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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Judge Andrew Napolitano: How the Courts Killed Natural Law

The video linked below is very worth watching. Judge Napolitano at his best. Only about 38 minutes, so definitely check it out.  Please comment.

Found Here:

The Constitution represented a coup from the beginning, and it's a dead letter today. The Declaration of Independence, however, is a truly radical libertarian document still worthy of consideration. Judge Andrew Napolitiano, our Distinguished Scholar in Law and Jurisprudence, recently gave a rousing talk at Mises University on the Declaration's natural law tradition–and how federal courts relentlessly and successfully attacked the principles it represented. This is Judge Nap at his scorching best, and you won't want to miss his comments on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

I received this in an email from one of our subscribers along with his comments below.

For those of you who think Brett Kavanaugh is a constitutionalist, you should know that his actions were and are totally unconstitutional.  He was the lawyer for the PATRIOT ACT, during Bush II's reign, and as we have said right along, he's nothing but another Bush domestic-enemy-traitor-asshole.  

The circumstances that the commie-rats have brought about in this absurd three-ring-circus-smear-campaign are abhorrent, clearly well pre-planned and paid for by Soros et al, in collusion with many corrupt senators, congressmen, alleged "victims", "witnesses" and lame stream media whores.  Though this smear job is obliterating any semblance of justice, as it is supposed to exist in the Bill of Rights of this "free" country, Kavanaugh is definitely not the guy we, the people, need to wrest the Supreme Court from the pernicious commie-corporate-political crap it has dealt out over the decades.  He is not the guy who will uphold the true Law, enforce our Constitution and safeguard our precious inherent rights secured to the people therein.  Actually, if you think about this, it's ironic and rather comical to see this hypocritical, privileged system's guy, who masquerades as a "constitutionalist", being denied and deprived of his rights to constitutionally compliant due process of law.  The Universe really must have a very sharp, keen sense of humor!  Or as some people might say, karma's a bitch!

Jack and Margy

Your comments please on this whole thread.


  1. Jack and Margy good work, thanks! Now why would Trump appoint Kavanaugh unless Trump's exactly like Kavanaugh?245631

    1. Unless he has Kavanaugh going in to UNDO the past from the likes of the Bush's and Clinton's. With Trump you must think deeper and deeper.


    3. Well, it looks like I'm right again...!! How many times have I said that the Constitution is an "Attorney Contract" that has to be rewritten and this time made very simple and concise, so no one can interpret it other than what it clearly states....!! If that is even possible with the BAR is allowed to comtinue...!!
      I also said, that although I do feel sorry for Kavanaugh and his family, he is a victim of the exact system he has been apart of for over 30 years.....I wonder how many families he destroyed for just an accusation....!! Or worse, no crime at all except for the STATE claiming injury...!! That said, I think Trump wants him.because he plans on turning a lot of courts into "military tribunals" for the 50,000 or so criminal indictments coming down...!! Congress views Kavanaugh as a "Benidict Arnold" who because of Trump will get a free pass , while the BAR takes a major "HIT"..!!
      DO you all realize that a very good friend and associate of his (a BAR attorney also) gave him advise before Kavanaugh gave his second day testimoney and instead of listening to him, did exactly the opposite and came out swinging with that statement he made before Congress even started with their questions...!! In fact, the Kavanaugh he saw wasn't even was a completely different person from the one he knew for years...However, he also thinks the left is deplorable too...but Kavanaugh should know better after 30 years on the bench to start a controversy, even going to the point of saying he is innocent of these charges.....I said that once in a heated debate in a misdemeanor case....and that's all the judge needed to take jurisdiction of the case.
      ..guilty or not...!! Kavanaugh made it clear what side he was on in a forum full of BAR attorneys....NOT SMART...!!!

  2. I have heard nothing good about Kavanaugh since his name surfaced. If what is said above and what I heard is true, then it's funny that he is in this position to get a taste of his own medicine. From what I have read it wasn't Trump's preferred choice, and he was put on record when questioned by traitor Lindsey Graham about citizens found guilty of treason, etc able to go before Military Tribunals. A key step in the plan to prosecute the vermin.
    If the vermin are successful to deny Kavanaugh, Trump could then appoint a female Judge and the Dems/RINO's would not be able to say a thing. If that's true.
    I have apprecited Judge napalitano's views in the past particularly on the subject of Obama and "wiretaps". His view was he didn't need a warrant. If Obama wanted the transcript of Trump's conversation he could just order as the NSA,DOJ, etc work for him. Conversations are recorder in real time with technology available to Intel agencies according to Napalitano. We no longer live in the days of a guy climbing a pole, hooking alligator clips to a box and signaling to fellow agents in a hotel room. He was fired from FoxNews shortly after but came back after protests of that action. At least that's what I gathered. Thanks for posting. Language could be better in the narrative written above but these people are vile and disgusting. Hope Trump and White Hats are serious about Making America Great Again. Only real way to accomplish this is to Make America White Again. Same for Europe. MAGA -- MAWA -- MEWA !! God bless

  3. And yet 'many' think he is the one,Anna? just because he is being abused and railroaded. Do you not see the game?

    Mustang, MAWA MEWA? You are so off base. Had no idea.

    1. a follower, well I can tell you I was already of age to easily remember what it was like before MLK came along; before all these so-called equal rights movements of various kinds; and before all these laws were made. And then quotas went overboard, rather than 12% it went 50-50, a huge imbalance which then shut out hiring of whites,and the 'best-qualified-for-the-job' went out the window.
      I can just tell you there was a lot more civility back then. Now everyone feels threatened of being sued for 'discrimination' based on color or nationality or gender or whatever else they can dream up. So we have this mess, which was unheard of back in the good ole days.
      And no, I am not for anyone being mistreated, but I am not for favor being handed out based on those things. Consequently we have a whole generation or two, now, of white educated males being shoved down to the status of being a joke.
      If you don't believe it, then just take a look at the tv commercials; what do you see, who do you see on them? I even read two decades ago that this was a deliberate Agenda; and so now it is here and look at the mess it has made.

    2. Abby,
      So we see this as a deliberate agenda, So does that make it right, to come off with make america white again? Or make europe white again? What would the indians say to
      i do see it to. it comes down to forced integration etc. Any agenda with force behind it is bound to get ugly.
      What would Jesus do or say?
      In the last few years i have witnessed an explosion of hatred and bigotry on the web. Now who does this favour?
      Just because we see their agenda does not mean we have to play their game.

    3. Abby,
      You may be interested in this link. Turmoil everywhere. The Indonesian earthquake another natural disaster, i guess also a volcanoe is erupting there.
      Chinese warship and american warship:

      When you start looking and seeing all these events taking place, getting your papers in order seem less and less likely to give us the protection and comfort we need.

    4. a follower, well it just happens to be a fact that back when america is basically white, it happened to be quite peaceful and safe and we did not have people with all their own personal agendas and protests and being hurt little snowflakes with 'oh somebody hurt my little feelings saying some word'' Lol.

      Yes,all these 'natural disasters' and weather phenomenon; weird cloud formations and strange things in the skies etc etc are all Signs of the End Times'. No amount of paperwork is going to avail much at all; not for believers or for non-believers. The devil is at the helm in all things, even in grade schools - who is going to pay any heed to papers?
      But I do not lean on anyone to not do their paperwork if they choose to do so. You do not see me being all nasty to them for doing so. That is totally up to them. At the same time NO one should get all nasty with those of us that do not see any sense of purpose in it, and choose not to do papers. (My Name is already written in the Book of Life; what else can top that.)

    5. a follower, et al, not only was there an absolute agenda to diminish our culture of white men in leadership and in meaningful jobs in favor of other races, there also began a flood of foreigners for to promote this new Agenda.......but, also as a means to lower wages.
      But at the same time, there was an Agenda to hire women in high places, giving them the higher paying jobs, which was also a means of emasculating white men.

      So now we have a decayed society, full of dishonored men, and replaced by women who have lost their feminine characteristics. To add to this, these women no longer cared to raise their own children, have pawned them off to child care centers to no longer have benefit of real and actual parenting.

      So now, we have the past couple of generations of youngsters who are missing a vital and necessary link in their being. Between this and the total absence of God in their lives, they have a shallowness that is quite evident.

      These are just a few of the things that no amount of paperwork can EVER fix. We could refer to it as the decaying of society.

  4. All the ridiculous BS the Democrats are bringing up against Kavanagh is to get all right thinking conservatives to support his nomination, and to keep the focus away from why we really don't want him confirmed. He is nothing more than part of the swamp.I saw red flags the moment I heard of his connection with George W. Bush.Bush showed his true colors when he was all for the Patriot act. Typical DC smoke and mirrors.

  5. I like Napolitano's description that Government is a myth.

    1. Dan, boy that is putting it mildly, isn't it, lol.

  6. All I can say is you reap what you sow...Kavanaugh made his bed, now he has to sleep in it...!! He should have never accepted the position in the first place...!! But he is still very ambitious and power hungry...!!

  7. I am new to this blog and am slowly catching on we have been had. Like some of you I also have wondered what Justice Kavanaugh thinks of the process now.

  8. All the ridiculous BS the Democrats are bringing up against Kavanagh is to get all right thinking conservatives to support his nomination, and to keep the focus away from why we really don't want him confirmed. He is nothing more than part of the swamp.I saw red flags the moment I heard of his connection with George W. Bush.Bush showed his true colors when he was all for the Patriot act. Typical DC smoke and mirrors.

    1. Please get a new ID. We appreciate your comment and agree, but we don't allow the "unknown" handle for an ID on this comment section of our blog. We have had too many come in and use profanity and personal attacks with that handle so have a policy of deleting every comment by "unknown". I will let this one stay but this is your notice of our policy. Thanks

  9. It's like the Matrix, when are people going to wake up and smell the coffee. Opt out of your current status by reclaiming your birthright. Then the government you been taught will soon fade away. The government is Corporation. The 2nd amendment speaks clearly on government which means corporation. Walmart can't impose it's business on you. Neither can the government. Buy you give complied consent. How? Your mother signed the birth certificate. When u turned 18 u didnt lay claim to yourself so the government filed for abondone property. You applied for drivers license. You claim your taxes. You register to vote. You gave them authorization everytime you did this. U r the only one that can get it back. Wake up do your homework and file your paperwork. Never register anything. Amen.

    1. Sean, if you or anyone here thinks that if they can just get everybody to file their papers, that government will just fade away.....then you are dreaming. For one thing you will never get enough people to file anything, not in a hundred years.

  10. I agree 100%. Trump nominated the WRONG man. Napolitano would be a much better choice, and an even better choice than him would be Edwin Vieira Jr. Look him up.

    1. Paul, I too like Edwin Vieira Jr. Ive read a lot of his Papers in the past. He's a real constitutional guy.

  11. Made up consent or aquired on the spot. Naked signature on a traffic "ticket" where your consent to be fined is used. Presumed a US Citizen under "mandatory" company rules since you are assumed to have consented.
    Does any court ever explain the charade is voluntary and ask if you want to consent or not? Obviously allowing people to think they have any power against the mighty beast is frowned upon. Now with so much deceit and lies attaching so many who are and have been committing such horrid crimes hiding behind an alleged government they fear telling the truth as in so much as it is a confession on the parts of those who know and once made public would be a disaster for the corrupt. Like the man Ford said that if people knew how the money system worked their would be a revolution by morning.


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