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Friday, December 7, 2018

Arkansas is "Blowing Apart"

By Anna Von Reitz

One of the most colorful parts of my husband's life as a young man involved working in the oil fields and mining districts, where he met larger-than-life "characters", some of whom became friends for life and some of whom were shady at best. 

These latter sorts as my Grandmother would say, "bore the mark of Cain" and couldn't tell right from wrong or up from down.  As a result, they had a talent for confusing everyone else, too.

It would start out with something small and a rationalization --- for example, you had to travel forty miles out of your way because of a landslide to get to work, so you snitched a couple gallons of gasoline from the Company tank.

Well, you had to get to work, didn't you?   The Boss would have split a gasket if you didn't show up on time, right?  And it wasn't your fault there was a landslide!  Why should you have to make up for that by spending your gas as well as your time? 

You all see how this works. 

As above, they rationalize a petty theft, and if the employer doesn't catch it, things just sorta expand from there until over time, you have entire generations of people and networks supporting them, who take criminality and racketeering for granted.

I've had judges who appear to be rational men tell me, "But this is the way we do it.  This is how we have always done it....." because during the entire course of their long careers, they've been doing it wrong.

Back in the 1980's we had a real eye-opener related to this in Oklahoma. The FBI did a sting operation and as a result, stumbled onto widespread corruption at both the county and state levels throughout Oklahoma.

They started walking into County Clerk Offices all over Oklahoma and asking the Clerk for "The Kickback Book" and the Clerks all dutifully went and got the book where they recorded all the kickbacks being paid to officials and contractors.  They didn't know any better.  That's the way things were done.

Oklahoma got cleaned up, but Arkansas was still just as bad and the Oklahoma crooks just moved on to Arkansas and set up shop. 

And now all of it is blowing "sky high", with Arkansas politicians and judges and agency heads being indicted, and their ties to both the Clinton and Bush Presidencies coming to light.  

Whereas most of the corruption in Oklahoma was of the petty ante kind, the present day crimes in Arkansas are much more sophisticated, more serious, and are international in nature. 

They have tie-ins with international crime syndicates in the pharmaceutical, communications and entertainment industries, with international mining conglomerates, with human trafficking organizations including forced prostitution and pedophilia. 

In a word, this isn't Joe and Amos filching a few cans of motor oil out of the shop shed.  

This is Big Time crime being exposed in Arkansas and as Arkansas goes down for its part in the blossoming of international crime in America, Nevada is close behind. And then, New Mexico.  And then California.  And then New York.  And then Illinois. And then.....

It will surprise nobody who has been awake the past fifty years that both the Bush and the Clinton Administrations and the CIA and the old DOD and the "Alphabet Soup" Agencies in general, are up to their necks in this.  And because half our military and intelligence forces were involved, all this crime was "protected" in the "National Security Interest".

I would love to ask these men and women --- "Which nation's security were you protecting?"

It surely wasn't ours.  

When you start pulling on one thread of a spider's web, you quickly find that its all connected, and so as this criminal Empire and the criminals running it are exposed, you may be sure that the thread of this corruption will lead all over the world. 

Just as "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" was incorporated as a Scottish LLC and "The Republic of the United States of America" was incorporated in France, many other "governmental services corporations" like "AUSTRALIA" and "CANADA" have been incorporated in the United States via abuse of our Patent and Trademark and Copyright Offices. 

This in turn created a sort of "double-blind" system in which we were responsible for their governments and they were responsible for ours, to keep all the crooks honest with each other. 

We see the same principles at work with the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) -- the parent corporations had to compile this information for their own use to ride herd on their franchises and keep the franchises from siphoning off too much, so, ironically, all that information is now available to us.

All of this outrageous fraud against the sovereign governments, both national and state, appears to have been conceived and directed by an interlocking trust directorate engineered by the Holy See and the Universal Postal Union and the old Vichy French (Nazi) UN Corporation, seeking to create a worldwide control center governed by the B.E.A.S.T  -- the Belgian Electronic Asset System.

Just imagine MERS only a couple hundred times larger, and just as quick, as feral, and as bogus.

Sitting here this morning with my coffee cup in hand surveying the view, I have to shake my head.  If they had tried to do nothing at all but completely mess things up, we'd be looking at the same result: nobody knows the value of anything anymore, nobody knows who owns what anymore.

I've been getting comments about our situation in America from people all over the world.  Some of them think that we are unique and that this is our problem and not theirs, but in fact, this same rot has infected virtually every country.

The same process of rooting out corporate crime syndicates like the Carlyle Group, Inc. and re-establishing control over all the other corporations ---including governmental services corporations --- has to take place.


See this article and over 1400 others on Anna's website here:

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  2. Ya we know courts are corrupt. Failed to identify the entrainment , porn, pharmacudal,central banking world wide.managrd the nazi.word..

  3. In the mean time she can continue to believe that Gold and Silver are no longer money after 6000k yrs and have no value even though it plainly states in The United States Constitution that no money shall be coined except Gold and Silver.Peace

    1. must be new to this... Anna has been writing for years...start at the beginning.... I think your comment may be based solely on an artivle she wrote a week ago.

  4. "Money" is our Time and Labor, our time away from family, our time doing some form of work that might make us miserable. We give their monopoly money value today with our energy. Doesn't matter what Country, a man's sweat equity is the energy. Dog turds can have value if people choose to use them for trade. My labor certainly has more value than a coin. Currency is a means of transaction, only. The thing to remember is we, man live in the here and now, no one is guaranteed tomorrow and we need some form of exchange. We live on an abundant planet but live in the scarcity of thought, because of indoctrination. Gold, silver or dog turds as a medium of exchange is not the problem here.

    1. Annie...But the real problem is that anything people label as "value" is abstract and mostly esoteric...!! As long as something like "paper currency" is viewed as having "value" you can be sure that criminal syndicates will find a way to exploit it and "corrupt" and "steal" from it, at the expense of the people....!! That's why money or the medium for exchange can never be in the hands of any agency , whether govt or has to be left out of the equation completely...!!

  5. With the media and everything else being corrupt just how is it that we will get the real information
    How do we really know that things are blowing up in Arkansas? CNN? ABC? CBS? More alphabet agencies that have been lying to us for decades.
    Or because it's written here?
    Just like the HSEEP document on the internet telling us that DHS and FEMA and the city, county and state officials are participating in 'events' to further their agenda to disarm, just who the hell is giving us the REAL ANYTHING
    Just like DOCTORS FROM HELL stated above they are killing people all over the planet
    And 5G is being installed which will directly affect the oxygen in the air so how long before they suffocate all of us
    If we have the power we need to shut them down now money or no money
    All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved

  6. People have been refusing smart meters with success. Australia has banned 5G and also in Europe.

    1. I refused a smart meter on my house several years ago. It can be done.

  7. We just keep talking about it and wringing our hands.

  8. That's why I have adopted the idea of treat everyone or anything in print as complete LIES, and except the fact there are no real TRUTHS anymore...All we can hope for at best is 70% truth mixed in with 30% LIES...

    And that's enough to destroy all TRUTH...!!!

  9. To all disquieted facing the lack of transparency in the media, news or otherwise. It can't be all lies. They have to sow truth into the cement or it would never stick at all. Glean truth through discernment, focus on the most trustworthy sources you can find and ignore the most obvious sowers of manure. Have some faith that not every being on this planet is out for a piece of your soul, pocket book, etc. Get involved. Do you know where your local assemblies meet? Who they are? Are you reclaiming your natural state? Or, just waiting for some hero/savior to do it all for you? Looks to me like there is enough to keep you busy. Busy enough you won't have time for wringing your hands or complaining that nothing is changing. It appears to me that time is quickly coming that if you haven't settled into an attitude of positive change, the changes will just roll over you not having enough root to keep from being swept along. IS YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER? If not better get busy! I know the Bible mentions something about 7 virgins and being left in the cold- kind of what I'm getting at. If you aren't familiar with any of the Bible, there is some pretty pertinent wisdom in it. Not preaching, not even a "Christian" at least as one is considered these days. Still, eat from the best trees and gain the better value. I feel more like a lone cedar in the concrete jungle but I can still access good trees. Also, if any of this offends, that just means you have a sore spot and truth is usually felt as pain when at odds with incorrect paradigms. This is meant from my heart, not to offend.

  10. I didn't realize Blogger would change my tag to unknown, so reposting with my actual ID. Sorry for redundancy....

    To all disquieted facing the lack of transparency in the media, news or otherwise. It can't be all lies. They have to sow truth into the cement or it would never stick at all. Glean truth through discernment, focus on the most trustworthy sources you can find and ignore the most obvious sowers of manure. Have some faith that not every being on this planet is out for a piece of your soul, pocket book, etc. Get involved. Do you know where your local assemblies meet? Who they are? Are you reclaiming your natural state? Or, just waiting for some hero/savior to do it all for you? Looks to me like there is enough to keep you busy. Busy enough you won't have time for wringing your hands or complaining that nothing is changing. It appears to me that time is quickly coming that if you haven't settled into an attitude of positive change, the changes will just roll over you not having enough root to keep from being swept along. IS YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER? If not better get busy! I know the Bible mentions something about 7 virgins and being left in the cold- kind of what I'm getting at. If you aren't familiar with any of the Bible, there is some pretty pertinent wisdom in it. Not preaching, not even a "Christian" at least as one is considered these days. Still, eat from the best trees and gain the better value. I feel more like a lone cedar in the concrete jungle but I can still access good trees. Also, if any of this offends, that just means you have a sore spot and truth is usually felt as pain when at odds with incorrect paradigms. This is meant from my heart, not to offend.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. A few years ago the school levy here in town was voted down and as a retaliation the school district cut busing to save $385,000. I got a hold of their CAFR and found $10,000,000 in cash...after just calling the school board president about the 10 million and finding out that they were making more than $385,000 in interest each year....the busing program was without a word mysteriously reinstated...Was it just a coincidence? I'll never know...

  13. So let's say the evil is gone rights restored. Then what? What is the vision? What are we actually fighting for? Govt corrupt.. been so since the beginning...


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