county Oregon, must decide if I greyhound it to burns, harney county, Oregon, for imprisonment as a driver of a motor vehicle, while under the influence of alcohol, or turn myself in to the Portland veterans hospital detox, unit of the Vancouver substance abuse treatment program, as a institutionalized drunk, or behind door number3, redeem my humanitarian trillions worth of the zim bearer bonds, and join field mconnell/able danger, in helping veterans with like myself, ptsd, these are times/days of great change, and so help me God, the creator, his help, and yours, I will receive my redemption....thank you Pat, and my hero anna von, and the grace apon me the flesh and blood Gonzo o tillymoo, Oregon, God save me!

  4. Unfortunately, I have learned that Trump is probably a Chabad Lubavitch, a nihilistic cult (previously called the Sabbatean and Frankist cults in the past), that is attempting to force prophecy by destroying the world, along with his other cult members, Putin and Ping.

    They believe in 'redemption through sin', and are hell bent on killing most of mankind, so that their messiah, not the Christian messiah, will rise from the ashes like the proverbial pheonix.

    Bill Barr, has stated on record even that he's coming after the guns, Trumnp has instigated the red flag laws, and is picking people off by using them one at a time.

    I could go on for hours, but it should be obvious to even the lax truther, that there is no hope with Trump.

  5. Please use a handle that is not "unknown" or "anonymous" see our policy at the top of the page in blue. The least you could do is to put your name on the first line of your comment so I can see your unique handle. There are too many people using unknown or anonymous and it makes this moderation job much more difficult.
