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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Lawful Marriage

By Anna Von Reitz

It's "Marriage Season" --- or so I am told.  More marriages take place in June than in any other month of the year.   I've been thumping on everyone about the word "Lawful" this week, as opposed to "Legal" so now we have the topic of "Lawful Marriage".  

What is a "Lawful Marriage" as opposed to a "Legal Marriage"? 

A Lawful Marriage is one that takes place on the land and soil of an actual, factual country.  It takes place according to the Law of Scripture and the Public Law of the country and internationally it is recognized as a Simple Treaty under the Law of Nations. 

It's both a private agreement and a public agreement between two people to live together and enter into all the rights and responsibilities of married life.

A "Legal Marriage" is a Joint Venture between two Legal Persons chartered by a State of State, subject to the Statutory Laws of that State of State.  The State of State, like the State of Washington, issuing the new franchise charter is an undisclosed Third Party having an "interest" in the JV and the "products thereof"---- your children.  

Obviously, you want to have your ducks in order and be making a deliberate choice about which kind of "marriage" you are entering into. 

I've had distraught parents contact me seeking help to protect their children who are now planning to get married and not knowing the difference between these two kinds of marriage.  They don't want their children and grandchildren to be reduced to mere businesses operating a JV under the thumb of State of State subcontractors. 

The basic situation is the same as what we encountered with the Baby Deed.  If we don't record our baby's true identity as an American State National, the freebooters sneak in and register our baby's name as a Legal Person and Ward of their State of State organization, leaving him or her --- and their parents --- at the mercy of the Territorial State of State.  

To counteract, we record the Baby Deed at the land recording office and seize ownership to our own children on the Public Record.  If the State of State then registers our baby's name, it is clearly and demonstrably a secondary claim and is not owed any enforcement against the parents.  

Straightening out your own political status records and recording that little Baby Deed on the land jurisdiction puts you back in control of your lives and the lives of your children.   It's the same way with marriages. 

You need to record your Lawful Marriage with the Land Recording Office, prior to or in concert with any "registration" of the new "vessel" with the State of State organization.  

To that end, our team has constructed a new recording instrument that does for marriages what the Baby Deed does for babies ---- establishes your marriage as a Lawful Marriage on the Public Record. 

This document is called a "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" and will be found --together with instructions-- with the Article 928 documents at my website, and hopefully will soon also be available on website. 

Those receiving this as an email will also receive a "red-line" copy of the form and instructions.  

Recording this "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" protects your marriage from being treated as a commercial contract and prevents you and your children from being subjected to the unilateral demands of Territorial and Municipal Agencies.  

For your own safety and sanity and for the well-being of your children, be sure to fill out the "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" and record it with the Land Recording Office nearest you.  This is evidence that you are acting as living people getting married and not functioning as business entities engaged in a Joint Venture merger---- which is how your marriage will otherwise be "interpreted" by the existing court systems. 

I will also point out that doing this prevents a lot of the other heartaches that can be associated with marriages --- CPS, forced vaccinations, denial of home school rights, inequitable divorces, and a whole lot more can be settled privately and should be settled privately by arbitration.  Just make sure to get your "Solemn Record and Proclamation of Lawful Marriage" properly witnessed and recorded and forestall any ability of the pirates to exercise their "discretion" with regard to what kind of marriage you have entered into.

To download and edit.  

See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. No mention of what you do if you were hoodwinked into a " Legal Marriage" or how to overcome it without a giant " legal battle" with the crimonals...dont worry we will figure it out.
    Cart before the horse again, day late and a dollar short, ...

    1. What does the Bible say of marriage?
      Not much of what i read above.

    2. Patriot58May 25, 2019 at 4:59 PM
      You are learning a valuable lesson. There is only One to turn too in these times and days. Not men, and not women. Be grateful.

    3. Looks pretty cut and dry remedy to "LEGAL" to me, just like correcting any other error by Public Record.

      I recorded a baby deed for my daughter 38 and son 25 correcting "my" error in contracting with the STATE due to lack of full disclosure. An action which is a source of great anger to me.

      If Anna contracted to be our own Personal Jesus Christ then she would be a day late and a dollar short. But since she is not her brothers keeper, but offering information for the benefit of all Americans this information is accepted as the gift it is intended to be and I am grateful to pass it on.

      As I am not totally reeduated yet I look forward to Anna taking her time to put out any information she chooses.

    4. Annie--Well said. And ditto the last two paragraphs.

    5. Seems to me they are offering passports and paperwork into "heaven."
      Being "reeducated" should not be taken lightly.
