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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Still More Than Just North Carolina

By Anna Von Reitz

"Page 5 of this link (marked page 2 of 30) shows all of the other states that are doing the exact same thing as North Carolina is doing...." 

Here's still more proof that Bob and Larry don't know what is going on and have been beating me about the head and neck for "proof" and then ignoring the facts when I give it to them. 

I suppose there will be something "suspect" about my "sources"---- nobody should believe official documents from the North Carolina Legislature, right?  

The fact is that all the states have privatized their operations for years and people are just now waking up to the dangers and abuses that this unnatural blending of public and private functions encourages. 

While Field McConnell is exposing the dangers of having a British corporation handing itself out thousands of American "government" contracts and continuing to allow this corporation --- Serco --- to function as Paymaster for our military, still others are exposing the illegal and immoral operations of trans-national corporations like Vanguard, Black Water, and State Street.  

Hundreds, if not thousands, of former CIA, FBI, and other law enforcement agency members are stepping forward to fill in the blanks.  

Two days ago, Minutemen captured two card-carrying CIA Agents transporting 1300 pounds of cocaine across the Mexican border for the Sinaloa Cartel, claiming that the cocaine "belongs to" the CIA and was part of an official "mission".  Right. 

Since when is the CIA dealing in cocaine?  Only since the Korean War..... 

The agents were incredulous when they were detained by the Border Patrol and even more incredulous when their bosses disallowed any knowledge of their activities. 

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. Disallowed or disavowed...? Anyone have a source for this perplexing report on latest CIA (or impostors) drug trafficking?

    1. This is the SATIRE site which FAKE "Judge" Anna thinks is the truth.

  2. Happy Birthday, Anna!
    Don't you ever take a day off?

  3. Browsing around DMV or Dept of Licensing, noticed their is helpful stuff for the contract bidders and active contractors, like an open offer to contract for DMV "services" outlets, spawned entities the gov says they pay 1/3 amount, saving people 2/3. So then the people pay the fines and fees to contractors and pay to the gov and all they do is pass on some of their collections to contractors. It is all there on Department of Licensing Washington State website.

  4. This crap runs so deep and it is run by the people that are running this country, will we ever be able to over come all this. 99% of the time if you mention this to anyone they think you are crazy. That is how much they have dumb down all of society. They only believe what they see on the local tv news, then you have a few that know and believe this is going on but don't do anything about it. The powers in control know this too. That is why we will never see Hillary and Obama and all of their pawns prosecuted for all the crimes they have committed. I was listening to Winston Strout on the gold fish report friday and he said that Bill and Hillary and (he named more don't recall) have been dead for years now that what we see are just clones, so if they are clones then there is no way that the real Bill and Hillary and Obama can be prosecuted because they are DEAD! They gold fish report has been locked from youtube, so they have set up on , if you are one of their members and have been looking for them that is where they are now. The owner of gold fish report said that when you tube shut then down they lost over two thirds of their members, just passing info along in case one of their members is on here and does not know what happen to them after you tube shut them down. They were shut down for revealing the false flags at these school shootings!!

    1. thats not the only reason they lost over 2/3 of their members.

  5. 'Minutemen'? i mean i get the moniker... just have not heard of them.

    robert: carr

  6. Does this ever end..!! That is how decripid people can become because of money and power.....ive heard that every single "dollar bills" have traces of cocaine on them...!! And our troops in Afghanistan are watching our interest in the "poppy fields"..!!
    But major events are occurring right now with no media coverage on it , like Douche Banks stock is in "free fall" and they have fired at least 400 top management positions....If that bank fails, it's just a matter of time before all the dominoes start falling too....everyone should just pull all there money out now out of the banks unless they want to wait in unbelievably long lines like Brazil right now....!! Don't wait until the last minute because it could very well happen in the next few months...!!

    1. business as usual, its not the only reason skull and bones is the pirate symbol james haha, its how the country and all the others were stolen and still going strong to this day. ever researched the dutch east indies company? hmmmmmmmmm.

  7. And if we take your advice James and pull our money out of the banks, just where are we going to spend all of our worthless private bank script when it will become absolutely worthless!!!??? The game plan is and has always been to run up the debt to collapse the money so there will be an excuse to chip everyone and have a cashless society with the evil in total control of the world but the brain dead have not figured it out and never will until it is too late!!! We are being played and there is no way any of us will be able to do anything about it, the rot is too deep. And even if queen ann does post something sane on this site, there won't be anything anyone can do with the information. If you think so, ask her how all of those "decrees" her "hereditary, now de facto-Secretary of State"-hubby has issued gone!!! And how about all of those "cured" commercial liability liens she supposedly placed on the American Bar Association and the Poop Francis Vatican estate are doing!!!??? Better yet, WHERE is all the wonderful work this touted Michigan Juror Assembly been doing!!!??? Never heard of it and sure haven't seen anything come of it!!! If what she claims was worth the facts, we would have seen CHANGES by now, but more "hopium" doled out to the brain dead masses on this forum.

  8. Unknown, why such fear? I agree with MOST of what you are saying however, at least most of these people on this forum (which includes you) are at least reading and attempting to navigate throogh the stupidity and BS that we are bombarded with daily. I am in the mental health field and talk about the brain dead masses. unfortunately I live in one of the highest taxed states. The welfare lines go out the door for the 25 something benefits that sheeple can get. That comes out to aprox 50k in freebies to the peeps who are watching flix and playing video games all day. So yes, they would be the 1st in line to get a chip (as long as they can continue to do nothing but exist) At least Anna and most of the people on this forum are trying. If you are afraid, go somewhere else like standing in a long line and join the Sheeple.
    Peace out....WOW

  9. Uh, FAKE "Judge" Anna, you DO realize that this is a satire (fake) news site, don't you...?

    "World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any person, living, dead or undead, is purely a miracle."

    Other Top Stories;
    Couple hospitalized after man gets his head stuck in his wife’s vagina
    Morgue employee cremated by mistake while taking a nap
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    You get the idea...

    But then you deal in so much fantasy that you probably really DO believe ALL these stories are true, and suppressed by the fake government of USA Inc., or whatever your call it this week

    1. ok, here it is again, evening news

  10. What is your point klystron525 ? You say Anna is a fake judge, why, just because she has no fake government document claiming she is . Did Jesus have a government document attesting that he was a carpenter. I started looking with suspicion at the reality we are living in in 2002 and i assure you much of what Anna proclaims is with in the parameters of what I have learned. Are you trying to derail her efforts and credibility based on your moon worshiping brethren ? Get a life. You loose in the end, in fact you already lost.

    1. With all due respect, should we not question all things fake?
      Fake satire news sources and the people who use them as truth should be called out. People who use sources as truth should also check them out.
      There has been more than enough 'discrepancy' on matters of the Bible, to give cause for discretion.
      Light should be set-apart from dark, not mixed in.

    2. You are absolutely correct and anyone, before saying Anna isn't who she is, needs to spend some of their own time investigating their government of which is not truly there's but belongs to the corporations. You have nothing that is yours in this country no matter how hard you work - you, your family, what you think you own is al CHATTEL to someone else. Wake-up, stop being lazy!

  11. Who has filed paperwork? I need a little help.,,

    1. ask your question fruit, and let's see if any of us can help

    2. This has to do with the certificate of assumed name. There is a spot on this form to put the physical post office address, (description listed in all capital letters), on the next page it has post office address (physical), once again in capital letters and below that we have post master location upper lowercase. Is it asking for the address of the post office and the address of the postmaster?
      And there is no specific instruction on doing this, but I was told to delete the physical post office address description. But then again it’s listed two more times in this form and I’m not sure what to do and I am dead in the water, at least now until next week when everything opens back up again.

    3. There were two people helping me to complete this paperwork. I have not had any correspondence from either one of them in two weeks. It is very strange that I can get no help all of a sudden. It’s almost like this is not meant to be and I have been stopped.

    4. I'm sorry to hear that your guidance/support has gone silent. Keep seeking within and You will always be supported and wisely guide😉
      Commit to learning what you need to learn and fully understand Before affixing your authority (certified autograph on legal notices) IS vital for your jurisdictional standing and self governed knowledgeable capacity to enforcement your claims. there is a "search box" on that will help you easily to find articles on topics that will support your learning process greatly. I typed in "post office" and here are the articles posted by anna on this subject, which is vital info to learn/know and understand fully:


      Lots of GREAT and Important instruction given in these articles.

      Much gratitude, love and peace


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