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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

D-Day's Birthday

By Anna Von Reitz

Being born on June 6 is always an odd mix of solemn memorial to the invasion of Normandy during World War II on this day 74 years ago, remembrance of JFK, also born on June 6, and the silliness that often accompanies my celebrations on this same day.  

This morning, before eight, I got a phone call from friends doing a group sing of the Happy Birthday Song.... as I held the phone receiver out away from my ear, the dogs were softly howling and I had a mental picture of my friend, Cindy, seated in the passenger seat of the family car trying to put on her mascara on her way to work and singing the "Happy Birthday Song" at the same time..... 

My glory truly is and has always been having such friends.... and howling dogs, of course.  If past experience is any teacher, there will be several such incidents today and the dogs will get in their choir practice. 

This afternoon we will have a spaghetti supper in Big Lake, Alaska, and strawberry shortcake--- the traditional repast for my birthday from time immemorial.  Nobody remembers any longer exactly when, how, or why that became "my" birthday fare, but having such a pattern established makes life simpler, so I let it stand. 

Just think of a Little Old Lady Party with howling dogs and pouring rain.  Lotsa shredded Asiago.  Garlic bread.  Splashes of red wine on the carpet. 

Yesterday, my son paid me back for years of  Mom Care.  He totally faked me out. We were traveling together and he asked to take a side trip to Barnes and Noble.... only later did it turn out that he had used the opportunity to buy me a birthday present, and that that had been his entire devious intention for the whole foray.  

And he opened the door for me going into and out of the store.  

I smiled.  

Life is good.  Somehow or other in the midst of everything, he learned to care for others and be polite and earn his own money and give God the glory.  

No Mom could ask for a better birthday present than that. 

I don't know what to expect from the coming year or why it should be any different, but I feel somehow hopeful.  It's like a change in the weather or the direction of the wind. There is a sense that the world is changing and awakening and beginning to think again.  

Thinking is good.  It causes people to change their own minds and then, they go forth and change the world.  Maybe this is the year when we reach a communal tipping point and decide that we are not going to live in fear of our own government anymore, aren't going to take any vacuous excuses for the rampant abuses, and aren't going to be silent anymore.  

That would be another great birthday present.

Ooo-rah, America!  

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  1. HAPPY B-DAY a true hero of America.

  2. We all have been blessed by your having been born, Anna.
    Happy Birthday!!

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Anna, wishing you a really great and joyous Day.

  5. gods will be done and so it is. the future is upon us and the powers that were are finished. glory to the people. happy birthday to you anna and thank you for all you do... you are a gemini like my wife, i feel i must know you too well. ;o)

  6. Happiest of Birthday celebrations to you, Anna, and may you have many more!

  7. Happy birthday Anna!! Did you get my present?

  8. Born on the same day as JFK....that says a lot! Have a very Happy Birthday Anna.

  9. Happy Birthday Judge Anna, and many, many more. Thanks for all you and your team do.

  10. May this nativity day be blessed now and forever!

  11. Happy Birthday Anna from Ontario. May your day be blessed with much peace and joy and love and continued blessings throughout the year!

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA, your work has affected many and will continue to do so. You are strong and smart while companionate and relentless. You are my hero and a strong guiding light. Thank you for all you have done and your wisdom will live forever in many souls and in history You are the most interesting person on this planet.

  13. Happy Birthday Anna Thank you for all you do and giving us much needed hope

  14. Accept no "vacuous excuses for the rampant abuses" indeed. Quite poetical a proclamation, Anna, and one we should all promulgate. Let's all make our own collective D-Day invasion upon mindless abuse of power in all its forms!

  15. Which birthday are we celabrating, your actual birth or your commercial birthday at "vital statistics" and the Dept of Commerce...!! Let's celebrate both.....!!

  16. Happy Happy Birthday from a great admirer!!!!

  17. With the "ooh-rah" salutations I see in your posts from time to time, I sometimes wonder if you are a former Marine. You definitely fight like one! From one former Marine to another Happy Birthday and may God bless you!!

  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anna... thank you for everything you do! You'd make a great usa president...)))

  19. Happy Birthday and many many more... Thanks for all you Do! Love You Anna!!!! Bless You!!!

  20. Have a wonderful and blessed Birthday Anna!!! You are one Awemazing and we are all very fortunate to know and learn so much from you!!!
    Much Gratitude, Love and Peace always!😘

  21. Another wiser year for ya! Happy Birthday American Beauty!

  22. Happy birthday Anna, at least it seems you have a lot of friends, can't ask for too much better than that. They are hard to find.

  23. Talking about living in fear of government, I believe that was why the pilgrims came to this new land only to fall asleep and let the same thing happen here. By discovering America was anything good accomplished? or did it just make more people for the British to have under their control. All the older people that know anything about what is going on are dying out and this younger group does not seem to mind living under the control of the government as long as it is not under control of their parents!



    Stalin wanted to prolong the war in the West.
    JUNE 6, 1944 / D-DAY: A GIFT TO STALIN
    Starting at the 6th hour, of the 6th day, of the 6th month of 1944, the Allied armies of the evil NWO, based in England, successfully crossed the English Channel. The cost was high as nearly 10,000 men died storming the fortified beaches of Normandy (France). The invasion established an initial beachhead of 100,000 troops. From this base in northern France, the Allies were reinforced for the push towards Germany; which had a standing peace offer on the table throughout World War II.

    In a 6AM radio broadcast, Allied Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower declared to the Normandy populace:

    "The lives of many of you depend on the speed with which you obey. Leave your towns at once – stay off the roads – go on foot and take nothing with you that is difficult to carry. Do not gather in groups which may be mistaken for enemy troops." (here)
    Instead of exploiting the "soft underbelly" of Italy, Allies storm fortified French beaches.
    At the same time, the murdering, raping, and looting Soviet Army, armed to the teeth with state-of-the-art American weaponry, advanced upon Germany (and all of Eastern Europe) from the East. With Italy also under Allied occupation, Germany now had three fronts to defend (West, South, and East) as its cities, railways, dams, factories and civilian population endured relentless bombardment and Partisan sabotage.
    Red Army Chief Zhukov presents a medal to Ike! - "Good job Comrade".
    Why, when the Allies were already storming up through the Italian Peninsula (Europe's 'soft underbelly'), did FDR, General Eisenhower, and General Marshall, over the objections of Churchill and British General Montgomery, INSIST upon storming heavily fortified beaches instead of advancing from the southern foothold?
    George Marshall: Joe McCarthy later called him a traitor..

    The answer? The invasion of Normandy was intended to extend the war and give the Soviet hordes more time to conquer Eastern Europe. Later on, Generals Eisenhower and Marshall repeatedly delay the Eastward advance of General Patton’s unstoppable 3rd army, going so far as to cut off shipments of gasoline to General Patton's army! Patton was beside himself! Before his sudden death (murder) in 1945, Patton had come to believe that there was treason in the highest levels of the U.S. government.
    The Globalist War against peaceful Germany was itself a treasonous crime. But dragging it out further than necessary, just so that "Uncle Joe" could rape Berlin and impose Communism upon Eastern Europe, made the treason of D-Day all the worse.

  25. Anna, Please forgive this wish comes late, But it is sent from a grateful heart, grateful for all that you have shared. May you have many more to enjoy with your loved ones. And be present as each wish you make is fulfilled all days of every year. I love you Anna you have a beautiful brave heart. grateful brave Mom, still standing in Northern Utah.

  26. Happy belated birthday dear Anna! You are my hero! Strong of mind and spirit, unafraid and forthright! Sometimes it feels like you are my mom, scolding us for not getting it, or her times it seems you encourage and nudge and repeat yourself over and over different ways so we can " get it"! If I had to pick you out of a line up, I never would have chosen you! A sweet countenance lovely smile...but those piercing eyes might make me think twice! I don't remember how I found you but thank God! I now have hope! And so do many many others!

  27. Happy Birthday Suit and many more in your future from the old men on the mountain. You help our knowledge grow! We celebrate life with you! It is the 50th of the 'Nam conflict of which we were all a part and thankfully we all made it back with breath but without some parts! God's blessings to you and all of your family eternally!!!!


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