Here are the addresses you can use to donate by Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, Ethereum or Litecoin.
Bitcoin: 19cmGTKb8cGz2UEy2WoALsQjbTw7TvbrNP
Bitcoin Cash: qqryaujhxwx5vzykvsjk2cqgmn5kcdg3uck56lautg
Ether: 0x6206d93bCe912E58E65e630842850D6F77d7486B
Litecoin: M9KLj2tgpCv4MfgXHj3tGGE3oagAsHBdg1
Litecoin: M9KLj2tgpCv4MfgXHj3tGGE3oagAsHBdg1
Send any amount you want and it will be used to advertise and support the words and work of Anna Von Reitz around the world from our offices in Montana and Alaska.
Thank you and God Bless you and yours.
Paul Stramer If you have any questions call me at 406 889 3183 or email