Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Statesmen Three! -- The 100 Billion Dollar Robbery

By Anna Von Reitz


Dedicated to the Victims of Plutocratic Usurpation -- The Oppressed and Downtrodden of America.....   

Everyone, quick ---- go online to this address: 

And download and preserve this book!!!!

Published in 1896, a Senator, a Judge, and a Colonel in the military secured all the records and analyzed the financial status of the country from 1812 forward. 

What they found is crucial information that every American should know and which all military and civilian leaders should know---- and take action to correct, even now, when the results of this uninterrupted crime spree have spread for over a hundred years and gone worldwide. 

This is one giant leap forward in the quest to nail down what happened to our country and what needs to be done now.  

I am concerned that once our enemies know the importance and content of this book by Archie Campbell Fisk, they will do what they have done before --- and seek to destroy the evidence.  

Go online and download your copy of the pdf  and distribute it and archive it for posterity. 


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. Download Done, now to read. Thank you Anna!

  2. Thanks Ms Anna,
    Downloaded, Filed, Reading, Registering for Distribution.

  3. Wow! Thank you Anna - download completed.

  4. This is terrific! Downloaded. Reading and printing now!

  5. Downloaded and Saved! Thank you Anna!!

  6. I cannot read literally makes me sick to my core.

  7. Well I haven't read it yet, but if your sick, I will be too! Get my puke bag ready...:(

  8. Truth is ALWAYS in style and welcome.....John 14:6-7

  9. Thanks Anna... downloaded and will read it!

  10. Thank you Anna for the valuable insight you provide. I've downloaded the book. Can't wait to read......

  11. How does one download it? Am not finding any link to download on both firefox and brave.

    1. Once on Google page, click the gear on the top right just above "clear search" then choose download pdf.

  12. Click the link in the article and when it comes up there will be what looks like a gear toward the upper right corner. Click the gear and select Download PDF. Click that and when it comes up in the upper right corner there will be a down arrow with a line underneath it. Click that and the document should come into your downloads folder. From there you can put it on your desktop or anywhere in another folder.

  13. ***** NOT $100 Billions, BUT *****

    I find $108M of Quadrillions in Today Value with Interest and principal.

    At page 22 of 242. (of STATEMENT THREE) pdf.

    Wow, what a GREAT FINDING Judge Anna. This is what I was looking for, to not over-estate for the rats to see.

    Yet the crooks want to have us believe we’re stupid. What a great Wealth.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi everyone, I tried to get the pdf and apparently they have taken it down! Could someone post the pdf for download somewhere and post the link here for those of us who did not get it? Thanks, Carl in Germany

    1. 7:40 EST Carl It is still up for me to access. Perhaps re-try. I will see if I can upload to a different site or I could email to you.

    2. Above Link was through Anna's Link. Here is one for google canada

    3. Above link not free. Try this one:

  16. Replies
    1. Try this link. My access says 6 version links.

    2. Previous link was not free. This one should be:

  17. Thanks Dan, but none of those links have a pdf or epub download under the gear symbol. Could you send me the pdf file if it is not too big?
    carlschoeppel (at) yahoo dot com
    thanks, Carl

    1. Carl, just go above here and see Paul's Comment of how to download it. It worked fine for me, and Im really ''computer stupid' lol.

      Click on Anna's blue link (a left click)
      At the top right you will then see what looks like a 'nut or bolt'
      Left click on that, and a menu will pop up . Select Download PDF and then you will see a Down Arrow with an _ below it.
      Choose that and that will download it for you.
      Name it and click DONE.

      Paul explains it perfectly.

  18. If you don't mind me asking, Anna, where or how did you come about this book...!!

  19. Thank you Team AVR. happy New Year !!

  20. Thank you Anna. Being challenged by downloading like some here, I went to a different site:;view=1up;seq=1

    There I was able to copy each page and put it into a 231 page Word document, so that I could email it and print out copies.

    So if anyone would want a copy sent to them, please put your email here and I can email it to you. I could check each morning for anyone who might want it sent to them and then they could remove their info.

    Or perhaps Paul or Kelli would be able to put it on their website.
    I am not sure how these things work, if they can even put a word document on their website??

    Peace. ra

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, Thank You ra string! I have added the link yo provided to the digital copy on my website in the "Public Notices" section @
      I'm guessing if you have a "drop box" account, you could also add the Doc there, and create a public drop box link to the file for sharing? Thank You!!

  21. It says there is a volume 2, I only see a volume one. Does anyone else have access to download volume 2? I would be happy to send the pdf I have of volume one to anyone who wants one. :)

  22. Thank you, Kelli. You have completed the mission of sharing. Gratitude for all that you are and do. Peace. ra

  23. I have vol 1 if anyone needs it. Looking for vol 2...Anyone have it?

    1. hi doonstr, have not been able to download a copy, i am on australia. Have contact with another on australia and he has not been able to download either. Will u put it up on this forum or do i need to provide an email address?

  24. Jill, did you also have problems with the digital link ra string provided above, and that I also added to my blogsite?: (Link on Right side under "Public Notices" section) I'm curious to know if its a personal browser issue or something else entirely, Thank you.

  25. have to be a member of some society to download the book, otherwise it is page by page on the public notices section.
