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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, April 9, 2018

THEY Are Bankrupt

By Anna Von Reitz

THEY Are Bankrupt

I keep saying this, but somehow it isn't soaking in. Both the Municipal United States and the Territorial United States are bankrupt.

Your land and assets, your labor, your Good Names and Estates, are being offered by THEM as surety to pay their debts.

If you don't get a move on and reclaim your assets from the bankruptcy Slush Pile, you will (a) lose everything to foreign creditors or (b) be held as an indentured slave to work off the debt owed to foreign creditors or (c) be disposable property owned by foreign creditors of the Territorial and Municipal United States Governments.

Now, in fact, you are actually among their Priority Creditors, the people first on the list to be paid and to receive back assets that these hucksters seized upon. But since you were never told that they seized upon your assets or that they misrepresented you as a "ward of the state" and you don't know that your assets are supposedly standing good for their debts, you are just drifting along in La-La-Land thinking that everything is fine.

Fire alarms, uhga-uhga horns, church bells--- what does it take?

You need to come forward and reclaim your Good Name and Estate before it's too late, before another generation of Americans is reduced to slavery as a result of unopposed legal chicanery. You need to drag your own property out of the Fire Sale and then you need to help haul rump to drag your counties and states and friends and neighbors to shore.

This present situation is the equivalent of Dunkirk, okay?

You have to come home.

The necessary forms are under final review and about to be released. If you haven't re-conveyed your Trade Name and seized upon the derivative NAMES, and settled that hash, get ready.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. How do i claim my estate. I have no idea where to start or no anything about law. Please help

    1. Complete the forms here:

    2. One may complete the forms, HOWEVER, this STILL does not address the question, above. Or, by completing these forms, *they* magically know to remedy pay out your assets?

    3. Mookie, your personal commitment to studying and learning ALL that is and has been graciously provided and shared by Anna & team through 1000s of hours of painstaking research and study of their own, will absolutely provide all the answers you seek. If you're seeking some form of a "pay out" from some "they," im afraid you mis understand the real purpose and intentions for re-claiming your living given name and estate onto the land records as needed to correct the assumption that we are dead and lost at sea. The "pay out" IS YOUR understanding of your living claim and corrected standing on the record. Much to learn NOW, and so necessary. Many articles, books to learn from are provided at:


    4. Kelli Miller: this is an EXACT quote from Anna's post, today: "If you don't get a move on and reclaim your assets from the bankruptcy Slush Pile, you will (a) lose everything to foreign creditors "

      Let me repeat that so it's not lost: Anna says to reclaim your assets from the bankruptcy Slush Pile.

      Meaning, once the Name and Estate is back under YOUR control, you can reclaim your "lost" assets.

      I do understand this stuff....just asking a question based upon what EXACTLY Anna has written.....

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Kelli Miller: just trying to ask a question, here: How to we then go about and reclaim our assets?

      No apology necessary! <3

    7. 1Free, his question was.........fill out the forms, THEN WHAT?
      That question has never been answered from the get-go, even tho its been asked over and over in here.

    8. Abby, how long have you been in this blog? Longer then me for sure so you should be able to answer this question. Nevertheless, I'll do it for you. You record them. Ta-Da! That's how you claim your estate. You record your claim in the public. Just like you record a deed to your house and land in the public, you do the same with your private 'real' estate and reclaim your assets out of the bankruptcy slush pile.

    9. 1Free, I have no real estate, so what other kind of 'assets' are there for people to 'reclaim'? What 'estate' is in the bankruptcy slush pile that belongs to me....that I would need to 'reclaim'?

    10. 1Free, and so we reclaim our Names. But our Names are the very substance of a number of Trusts and Insurance Policies that are unknown and hidden from us. We have reason to believe they have a dollar value on them. This reclaiming our written Names changes what exactly, in regard to those TRusts and other various Accounts?
      I'm betting all our filing and reclaiming our Names which we never gave away to begin with, will change none of that. ''They' will still continue to make money off of us, as Collateral for all the various Trust; you surely don't think they will say oh ok, you reclaimed your name so here's Your Trust now.
      So the bottom line comes back to - - why are we bothering to file; where is the real advantage and where does that change our lives, literally.

    11. Well for one thing Abby, to keep your NAME and body out of jail. If you don't do anything, they still will own your NAME and you are still a ward of the state and all your property belongs to the state and they will marshall your body to make you pay for it. Once you record and stake your claim in the public, I believe that at some point we will be able to file a monetary claim for all those trusts and policies that have fraudulently been established in our name by identity theft since we are the settlor and only contributing beneficiary of the trust. The surrender of the fed person, Mnuchin appointment of fiduciary, settlement of all taxes via CID and Tax Court filing and claim for refund are the first evidences of this. I just learned that if they filed a fraudulent IRS lien against you, you can already file a claim in US Court of Federal Claims and be awarded damages. No, you didn't give it away...but your mother did by registering your certificate of live birth and signing an SS-5 form in your name "delivering" you to the state. So you need to correct your mom's error. Once the floodgates open, the fist claim awards will go to those who have already filed their paperwork and staked their claim. Guaranteed that they are not going to drive up to your front door and hand you a lifesize check as if you won publisher's clearinghouse sweepstakes. The rest who did nothing will be all Johnny-come-lately and have to take a number and since 99% of the sheeple will be in this category, who knows how long it will take or if they will ever even see it in their lifetime.

    12. 1Free, I just like to know 'whats in it for me' before I ever do anything. I'm the one who takes all PCH mail and throws it in the trash unopened.
      IRS already replied saying they could find no liens against us; so now I need to ask IRS what authority they have to give away our tax Refunds to DoE.
      But right now I am pondering how my son can use the 843 to reclaim without them sending it to DoE.

    13. Ah, everyone's favorite radio station...WIIFM. Form 843 is a Claim for Refund or Abatement for IRS taxes and/or penalties. I doubt it would apply to DoE refunds but you could claim wrongfully levy of private funds.

    14. PS: you could also file claim in US Federal Court of Claims.

  2. What about the ID that should go along with it....we need a valid and legitimate ID we can s how to people that we have a different status than US Citizens....And it needs the stamp of approval by the Corp State so that it is "honored" by everyone that tries to seek money from us on the presumption we are still slaves of the STATE and Corp....I don't want to be constantly defending my new status with every single law enforcement officers and judges..!! That isn t freedom..!!

  3. They are already trying to take myy home now. my mom past and the supreme court in new york allow the lawyers to go on with the case knowing this. then they tried to sell my home and i went into bankruptcy chapter 13 becasue i had to stop them i do not have a lawyer and this loan ws securitized . The judges will not listen. and the banks are trying to still my home How can I stop them I'm pro se. no attorney they already beat me out of thousands of dollars now they are trying to make me homeless what can i do?

    1. Unknown, you need to file a Mandatory Judicial Notice & Demand for certification of your right of subrogation.
      I will send you what you need.

    2. If you live in California I doubt the Judges here will listen to anything. They have been told to ignore everything because China was given both the states of Calif and Hawaii as collateral for all the debt they were sold to them in the last real estate collaspe. We were able to stall them for 3 years, until the Judge just gave the bankers what they wanted without warning. We were suppose to go to court in April of 2013, but she went ahead and gave the police the right to come in with a three day notice.

  4. Anna, you mentioned a number of months back that our claims for our assets, land, labor, good names and estates are to be submitted to the bankruptcy court & trustees in Washington, DC starting in June. Are these claim forms part of the necessary forms under final review? Thank you and God bless you and your team.

  5. They are going after the property the stole through registration. If you have been granted the land and hold patent,you can charge them for using property attached to land, think easement. The property is theirs by stealth. Who gives you the address?

  6. This ARticle is just like all the rest of them; very very vague and thus, gives incomplete information. I don't know why Anna still cannot see this is why people are so puzzled and ask so many questions - - which she also never answers. So this Forum is becoming a place of more questions than genuine complete solutions.

    I am beginning to think of this Forum like a soap opera: ''we see a villan slip a knife into some where, and then the show ends for the day and a voice without a face says, ''tune in tomorrow to see if suzie is rescued or ?"
    I notice too, we are getting a lot of Articles of distraction, more history, flags, etc. But thinking people notice we are not getting any real updates on what is actually happening, and nothing on progress - - which is really what we are here for.
    Enough of all the history lesson, and just information. History and information is whatever it already about some REAL PROGRESS reports, where things ARE, and quit just stringing us along.
    We are no further along than we were a year ago, and we in the Forum know absolutely NO more than we did then. How long will people put up with little seeds being dropped, and NOTHING ever becomes a harvestable crop.
    This is all very insulting.

    1. Abby; YOU are very insulting! All you do is BITCH & COMPLAIN! I think you want Anna to do everything for you rather than you put in the effort to educate yourself? I bet you're single, very lonely and as a kid, your parents tied a pork chop around your neck so the family dog would play with you! Why do you come here if all you're going to do is find fault and be so damn negative? ALWAYS!!!!!!

    2. Jack, instead of being so quick to take offense, why don't you stop and ponder what I said. It is not one bit ''bitching and complaining' - - it happens to be the truth, why can't you see that?
      1. Ask yourself...have these Articles been giving us complete instructions? Most in here always proceed to ask many questions, so this tells us that I am not the only one who thinks they are giving incomplete information which is needed. Do you not agree?

      2. Can you honestly say that things are followed up on, giving us ongoing progress....or can you find some honesty in you to admit that there is no follow up at all, and instead we get a lot of distantly related Articles, which seem to be distractions which take us way off the Focus.

      2. Do you really think we are in a progressed position from where we were a year ago? Have we really been shown any literal advancement from then to Now? If so, I am open to hearing it, but it has to be actual and literal and visible and made a legitimate improvement in our lives.

      Jack, what I posted is absolutely true, and I think you really do know that; it may be that you just don't like it and don't want anyone to say it, but that won't change how things really are.
      Look, I don't like it one bit either; but still we must face reality. We can't just fool ourselves by turning a blind eye to things that we don't like.....and smacking those who point it out, doesn't solve anything, nor does it change anything.
      I know it makes people angry to have to face reality like this, but do you really think you are being fair to ME, by saying that I am ''bitching and complaining'?
      Wouldn't it be more accurate to just come out and say that you do not like the way things are stagnated? Afterall, you know they are stagnated and we do not ever get an update, and truthfully, NONE of the people in here has any idea if progress is being made, or not.

      So if you think we've been kept up to date on these things, and you think we are making steady progress, then maybe you can tell me, since I admit I don't see any of it.

    3. Jack, here are a couple of things, as examples of how things are mentioned and then left to just vanish into thin air, and we never get updates on them:

      At least a yr. ago, Anna contacted the Fiscal Officer of the u.s. telling her to contact Anna and set up the Transfer of everything over to Anna. (this in essence referred to the transfer of all the government business, as best I can tell it). That was the last we ever heard about it; we have no idea if that Office even responded, or ever turned over anything to our ''new legitimate government''.
      That in itself was a big move, very important; yet we've NEVER been informed.

      Another important issue, the pope was approached and anna ''smacked his hands well over a year ago,'' but that too was left to just fritter away into thin air. Then just a couple weeks ago we were finally told the pope fessed up and agreed to make the proper moves, but never did. So Anna told us she again approached the pope about this, but here we are again, we don't know what his response was, IF any.

      Another one of the things I am referring to: Many months ago Anna stated they were going TO the Vatican Bank......which is where a lot of the money is stashed, which belongs to we the people. This was a major part of our entire attempt at taking back our legitimate government. Yet there was an apparent blocking, but once again, no update as to where that situation stands.

      Jack. These are just 3 of the major events to which I refer, when I made my original posting above. Can you honestly tell me these things have been updated? Did I miss something? Or can you tell me where these 3 Events stand, after all this time?
      Or do you still think I am just bitching and complaining, by bringing up these facts? Do you really think we should just sweep these things under the rug and just go sing singy songs around a camp fire someplace, and pretend we are really getting somewhere - - when we actually have no reason to think so.

    4. Abby, you have to be happy with all the forms Anna just put out.

    5. 1Free, I am. This is what I thought it should have been all along......since it was all unearthed already, why not. We are not lawyers, and I just hated the thought of getting it wrong, guessing at things, and ending up doing it all for nothing, having to Re-do. Ask my son, he knows I don't even like repeating the same thing more than once, Lol.
      I again thank you for all your assistance in here to so many of us. BTW I wrote to Howell, but he has not responded; do I need the response to send in?

    6. Refresh my memory, who is Howell?

    7. Hi Abby, I'm pretty sure that Karen Hudes is the fiscal officer for the U.S. and Anna already explained the Hudes has refused to disburse the money as ordered. Instead Hudes has set up new trust funds in her own name and the names of other cabal members to place all this money into. So, the cabal still has control of our money.

    8. Katherine, I do not recall off hand what the Fiscal officer's name was, but I do know it was not Karen hudes. I'm rather familiar with Hudes; she worked for the world bank or held some kind of bank position. I wish I would have written the name down.

    9. Oh that Howell. I believe it's a she. Nope, USDC is a separate and standalone process. Haven't got my response back either.

    10. 1Free, what are we supposed to do with response from Howell?

    11. Abby, you will be corresponding with her about 3 or 4 times until she finally admits that the USDC does not have jurisdiction over the IRS. Once you get that it is your get out of jail free card. You save it carefully for if you are ever summoned to USDC on an IRS issue. Then you simply respond by sending a copy of your letter and they go away.

  7. No one is connecting the dots, hospitals, doctors, nurses, emergency responders and big-pharma are murdering people that shouldn't have died under color of law because we are their Prority Creditors.

  8. No one is connecting the dots, hospitals, doctors, nurses, emergency responders and big-pharma are murdering people that shouldn't have died under color of law because we are their Prority Creditors. HASTENING DEATH IS MURDER

  9. 'we are priority creditors and the first to be paid''. Who believes we will be paid by these rascals. Can anybody even picture this? And in what century do ya think this will happen.
    More baiting.

  10. One question I don't see being addressed here is the fact that under the Federal Reserve debt system, all the people are collateral to the debt. NO one owns anything under a debt based monetary system. Even the government of the US is beholden to the creditor which is the international bankers.

    Not only do you need to reclaim your name and estate, you have to get out of the money system as well. How many people here are doing that? No bank accounts, no investment accounts, no insurance, no credit cards, no bank loans or government loans etc. All these institutions are controlled and manipulated by the same parties. You have to live fully outside of the system. This means that you deal only in lawful money and private contracts and private loans.

    1. Mike, you need to realize that we are the ones who own it all and they are usurping our authority to access and control it. Until such time you need to control it via the treasury as your fiduciary and use the IRS CID as your pitbull.

    2. 1FreeMan, do you have any suggestion as to how to handle the Dept. of Ed for gov. guaranteed student loan. (they have frontloaded all of our thousands of $ payments and applied every cent toward interest only; the prin. remains the same.)
      Actually, the DoE is a third party creditor, having purchased the loan from the originating bank.

    3. Abby, the first thing I would do is acquire the account on a 1099-A and send it to CID and send their Copy B to them together with their coupon stamped and signed AFV.
      Then I would do a novation by an Accord & Satisfaction agreement by typing this on the endorsement side of the check:
      Cashing this check is acceptance as payment in full by accord and satisfaction and is considered the express agreement between the parties to discharge the claim on account No. 010-1234-567891 for final adequate consideration of $100.00 in full satisfaction and waiver of any and all further claims on this account.
      Once they cash it, send them a copy of the front and back of the check and demand the account be settled in accordance with their agreement and that they send you a satisfaction of payment on account. Then stop paying any further bills. When they turn it over to collections, send them the A&S agreement. You can also file suit in small claims court (since the matter is only $100) to enforce the agreement. When they don't show up, which they rarely will, you win and the account is discharged. Have fun!

    4. 1Free, you may have misunderstood. We have not made any payments at all for years, simply because of their frontloading. AND your suggestion here won't work because back in 2007 we offered them a payoff of 15 grand, they had agreed (thinking they would just accept that 'on Account' and continue to bilk us for the rest. BUT we put on the check ''payment in Full'' so they refused it and returned it to us because of that.) Then they tried to say their written Agreement to such a settlement was sent by mistake.
      No, it was not a mistake. They were trying to pull a fast one on us, but it did not work.
      I have even consulted several attorneys over the years and some are scared to death of the gov. Others are obviously just middle men deal makers, others are on the side of the gov. and against The People.
      I know God has said that ''His judgement will begin at the house of God' (churches) but I think it should begin at the DoE.
      So I know they will never accept any such deal.

    5. Well I did not have those details. Even better. Go ahead and acquire the account on a 1099-A and send it to CID and send them their Copy B and coupon stamped AFV. Let CID deal with them. Use your returned check as tender offered and refused equals payment made and debt discharged under UCC. Sue them in next level up from small claims court and they won't show up and you win. Debt discharged.

      If they do not respond

    6. Here is the UCC reference:
      § 3-603. TENDER OF PAYMENT.
      (b) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforcethe instrument and the tender is refused, there is discharge, to the extent of the amount of the tender, of the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse with respect to the obligation to which the tender relates.

    7. 1Free, sorry but I have NO idea what you're talking about.

    8. Abby, it is very simple. You offered payment. This is called tender or tendering payment. They refused it. Eventhough you had an agreement that the amount of the tender was accurate. Yet they refused it. So under UCC 3-603, payment tendered and refused is the equivalent of payment made and is therefor discharged. File a suit in small claims court for settlement and they will not show up so the judge will rule in your favor. Case dismissed.

    9. PS: even if they do show up, which I highly doubt, you tell the judge your story and he/she will ask them if it is true that they refused payment of the tender. They can only say yes. He will bang his gavel and say ruled in favor of the plaintiff. Done. This is child's play.

    10. 1Free, our offer and certified check we sent them was for $15,000. Does this still qualify for being taken to small claims court?? And what about it having been back in 2007?
      Do you mean we can still file this case in Small Claims Court here where we live?

    11. 1 Free, I even spoke with an attorney AFTER they returned our check, and he said he would contact them about it, but he was really a wimp about it; these attorney's lead you to think you do not have a leg to stand on !

    12. Abby, are they still dunning you? Are they messing up your credit? Are they levying your funds through the IRS (if I remember correct)? If so, it is a current issue. You have already paid by your tender and their refusal which equals discharge per UCC rules. Now it has become a wrongful debt collection. So get your paperwork in order, get a copy of their agreement to accept the 15k as settlement and all docs showing their return and refusal of your check, find the rules in your state to file a claim for all the moneys they levied from you unlawfully and demand it back under your state's equivalent of the UCC rule with treble damages. When you go to court, the cowards will probably never show up, as it is not worth their precious time, and you either win by default for no show or on the merits of the case if they do. The reason I believe they will not show up is because when you cite the UCC rule and the prima facie evidence of their refusal, they already know they will lose.

    13. 1Free, back at that time when I saw an attorney, he said I would have to sue the DoE in Federal district court. I'm not sure small claims court would accept it, and may tell us it has to be dealt with in a Federal venue. ?

    14. Attorneys do not make any money in small claims court. In fact, the judge in small claims court is an attorney. What have you got to lose? $35? If the judge says it is not the right venue, then he will direct you to the correct venue.

    15. 1Free, I found the entire file, as I saved it all. I think I would first just call small claims and ask if they handle such a case as this.

  11. The estate was created by the State in your absence. Therefore, it is not our estate, yet we are heirs to that estate. The State created a born alive foundling child for the purpose of being able to use FRN's since there is no lawful money as a medium of exchange. The person created by the State is supposed to be indemnified so the living is not harmed, but most do not know the difference between real and fiction and this becomes a business plan the States robs the people by their consent.Why is no one talking about these simple truths? Declarations are simple notice that you may not be in retro-grade. There is no more mystery here.

  12. Abby, I agree with your points. Most of the article are history lessons but have no use as to separating me from the US Citizen scenario. Always many questions but never real answers. For example: In most counties in South Carolina they will not record such documents. They say, this is not a land transfer, blah, blah, blah! Then Anna says you can do the same thing by mailing to self, register, but do not open accomplishes the same thing, BUT how is THAT PUBLIC NOTICE OR RECORD? Who has access to your letter.... nobody, just you. It is great IF that is, in fact,fact, but what do you say to the Judge, or patrolman, etc?? Just show them a copy of what is the envelope? I was further confused about the above statement:
    "The necessary forms are under final review and about to be released." WHAT? Are the forms sent yesterday of no value? Should I use them? I was very excited to get them, NOW, she post "final review" is under way!!!! I support Anna with donations, but I need some real solid help. We seriously need TWO COMMUNICATION with somebody. I am suspicious that the comments are never really read. I still have hope. I sincerely want to help regain our freedom from the slavery the US Corp has put us in.

    1. Tom, Anna is a univesirpty level education. No professor does the pupil's home work for them. It is up to the student to learn, study and apply the lessons so they become self sufficient in operating on their own or they will never graduate. That is what I did and I am no one special. I never even finished college due to lack of finances. Yet I have filed all my paperwork and then some. I used Anna's methods to have the IRS set my account to zero. I have helped others be free of the IRS forever. I have helped free 3 people from jail already and out from under many of their burdens. I have a NCSN passport and card and helped many others get theirs as well. But enough about me. What Anna is recommending is recording for posterity. You only unseal the envelope in court if and when needed. Other alternatives are to print it in the local newspaper for 4 weeks in a row and they will give you a certificate of publication which is just as valid as a court recording. Or file it in Lamar County, GA, where. They will file anything. I am working with one of the LLF lawyers and I can assure you that they are working hard on other forms and more will be explained and rolled out in the following days. Stay tuned...

    2. 1FreeMan can u plz contact me as I am in need of advice how to help someone to get out of prison. I have been helping him withstand foreclosure for 9 years while he is in prison, but I need to concentrate oh getting him out! TY

    3. 1Free, I don't think any of us is looking for somebody else to do our homework for us. What we are all saying is that , for example, in this instance, Anna says ''get off your duff and reclaim your assets from the bankruptcy slush pile'.
      Ok. What has been left out is how do we do that, exactly.
      We are not looking for somebody else to do our homework; we are looking for specific Instructions; How-To Instructions.

      As for me, if I am going to go out and buy a car, I don't need to know how the whole damned car was made, how it was put together, or what makes it function. All I need to know is how to drive it and what I need to be able to drive it. Thats all.
      And so, with this, all we are asking is How-To claim 'what is ours from the slush pile known as bankruptcy'. If the very glib statement telling us to do it, without saying How-To do it, is intended to put us on a scavenger hunt to figure out how to do it, I just see that as being facetious and gamey.

    4. Unknown, that is a long time to be holding off a foreclosure. For everyone's benefit, the quickest way to get out of jail is to invoke your right of subrogation. Simply ask the judge, will the prosecutor certify my right of subrogation? and watch the whole court come unglued. I will send you some info.

    5. Abby, In your example you would also be paying for the car. This is what the LLF is for. You hire them and pay them their fee and they do all the paperwork for you.

    6. 1Free, yes and I would expect to pay for the car if I was out to buy a car. The point being, I don't need to know all the history behind how cars came into being, lol. But IF I am told to just DO something, fine, we should be told HOW to do it then. In either case, I do not need 200 yrs. of history in order to do so.
      The history of all this may be interesting to some folks, but for me I do not have the time to spend on all that; and I just happen to get bored with all that real quick, anyhow.

      Also, keep in mind I said back in 2008 and the few years after that, we went broke and had to spend all of our savings. And finally 2 yrs. ago one in my household has
      given up their License to practice in the medical/geriatric
      field; it was just feeding a non-productive 'horse'every year. Commonly known as 'age discrimination'. (very costly to keep up such a License to have 'the world' block employment based on age.)

    7. "The history of all this may be interesting to some folks, but for me I do not have the time to spend on all that; and I just happen to get bored with all that real quick, anyhow." Abby

      IMHO Abby, it may interest you to learn "The History" IS very crucial to learn and understand as IT IS the past Sins/Mistakes that have been made/exposed and shining light on to learn from and correct our course. You may actually start to see very clearly how the "Commerce system" we have found ourselves enslaved by IS IN FACT ALL Based on the Biblical principles of the Old Testament. On Purpose and by design, and so spoken. For those with spiritual eyes to SEE and Spirit filled hearts to hear.
      Love IS as Love Does Always in each moment!
      Much gratitude, Love and peace!!

    8. Read my lips: I do not care about your opinion. How much clearer does it have to be, for you to get that thru your noggin?

  13. Might be changing the subject, How many copies of our birth certificate do we need to start this process? If we are sending one the the treasury. Don't we need more copies to do the other steps. I seen on another station we needed at least 4 they said according to what they understood from Anna's instructions. Thanks to anyone who can give and knows the correct answer.
    Also I have seen that all you have to do if involved in any court case that all you had to do was ask the judge to recognize my right to subrogation with out doing all the other reclaiming your name and filing ucc1 etc, what is anyone thoughts on that?

  14. Will claiming our Good name and Estate save us?

  15. For all the readers of Anna’s articles.
    Help. Concerning Form 56, part 4.
    How do we customize the wording for the Private-Registered-Indemnity-Bond-AMRI00001-RA393427640US, at written on paragraph 19 of Anna’s article number 560, How-to-Correct-Your-Political-Status-and-Why? Edward Novak, 415-269-9776,

    1. Ed, You can't. It's not your bond. But you can use it.

    2. Dear 1FreeMan. Thank you for clarifying form 56 for me. Is there a possibility of communicating with you by phone or email? Edward Novak, 415-269-9776,
      P.S. I found a typo-error with Anna's article 560, paragraph 16, which should read "On the back, Part II, 6 (C) ..." --- not "On the back, Part II, 7 (C) ...". There is no "Part II, 7(C)".

    3. Ed, I just reread your question. Are you referring to editing the PDF so you can add the wording to the bond? If so, I misunderstood and apologize. This is easy to do. In the PDF click on the tools tab, click add text, point and click where you want to insert the text and copy & paste or just type it in. I will send you an email.

    4. Dear 1FreeMan. You answered my question well with your first reply concerning form 56, part Four. My second posting was a comment about the typo-errror concerning form 56, part Two at Anna's article 560, paragraph 16.

  16. So, this seems more and more like a "No man can serve two masters moment. And for one moment i do not believe that filing papers or having my papers in order will make a bit of difference (where it really counts.) i am not worried so much about my name. It is His Name i must trust in. His estate.His Blood.
    Money and gold etc. will mean nothing at some point. Remember these things? We are not to love the world nor the things of the world.

  17. Follower, I hear you and couldn't agree more. However, even Paul knew his citizenship was in heaven but invoked his true earthly Roman citizenship to rebut the false presumptions and charges against him. That is basically all we are doing by correcting our public record and overcoming the lies of the enemy to defeat the oppressor. Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. We are instructed to do no less.

    1. 1Freeman,
      Yes there is something to be seen here. Previously to Paul "invoking his Roman citizenship" he also had said, I am a man which am a Jew of Tarsas...
      Then later also states he is Roman.
      The real takeaway from these scenes is what follows: "But I was free born."
      No amount of paperwork or works from these in the world can change this.
      We are called to get our minds and our hearts right.
      He will know these things.

    2. Follower, as much as I would lie, to agree with you, that is not what it says but what the KJV translates. We have to stay true to the literal meaning of the text. Here is how Young's literal translates it much more accurately:
      and the chief captain answered, `I, with a great sum, did obtain this citizenship;' but Paul said, `But I have been even born [so].' Acts 22:28
      Paul was referring to the fact that he had been born as a cititizen of Rome. according to Dake: "Tarsus was a free city and all its inhabitants were considered Roman citizens by a grant from Julius Caesar. Paul either received citizenship by being born in Tarsus or it may be that his father did outstanding service for Rome and was granted citizenship. It was unlawful to scourge or even bind a Roman citizen without open trial. Those who did so were liable to severe punishment and even death. By the simple mention of Rome one might escape punishment and even be given freedom in some cases."
      Following Paul's example I state that I am set free as a Christian of Jesus Christ and Citizen of Heaven first and and born free as an American non-citizen state national second and not under Federal 14th Amendment U.S. Roman corporate Municipal or Territorial aka the devil and god of this world's jurisdiction.

  18. i agree on Youngs translation. The Besorah also says it this way."But I was even born so."
    Let me ask you this, Do you think Paul is speaking of his new birth?
    Born again? You see this is also something the world cannot take from us.

  19. Look at the context. They were discussing Roman citizenship which Paul said he got by birth. So this was not his new birth which came after being knocked off of his horse. I agree. If you remain true, no one can snatch you out of the Father's hand.

  20. Judge Anna, why don't you come to California and try your arguments here in our justice system. I think you'll have a nice experience here with all the corruption.

    1. Awakened, Anna is talking at the national level which is not determined by California. Get your situation straightened out on this level and you will be fully armed to take on the local vermin in your backyard. For example, once you withdraw from volunteering to pay taxes, you can sic CID on the FTB. Another example is to secure your NCSN passport and exit their jurisdiction altogether. Even CA courts only have J over US citizens.

  21. 1FreeMan could you please send me Mandatory Judicial Notice & Demand for certification of your right of subrogation.

  22. 1FreeMan Thank you very much, you are very resourceful, I may have some more questions! I am one in the little "overwhelming stage" compared to your knowing everything so easily ... :-)


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