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Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Truth About "Southern Poverty Law Center"

By Anna Von Reitz

No doubt some of you remember the Hit Pieces issued by SPLC trying to mislabel me (yes, me of all people) a "sovereign citizen" --- to which I replied that the man writing the article never interviewed me (was lying outright) and that the Southern Poverty Law Center isn't "Southern", isn't concerned about "Poverty" and as far as I can determine isn't a "Law Center" either. 

But I digress.  Recent exposure of the slimy organization reveals that it has a budget of half a billion dollars --- more than a small country.  That in itself should raise eyebrows. If the "mission" is to help solve the southern poverty problem, imagine what half a billion invested in jobs and scholarships and actual help for poor people in Alabama could do?  

But there is more....  Turns out that the King Pins in SPLC lost $60 million in court for telling more lies and slandering and libeling other people besides me.  

This was a sore point with the Board of Directors for some reason, given that they have made it their business to slander and misrepresent others for decades in an effort to whip up fears of Jim Crow and increase donations. 

Here's a quote lifted from the ZeroHedge report from a former SPLC staffer: 

"“Outside of work," recalls Bob Moser of his days working for the organization [Southern Poverty Law Center], "we spent a lot of time drinking and dishing in Montgomery bars and restaurants about … the hyperbolic fund-raising appeals, and the fact that, though the center claimed to be effective in fighting extremism, ‘hate’ always continued to be on the rise, more dangerous than ever, with each year’s report on hate groups. ‘The S.P.L.C.—making hate pay,’ we’d say."  

Just sayin'.  If promoting baseless fear propaganda is part of your stock-and-trade  ---- presenting innocent people and organizations as threats, racists, and "haters" so as to plump up your own coffers to half a billion dollars --- you should expect to get sued and be prepared to take it in the teeth. 

So the Board fired their long-time fearless leader and co-founder, Morris Dees, just as the organization faced up to allegations of internal sexual misconduct.  Now his successors and lieutenants are fleeing the proverbial kitchen, too.  

Who knows?  Maybe SPLC will finally get some new leadership and upgrade their behavior and ethical standards to something above snake belly?  Quoting the Washington Examiner article cited by ZeroHedge: 

The only thing worse than a snarling partisan activist is a slimy conman who merely pretends to be one. -Washington Examiner 


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1 comment:

  1. Not related to this article but here is an appeal that is going around to stop 5G
    Pass it on
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