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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Good News

By Anna Von Reitz

Lord, love a patriot..... I do believe that the proverbial "Enforcement Nut" has finally been cracked wide open, and that we are now in position to fully credential our Continental Marshals and unleash the Bounty Hunter Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the British Territorial United States Constitution known--deceptively enough --- as "The Constitution of the United States of America" first published in 1868.  

This will have four more or less immediate and much-longed for affects: 

(1) An end to the crooked court system.  We will be able to enter, catch the Vermin evading or dishonoring the Constitutional provisions, arrest them on the spot, and turn them over to the military authorities for trial and execution for treason and other capital crimes including inland piracy, kidnapping, and fraud. 

(2) An end to the crooked banks.  We will be able to enter, catch the Vermin refusing to let depositors have access to their deposits, creating improper mortgages, manipulating credit to benefit themselves at other's expense and boom! --- replace the erring bankers with honest men much sobered up by their predecessor's experience. 

(3) An end to the crooked commodity markets.  We will be able to enter, catch the brokers fixing prices and supplies and running up situations like The Big Short, and arrest them by the boat loads, along with all the SEC functionaries that sold out and allowed all this crappola. 
(4) An end to the crooked double accrual accounting and budgetary system. We will be able to review the books in sum total and recapture the sequestered assets, aka, Slush Funds --that these Vermin have been creating and manipulating for their own unjust enrichment.  

And none of the phony local "law enforcement" fat asses who haven't done their duty by the Public and none of the "federal agencies" including the FBI and DHS and Homeland Security and all the rest will have a word to say about it, because we are the superior jurisdiction and we mandate the action. 

What was that I said the other day about --- where in the @$!$!@$ is John Wayne when you need him?   

I think we just found out. 


See this article and over 1300 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Well that's exciting news....Just what exactly did we discover? Can we see it too??? Thanks!


    2. Thanks for posting this very informative link...All should read this.

  2. In Texas we are getting ready to re fire up our common law court that went dormant in 2009.

    1. Bubbapatric,I would like to get involved!! How and where can I get more information?
      Aubrey G.

    2. I have a second home in north eastetn Texas soon to be my primary home just to enjoy this all unfold...well, retirement plays a factor too. Plus, I detest the political damage done to my birth nation state of California.

  3. Step 1 - Arrest the Federal Judge presiding over Winston's case.

    1. I agree totally. Albeit we have been told he could have changed a few things to eliminate this procedure. His work has been top notch since the beginning. We seem to be on the same side. Just a few tweaks to complete. 10 years is huge, to huge for his "crime".

    2. Agreed Mazie Miles. I have complete faith in Winston's knowledge, behavior and actions. He is exactly where he is for a reason, season and that Is what's meant to be right now, even though i wish it didn have to be so. I do trust this wholeheatedly, and Winston's knowing acceptance of this As Is too. He's got this!!! Can hardly wait to hear his insight/awareness learned and shared from this experience! Sending him Much Love, Gratitude, Awareness and Peace Now!!

    3. PS. "10 years" I'm confident will not "stand" and he will be freed much, much sooner😀

  4. Bounty Hunter Clause?

    I've heard there is great remedy in the 14th amendment but it hasn't been revealed. Looking forward to finding understanding.

  5. Why stop there...Arrest every federal and State judges.....its time to start over..!! If even one judge is left to keep his position he will infect all the rest of the incoming new judges...!! Federal judges only have jurisdiction in DC and govt employees, and even that is to much....but someone has to be in charge of all these intelligent agencies, as oversite at least 3 layers deep....!! And a secret one on one knows about overseeing the other 3 oversite other words no one can be trusted to do the right thing govt.....EVER..!!!

    And from now on any law enforcement agency that refuses to take fraud seriously, can be charged right there and then, and booked and arraigned as a defendant only....."not guilty" your!!

    1. There is no need to keep all these crooked agencies of the devil, What about the IRS and all that bullshit that has to go with them


  7. Starting where, and how? I want in on this ...

  8. I would love to see all this happen. I guess for now I will just have to wait and watch. I would love to have a couple of judges that damaged me put in irons and removed to a federal penitentiary. Treason sounds about right.

  9. What an understatement!
    Perhaps the biggest EVER...Duh!

  10. If you can do any or all of that, we'll nominate you for Sainthood, but of course, it could not be voted on by the Catholic Church.

  11. To all my attackers...

    I have stated clearly my intent and why I disagree with Anna and her "behavior", not her lack of intelligence. I believe if anything gets done, that the path and paperwork of intent
    and documentation provided by Kim, Tank and Thomas, on their website project speak,is the best approach(noting that things are difficult even for the best minds with this issue) and have the most likely chance of suceding,all links are posted in previous forums.

  12. My "gripe" is the unfounded slanderous attacks made by Anna and the double standards displayed by herself, the many holes in her transparency. Much like any other Con artist who displays wonderful ideas while having an agenda unseen,asking for donations(which by now even at the meekest calculations would make her very well off) And her huffing and puffing doing this and doing that with Trump,Vatican,Queen.

  13. While when asked to present copies of said communications with official seals,preferring to have no response of said actions.
    KIM on the other hand has been directly involved at the front lines(attempts made on her life and family threatened,false accusations posted on the internet by the link Kelli gave, a joke at the least) and doesn't take any donations,states her purpose for all to see in support of humanity.

  14. Anna though she has quite a gift for the dramatic and a flare for the romantic is worse than the bipolar person I lived 24 /7 with for five years who after all my best intentions turned out to be a con artist, in the end of which I survived. Not my first rodeo with con Artist's. She has a double agenda that is blatantly apparent for anyone with a kean eye and ear.

  15. So you say why am I here?

    To observe the display and give my honest perspectives not slanderous character assassination and false facts. That serves no body.

    Yes it is my opinion. And I only call her on bs. Has she ever responded to those facts herself to me, no. And until I find otherwise, either by her or anyone else,my point of views will not change.(there are many in this forum with different perspectives, all valid to those individuals respectfully.)
    If I am proven wrong then I will make it known and apologize. I doubt that I am, as I have been watching three arenas of unfolding events attempting to attain the same goal for the people,humanity. While at the same time stirring the nests and getting the answers of which I search.
    Anyone who has been here daily for the last year knows where I stand.
    It's my perspective. Ignore it take note, that is what choice is all about. I have made it clear, I have made my points as to the point and as respectfully as anyone can be expected to

  16. am a man who sees no reason why like minds shouldn't work together when they are capable. And I like options, of which there many as well as divine timing.

    No sufficient answers have been given by herself.The attacks upon me for my opinion (usually based on one post)show me the lack of understanding of why I am here. Using the information people have chosen to use by Anna's teachings to prove me wrong or unintelligent. Or claiming that I am attacking Anna and her info.

  17. No. Be clear it is not the knowledge she has shared(a good majority of which is valid) that I have issue with.
    It is and only is, her deception, side stepping facts,actions she has taken,stated about people she knows nothing about, but claims to.
    You cannot bully people into to submission(not the people in this forum) or character passionate them,while claiming to be the savior of humanity and serving the same people,you claim to be fighting. Example Nasa(Langley,Langley 2,Harp which is high tech being misused against humaity as well as the enviornment)

    In the end if any of us get out of this alive great!

    Also forums that don't support individual opinions and inquiry are not worth being in. It doesn't support growth.

    I have found Paul to be a good forum supporter with his best intentions in mind.
    I go by my name I don't hide behind silly handles. I call as I see it and when that ability is taken away or stops then we might as well join the cabal all over again.

    People attack and say what am I doing to fight the cabal....all I can do, by being a voice of reason,commonsense, and many perspectives. I dig for answers and usually 90 percent of the time through intuitive get them eventually. I raise questions where the should be questions raised. For the most part, I am a very grounded mild personality getting along with anyone, looking not from my ego but from my heart. There nothing else anyone can ask of me. I am not emotional, I am a thinker searcher for truth. So now hopefully I will not have to explain(but as things go probably will)again.

  18. Like it or don't but don't follow a person without some sort of observation,or prove me wrong with facts not easily gained. I am not filing papers by choice so stop trying to convince me that I don't get it,I do get it very clearly.
    Sorry for the long wind to make a point, but we are all use to that these days. Good luck!

  19. Everyone in every forum I am in and make my points were needed, know me by who I am, and what I share, because it is in sharing information, that we gain perspective and clarity,as well as wisdom.
    Not holding your cards close as if you are in some competition. That is exactly what the cabal corporations and con artist do! That is how we got in this mess!

  20. That is service to self, not service to others.

    1. robert, your point are all well taken, by me at least. Others who we can see are clearly following Anna because they happen to like her, need to be careful and not forget to look and analyze her Content - and set aside who they like or who they dont like; Ultimately what counts is the truthfulness of Content.

      Some of us happen to be blessed with analytical skills, while those who arent, need to try to learn such skills; otherwise they can easily get suckered into just about anything, and that could be very detrimental.
      We could call this ''connecting the dots' and when we do that, if a true picture doesnt form, then you should know its just hogwash and has no sense at all to it. Watch for contradictions, as well.

      Its time for folks to start seeing things as they really are, and stop with the 'pie in the sky' mentality. Reality is not always pretty.

    2. Are either of you familiar with Neil Keenan and the K Group? That is probably a good start for you

    3. I can use this to find out more...will let you know what I discover. Very intriguing story from an actual foot soldier.

    4. Neil is mentioned as a "noble person" here in Kim's forum.
      I am listening and putting this info together.
      So she knows of him.

      29 October, 2018 17:47 - We the Sovereign People of Planet Earth declare our Sovereignty!

    5. Question, besides informing me,which I am grateful for,what is your purpose for directing me. Just to know of him? This has made me look through posts while listening about him, and as you can see his name caught my eye in a post on project speak.

    6. Now from what I can tell at this point, he has documents from the Indonesian elders. But he doesn't have codes which Kim does. So best I can tell at this point is that his efforts are noble but maybe he is not aware of who Kim is which could clarify much of what he is talking about because it is obvious that he has first handedly dealt with cabal higher ups. So I am flagged and aware and will be watching and asking questions in that reguard.

    7. His problem that I see right off is he still believes as does Anna that the cabal has control. I am confident that he will be included in what ever rolls out from project speak for his noble efforts once he is aware of some facts he has not figured out as yet. Sad but admirable that he spent his own money and noble that he didn't fall for dumping humanity in return for more money than he could ever spend and go away as the Rothchilds suggested, while the Rothchilds genocide the rest of us. He just hasn't been in position to deal with Kim as yet which by the sound of his personality I am confident that he would find Kim noble as well and glad to work with her to achieve his goal. He is talking with the present Gov't
      Which are levels below other levels. Kim and his goals are aligned in my opinion thus far. I will be watching...

    8. Almost F T; I would gather you brought it to my attention because you saw similarities in my description of Kim, that match the qualities of Neil. And felt since people now feel he is qualified to sort things out in a humanitarian manor and has obviously proved himself capable, being an actual frontline man of a honor and of action, maybe you wanted my perspective knowing what I already know?
      Like I have stated I thank you and am glad to know his story. And that is all I can imagine as to your reason of pointing me in his direction. Like I said their are many perspectives levels and options. He fits right in! I don't expect him to just fade away or be ignored.

    9. It is my opinion that it is reasonable to realize that within 3-5 years this will all be ironed out and humanity will have a plan for lifting us out of this Matrix,sovereignty restored to all peoples and planet restoration project will be the humanitarian projects unfolded and financially backed, along with real science and technologies that have been suppressed by the previous pirates. Real suppressed knowledge to educate us all of our actual history and human abilities suppressed by poisons medicines and tainted foods and atmospheric with free energy accessible to everyone.
      But then I am an eternal optimist and visionary since age 19.

      I could be wrong but that's my bet!

    10. To be quite honest I have been ready for this system to end at that time in my own mind,in 1977. I was sick of all the raping of the planet to get oil. It was out of sync with Nature then and still is as we saw killing forests etc and has steadily become worse. We are symbiotic with Nature. Everything is resonant and frequency and needs to be balanced, I already k ew then that plants were alive the the Earth was alive and couldn't yet understand all the destruction in the name of making money.I was a young artist,and even back then people would call me an idealist. I didn't even know what an idealist was and had to look it up. 😂

    11. It has been said and proven that we shape reality with our consciousness, and I haven't changed that much.

    12. I find that patience does have its virtues and Divine timing is Fabulous!

    13. Robert, what we have to include here in the whole scenario, is that we have good factions that are working for the Good,yes, but right along side of them, we also have those that are working furiously against all that Good, and are Evil.

      For a while now, especially in the past decade, these two sides have been neck and neck and pretty much locked horns with one another, and so it seems we have been stalemated.

      On 9/11 things took a real pronounced turn for the worst. Then obama came along and accelerated it further. He has now lost all the ground he gained, having only at most 1000 show up at his most recent campaign rallies.
      Next, when the republicans have another landslide win of sorts next week, all hell is going to break loose. That will just about kill this demorat party.
      Trump gave them fits when he won, and now it is time for their ''booster shot' which has to last them for the rest of their lives, going past 2020. And that should pretty much put the last lighted candles on this cake.

  21. Gonna start calling you the babbler.

  22. That is AWESOME!!! Can we ALSO get rid of TSA!?!?!?!?!


  23. Kim is appointed to her position of comptroller of "global" inground assets.
    Anna seems to think that she can intercede on America's behalf And seemingly other's. She made a comment recently about being paid for all the individual soldiers that have been killed to the sum of 24 trillion each.???(And who is gonna sort that out to the families respectfully?)
    Kim is in the position to offer sovereignty to all nations globally as well as financially and take it away should they misuappropriate funds to anyone other than the people and projects. She is recognized and 27 layers above the President. Has helped 209 countries that are on board with her plan.
    So, Ms Von Rietz thinks her "little world" can tell Kim the trustee of the planet what she has to do???
    Where does Anna's posturing and "control" end??Can't wait to see that happen.
    Kim hasn't funded the Rothchilds the banks the military the Queen or the minions.
    Really Anna, who wasn't able to get access to a third of in ground assets from her when she attempted it. CHECKMATE!

  24. Oh, not to mention the QFS is 1000year ahed of any tech on the planet and able to tell menevalent and or benevolent intentions....what system does Anna have...a 1000 Living Law Firm members, a few matshalls...what makes sense here?

    1. QFS/ Quantum Financial System AI
      The cabal minion have tried numerous time to hack in and had their systems fried.

  25. I am not even gonna waste time correcting spelling. Get the BIG picture?

  26. Kim is not the cabal so who is Anna fighting and not working with here?

  27. How do you think Kim got all her info...from the Cabal AI and dismantled it, not to mention got info on all the minions and their TreSonous actions that Trump now has...for Kavanaugh.

  28. How do I know this...because I have been paying attention for two years. And tried to share the links for the rest of you, to inform yourselves.

  29. Kim has responded to Anna's
    Slander and asked who to keep her name out of her forum,and Hudes was outed and has nothing to do with MWT Manna "world" trust. And said she won't mention her and doesn't in her in her dealings unless attacked to clarify. So here Anna is again posturing including Kim in her inaccurate posts. You put it together.



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