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Monday, February 5, 2018

Protect Yourself

By Anna Von Reitz

I was listening to a YouTube video by Roy Potter yesterday and he said something that people need to be reminded of--- something simple, but important.  You have to protect yourself.  You cannot depend on the local Sheriff or the police forces or even the military. Protecting you is not their job anymore.
There were a couple high profile cases back in the 1970’s that underscored this new reality in which it is no longer the job of the police to protect the public, and the courts came out in black and white and said so.  If you are being robbed at gunpoint, a police officer can stand there and ignore the whole situation.  Why? Because he is no longer employed in a truly public capacity.
He is working for a Municipal or Territorial corporation, under the same provisions as a security guard at Walmart.  Even the Sheriffs no longer take proper public oaths of office. So this goes a long way toward explaining the lawlessness that infests the police and also the day to day experience of Joe Average American with the police.
These men are hired to enforce the “private law” and “public policies” of a British Crown corporation, not the Public Law owed to the people of this country. They are in fact acting as commercial mercenaries, whether they realize it or not.  Like the Pinkerton Service, they are hired to protect the property interests of the corporations that employ them.  If they also enforce the Public Law, that is merely their personal choice.
Sheriff Richard Mack went to the bother of nailing down the fact that is “okay” for these men to also enforce the Public Law, if they want to, by taking the matter all the way to the United States Supreme Court in Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc. 
The idea is that we have the option and obligation of enforcing the Public Law as individuals, so of course, the police --- acting in an individual capacity--- are allowed to do so, too.  A guy out walking his dog who observes an armed robbery taking place has the same obligation as a uniformed police officer.
So, “our boys in blue” aren’t really our boys at all.  The government corporations employ them in our names, but for their own benefit and purposes, not ours.
Same thing with the military and the National Guard.
This is part and parcel of the whole fraud scheme by which the vermin infesting our public buildings and driving around in cars we paid for pretend that we are all “citizens” and therefore all obligated to serve them, instead of having them serve us.
Let me underline the fact that the Public Law is not being enforced and the police are no more obligated to assist you than Joe Next Door.  The Preppers and the Paranoids win again.  Having a gun and being able and willing to use it isn’t merely an option anymore; it is becoming more of a necessity every day.
This is no news to me, as I have watched to police sink into a gang mentality over the course of forty years, have watched the court decisions exonerating them from responsibility come down, and know enough about the frauds being perpetuated upon the public to know what to expect.  But do you?
During the mid-1990’s a gigantic wildfire swept through our part of Alaska.  More than 400 homes and buildings burned and 37,000 acres.  All the police and emergency responders and National Guard and FEMA swept in.  Did they help?  Not really.  
They got in the way of local efforts to do things like evacuating disabled people and saving animals including pets and livestock.  They put barricades up on all the roads so nobody but them could move about freely.  They shut down the electrical grid, which meant that efforts to stop ground fires with bucket brigades and water hoses were forced to stop, except where people had enough foresight to have generators and fuel supplies of their own. 
We lost our house, but my husband’s art studio was saved by some old-fashioned Alaskans who had generators and fuel tanks and who kept shoveling and hosing down the ground fires for four days in the midst of the melee.  The hired help sat around, ate sandwiches and cookies donated by the townspeople, and watched things burn.  They were really good at that.  They also watched while gangs of thieves looted the homes of evacuees. 
Later, we found out that the fire was started as a mop up back burn by firefighters. It was the DNR, helping us, again.  
With such help, we should look for enemies.  
This morning I was awakened by a desperate Mother whose child has been seized (kidnapped) by CPS in Arizona, one of the most corrupt states in the corrupt union of “States of States”.  It was no comfort to her to learn that she had unwittingly made the STATE OF ARIZONA the guardian of her daughter when she signed the Birth Certificate information at the hospital, that she would have to correct that, and that even if she hops through all the hoops, it may be too late because the vermin have already engaged in action against her and her child.
The time to recant and haul rump out of THEIR jurisdiction is BEFORE they foreclose, BEFORE they seize your child, BEFORE they address you the first time.  Otherwise, if you wait, they can justify calling your retreat to your native birthright political status “self-interested” and therefore invalid, which then allows them to ignore your claims.
Record your Certificate of Assumed Name and other paperwork claiming your assets and publishing your political status as a non-citizen American national, so when THEY come looking to cause you trouble, you already know the answers and have the public records established.  You claim your DNA, your name, you lineage, everything about you and record the Deed under your copyright © so that they have no ability to come back and say anything to you about your name, your estate, your child or anything else.
Be proactive about this.  Protect yourself and your family.  Don’t wake up like that young Mother in Arizona, with CPS grabbing your child or the IRS grabbing your bank account.  Rescind all Powers of Attorney, collapse/re-venue all Donor Trusts, and get yourself on the board BEFORE these snakes come calling—it’s just common sense to protect yourself and your family.  

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. Thank you Anna for stepping into the role God has given you. Without your bravery and obedience, many would be in a world of hurt. As you stated in one of your earlier posts, there are some things that are going to have to be renegotiated when following your road-map to correct the record on who we really are. Has that been done? Am I correct there are a few things that have changed since October of last year(2017)? I'm willing and able to move forward with that process, but am holding off until I hear a new process is formed or new or clear directions are posted. I, like so many others do not want confuse processes or do this twice because we got our wires crossed. I look forward to your advice to us all specifically on what to do...move forward with current process or wait.

    1. Unknown, same here. By now I can see how filing this and filing that as stated early in this game, has had some changes, so now its gotten sticky and confusion has set in.
      It also needs to be clarified, what has to be coordinated with what else.
      For example it does not good to say ''file xxx document'.
      It has to be told with precision: file xxx document which will accomplish xyz for you; and be SURE to do xxx so that it will be effective. Dates should be clarified, and where to file and even the approx. cost of doing so; and things to make SURE of, AND then what to DO with IT after you DO IT''.

      I do thank Anna for her full and concise explanation as she did when she presented us the the Mandatory Notice - having explained WHAT to do with it after we tailor it, AND WHAT it will do for us, AND that it is a stand-alone Document. THAT is what I've been asking for all along. (I even caught her little hint to me of just whose throat I could stuff it down, without her naming the robbers, lol.)

  2. So ask self why are we playing their games. one quote one statement one word 11th Amendment. stop playing their games stop calling them presidents stop calling them Secretary of State stop calling them judges stop calling them polices stop calling on Sheriff's and any type of government official tell them all they are fired including the attorneys you fired and people need to come together with the assistance of Judge Anna and some other important people and form a new government unincorporated government. Stop playing at games the corporate government only can do business with the Dead people wake up yes they only could do business with your corporate entity your fiction all caps name and they need you to give it Life by saying issue.

    1. well if they are acting outside of their office ie color of office, authority, law and duty you can always bring a claim aginst them, criminal complaint, as they are obviously acting ultra vires and without immunity...even if they tell you they are it aint true.

    2. If you try and bring a claim in one of their courts, good luck..!! Didn't you hear what judge Anna said...I have seen supreme court cases where the conclusion of law was that in their Corp positions of authority, they can LIE, even under oath, without reprisal..!! In fact th e.g. u can do just about anything and get away with it..!! When someone wants to bring a claim against a "public official" or "law enforcement, people are always told by the county that you have to fill out their form first explaining what happened and then it will be evaluated if you have a case....bec a use without any bonding anymore by these people, they have resorted to "the pooling" of several insurance comp. and only for "limited liability".. I keep telling people if you want to make a claim, then bypass everyone in the front desk and go straight to "risk management" and ask them who is insuring them...its public info..!! Then sue the insurance companies for insuring fraud.....using Anna's materials as evidence at a trial, so it all comes out!! The jury would love to hear how they have been conned!!!

    3. risk mangement just finds against you typically.

    4. My point exactly!! Why sue the city or county where they will protect them both from any liability for losing a case and increasing their monthly "premiums"...!! Or, they just might loose the right to even have insurance altogether....if a city or county cannot be insured, they are affectively "out of business". Go after the insurers..!! Even if you don't win, they will be spoiled if anyone else tries it...!!

  3. I see a couple of typos sorry that's my text to speech or speech to text but you all get the points. so think on that for a moment and ask yourself why are you playing their game. they don't even have a charger here.

  4. Charter or delegation of authority and or a foreign registration card so you do the math

  5. fyi is awesome with CPS, but it is work and out of the box understanding needed. have that person contact him jonah bey as well.

    watch some great carl miller constitutional breakdowns they are beautiful

  6. Why is everyone on TV still talking about our constitutional rights, when we all know to well we have none...the only thing we have is the UCC and contract law...@

    1. you never had them, you have unalienable, substantive rights; the constitution is their trust indenture not yours, if you know how to bind them properly to it and invoke them, specifically the bill of rights/declaration of rights (state); you have constitutional immunity and protections from their overreach if set up properly which is not easy to do.

    2. and the state constitution of the several states of the union is your republic originally circa 1800's

  7. And has everyone noticed that the stock market has been going down for the last 4 days....and significantly..!! One even settled at a negative 666..!!

    1. oh yea theyre pissed at the repubs now after the memo, game on...

      1200 points today

  8. CPS everywhere has to be brought to task; they no longer Protect children, but play a role in putting children in danger. They are part of the NWO or whatever destructive agenda is going on nowadays. They work to split families apart and to destroy what little semblance we have left of the word Family.
    We should ALL keep our eyes open at all times, watching for all kinds of mistreatment / abuse of children. Learn to spot children who are 'not acting quite right' and look into those things on their behalf.

    Just in the past few years I have walked right up to mothers in public and interceded for their children. I've even read one of the mothers 'the riot act' right in a grocery store aisle and ended by telling her her screaming child was not the problem - SHE WAS. THAT was a big huge wake up call to her and her sorry ass parenting.

    So don't be afraid to get involved when you see crap going on.

    1. yep but not easy as we signed/registered our children over to them so you must go and rescind that original contract and court document that was filed against you initially and SIGN nothing if they ask you to; it is a tough process but akiemel is real successful against them if you do it properly. it is always tougher when they are kidnapped or you are in general.

  9. I've been trying to tell everyone we need to get as law passed that makes it mandatory to carry unconcelled weapons, just like any cop....!! They wouldn't have all this power over us... because once your stopped by an officer, no matter what you say, if he plans on arresting you, you can't fight it out with him on the have to suck it up and know how to fight the judge...once we all know how to do that the courts will be a lot more careful who they arrest..!!

    1. Move to Texas and you can open-carry!

    2. Better yet, shoot them down with your NCSN passport card! Best concealed weapon ever.

  10. Here's also a heads up....We did record our DBA in the county before the foreclosure!

    (Record your Certificate of Assumed Name and other paperwork claiming your assets)
    SO what did they're 4th effort to suing us in a court over a rescinded, BK'd, 100% exempted home (name) of ours?

    They used misspelled names and then spelled them right in context....
    Oh they have to be watched like a hawk! (oh, it was JUST a misapplication) ya ... right....WE HAVE TO IGNORE THEM when they threaten to sue! The DBA does it's job so you have to just watch your court records to see if they did-(they never do because it costs THEM MONEY to file!) That's the joiner they need if you answer them!

    1. you aso have to see in all your records how they spelled your name and dba those for example on the deed and note/chain of title as well as other papers. for example they add stuff to your name when you research that right.

  11. 90colleen...what is BK'd. Does that mean bankruptcy..!@

    1. Yes, AND discharged 5 years before the last fore-closer and it was mentioned in their offenses-TEXAS

    2. 90colleen, would you be willing to share your process how you beat your foreclosure? Many here would benefit from your experience and success. Thank you.

  12. So if the sheriff comes to evict we have the right to defend and bare arms?

    1. Yes, but that's why they ONLY use SWAT teams now....especially in your home with no warrant when asked! You'll need your own team......

    2. Steve Mason....ues, technically you are correct..!! But against a standing army of police and sherriffs, who are clueless about their real jobs or have any concept of our true history, my advice is don't even think about it...its better than losing your life, and they will if they have to to get you out of your house...!!

  13. This is all the more reason to not only get a non-citizen state national passport for yourself, but also for your children. Do this in addition to filing all of Anna's documents for a belt and suspenders approach to secure yourself and your family. The NCSN passport is the only document that they issue for you and as such they must abide by their own determination by the SOS/DOS that you are not a US citizen. No judge can argue with their own boss. For the woman whose child was taken by CPS, it only takes 3 weeks from the time of filing to secure a NCSN passport for her child and get them out of U.S. jurisdiction and out of the clutches of these monsters. Let me know if I can be of assistance.


      good link for that

    2. NEVER use!

    3. why its the same premise as mentioned above whats different?

    4. I used myself with excellent results and got a 5 star passport, the highest security clearance you can get.

  14. 1FreeMan if you know how to get your correct passport please elaborate?

    1. FSAAIC, the DOS used to issue a Certificate of Nationality for non-citizen state nationals, (NCSN). But when they stopped issuing them they said we could apply for a NCSN passport instead. So one must complete the DS-11 application as a NCSN w/o a SSN and c/o address and include an Explanatory Statement (ES) correcting the application and stating your accurate status. You must also surrender your old US passport since they issued it in error.

  15. 1Freeman: offers state citizen classes and i don't work for the state nor the gubmint so what did you get from that site?

    1. According to Black's Law Dictionary 2nd edition:
      CITIZEN In general, A member of a free city or jural society, (civitas.) possessing all the rights and privileges which can be enjoyed by any person under its constitution and government, and subject to the corresponding duties. If we are or want to be members of a jural society, then we are a "Constitutional State Citizen" (Capital C) pursuant to the Constitution for the United States of America Article 4 Section 2a; “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.” (Privileges and Immunities Clause). A Citizen of the united States of America, is NOT the same as a U.S. (federal) citizen (lowercase c). You are a Citizen of (your state), being an inhabitant and having your domicile in (your state) and therefore a Citizen of these united States of America. You are also a "national" pursuant to 8 USC § 1101(a)(21), [t]he term “national” means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.” (lower case s) and you are also a "American national" pursuant to 8 U.S. Code § 1502. This is why you want to apply for a State Citizen passport which is not a US passport.

    2. "t]he term “national” means a PERSON owing permanent allegiance to a state."

      Sorry, no persons here.

      Why would the creator of a thing owe it allegiance?

      Just a thought.

    3. And a good thought, Rog. I had missed that one. Good catch! That kind of defeats the entire statute which really only references the certificate of nationality anyway. Oh well, plenty of other references to use.

    4. It also says all the "privileges and immunities of Citizens of any State the same as the "privileges and immunities of the several States....but as American Nationals we don't have priviliges, we have unalien rights, not mere priviledges..!!

    5. That is from the Constitution and you are quoting the Declaration of Independence. Also, don't overlook the word immunities.

  16. 1Frreman: a 5 star passport? How does that equal american state national passport?

    1. When you apply for your passport and card, the card will have a certain number of stars on it ranging from 0 to 5 stars. The DOS under FOIA will not disclose what the significance of the number of stars is but only that it is a matter of national security. I believe I received the maximum because I submitted an authenticated COLB from my birth state with my application.

    2. !freeman, when you submitted your authenticated COLB for ncsn passport application, did you receive it back? How does that work exactly if you don't mind...

    3. Yes, Kelli, all your original documents are returned to you except your ES. This you want to request a certified copy of so you can use it as certified proof of the SOS/DOS determination of your non-US citizen status upon which they issued your NCSN passport which no judge can deny.

  17. Yes FSAAIC, offers state citizen classes and i don't work for the state nor the gubmint so what did you get from that site?
    I checked out this site too. Christopher couldn't convince me either The fact that we have to "PAY" and they can STILL not give you a passport for any reason and keep your funds is a continuous enslavement control. If you give them your name and address, they WILL find and steal your private account anyway. For now, have a BC and picture ID of some kind with you at all times.

  18. 90colleen, I believe you may have gotten the wrong impression from the site. As much as I know and have studied other sites like coppermoonshinestills and others, I was not comfortable enough to jump in and do it myself. You only have one chance to get this right and I did not want to gamble ans possible screw it up. That is why, and at the recommendation of my LLF lawyer, I chose to take the classes Christopher offers to learn exactly how to correctly file my application, hence my success. You have 2 options on his site: 1) take his classes and learn how to do it yourself or, 2) have him do it for you. Yes, there are fees for both. But the way I see it, it is an investment because what is a NCSN passport worth to you? Just getting out out 1 traffic ticket would pay for the whole thing already.

    1. 1FreeMan, thank you for your reply to my inquiry on the december 3rd: step by step - what you've all been screaming for, - the last comment.

      My experience and previously mentioned that I applied for the NCSN passport, in April 2017, --after a "training course" offered by HISAdvocates founder Kelby Smith. As it turns out the process Kelby offered (and still may offer) is a "pirated" version of what Christopher offers at (DF). By pirated to mean: Kelby apparently went through the DF course and afterwards used these same materials as his own and offering the NCSN passport course through his site - for $$$.

      The end result of my NCSN passport app-process was a declination letter issued in October 2017, for "failure to provide a SSN". On the DS-11 in the SSN field I was instructed to put "X's", and while I did provide "explanatory statements", there was no reference to the specific SSN in the body of the explanatory statements although the Privacy Act was referenced.

      I had authenticated the BC in 2015 but didn’t use this one with the NCSN passport app as it is the only one I have, although I am in the process of getting two other BC's authenticated to follow through with the other processes mentioned on this site.

      1FreeMan, prior to your NCSN passport experience, did you correct your political status as Anna describes herein, assigning Mnuchin as Fiduciary and letters to IRS, etc? I do have a private question to ask you that I do not care to make a part of this public site…

      Where might i find the contact information to the LLF?

    2. BSK, I am sorry to hear of your unfirtunate experience with this pirate. Putting X's in the SSN box would indicate that you refuse to provide your SSN when in fact you do not have one. Only the NAME has an SSN. Dashes would be more appropriate. However, this must be specifically stated in the ES (Explanatory Statement) as well as the fact that it is against the privacy act for them to request it. The key to this process is answering the SSN demand letter which they send 2 weeks after submission of the DS-11. You simply write in the SSN space on the letter "Provided in the attached Explanatory Statement" and provide it inside of a box in the ES as follows: Social Security Administration's Number for JOHN H. DOE - 123-45-6789. You see, anything stated in a box is considered "four cornered" and thus does not appear on the page legally. You have provided what they have demanded of you, yet you have provide them nothing legally or binding. Nevertheless, now they have no choice but to issue you your passport as applied for. You would of course explain in your ES that the SSN is not yours but belongs to the SSA. Your application may yet be salvaged but I would recommend you take the classes at DF to learn how. Yes, I did correct my political status prior but it was all around the same time. I will email you separately re: the LLF referral.

    3. Would like a referral also for LLF please, 1freeman

    4. Kelli, referral sent to your email.

    5. 1FreeMan - It’s unclear whether the previous NCSN passport application is able to be resurrected, or, that a new DS-11 application is required, but will look into it, as well as what options may be available through DF.
      I think your decision to include the authenticated BC was a novel idea ( in retrospect thought I should have done the same). It is a REAL challenge to understand the overall impact and effect these various processes have on clarifying, establishing, and enforcing our status within THEIR database(s)…as you indicate, you received a “5 Star” passport card, but exactly what does this mean? Did they, DOS, in effect grant you the highest clearance possible as a NCSN, if so, what does that mean?
      I’m wondering IF perhaps it would further clarify and support the NCSN passport application after I receive back from Lamar County the Deed of Acknowledgment and annexed Certificate of Assumed Name and Act of Expatriation, to include one or all of these documents in the ES and in support of my status claimed on the passport application? If provided, it certainly would be proliferated throughout their records. Any thoughts (you seem to have some experiential insight with these matters that some of us are just now embarking on)?

    6. BST, that depends on what they wrote in their last letter and if they refunded your fee. This is one of 2 processes I know that moves the mountain, so to speak, and actually changes your status in their system. Apparently the new passport ties in to NCIC and lists you as someone not to detain. They of course will never confirm this and you cannot FOIA your FBI/NCIC record. Surrendering the federal person back to the treasury is the other process that changes your status in the IRS system. Those 2 are a loaded double barrel shotgun to put them in their place about your proper status. No, I did not, nor would I, send the expat docs to the DOS with the passport application. Remember that you are dealing with government employees and mentalities. They are very suspect of overkill. You need to think minimalist and provide the least amount of info to get the job done. It is better to prove too little and let them come back and ask for more than to give more than they can handle and deny your application altogether. Like in the army, never volunteer. Authenticated COLB, absolutely. Nothing else because your notarized ES has everything, or should have, everything they need. They have 3 boxes in which you can fall: US citizen, non-citizen national of the US, or State Citizen. Nothing else.

    7. 1FreeMan – good point, the KISS principle applies when dealing with the government.
      For my clarification: Do I understand correctly in your above reply regarding the SSN, that you DID include the JOHN H. DOE SSN in a box within the explanatory statements(ES)annexed to the initial passport application submission? Did the DOS issue a letter to you requesting the SSN? - and you directed them back to the ES?
      For the benefit of others, this is what the DOS said in my declination letter:

      “Thank you for your passport request. Your passport application was submitted on April 4, 2017 at…Arizona. You submitted a passport application that did not provide your correct Social Security Number.

      Under the 22 U.S.C 2714a, a passport application may be denied if the applicant does not provide her/his Social Security Number or willfully, intentionally, negligently, or recklessly provides an incorrect or invalid Social Security Number.

      On April 25, 2017 and July 17, 2017, we requested that you provide your Social Security Number. You either did not provide your Social Security Number or provided an incorrect or invalid Social Security Number. Therefore, a U.S. passport cannot be issued to you at this time, and your application is denied.”

      Perhaps their wording of “…at this time” may be grounds to salvage this application, and NO, they did not refund any funds provided by USPS Money Order.

    8. Yup. They are telling you that at such time you do provide the SSN they can proceed to issue you the passport. You paid for it and they have not completed your order. I only provided it with my response to their 2nd letter demand in another ES reiterating the fact that it is not my number but belongs to the SSA, they are violating the privacy act, etc. You can do the same.

    9. Question: did the other not have a response letter to the SSN demand? Since he told you not to provide it with your application, he must have a response to their demand for the SSN or nobody is issued a passport.

    10. Knowing what I know now, after speaking to Christopher with Destination Freedom (DF), I am sure HISAdvocates (HA) has a reply for the SSN request BECAUSE he was a student of DF. Apparently, Christopher has contacted him(even before I participated in the HA course January 2017) previously to STOP reproducing his work product. However, I didn’t know the past relationship to DF when I signed up for the ncsn webinar. My reasons for not going back to HA had more to do with, at that time, that the webinar was unprofessional and appeared “fluffed” with irrelevant points given the nature of the topic and duration resulting in unconfidence. I do not lack information on the topic of ncsn status, after all, if anyone reads through various sedm memorandums of law including how to apply for a ncsn passport by the same, you would have a pretty good foundation to build on, and not implying that I am thoroughly well versed on the topic of status. However, I was anticipating based on my understanding of the HA ncsn offer, they would cover facts on the proper way to fill out the ds-11 AND acquire all the paperwork that might be required to enforce the application. Furthermore, I believe critical elements to acquiring an ncsn passport were omitted, imo(IF you don’t provide a SSN, AND you KNOW the DOS is 99% guaranteed to request by letter the SSN, wouldn’t this be a critical point to address upfront?). After all, I really could have used the assistance because to date the end result was a declined passport. Anyway, I hope you don’t mind that I take the opportunity of your question to provide readers my digest version experience with an HA process, and offer clarification for those who within this blog post have also referenced HA. There is no intent to disparage HA, or their other valued services.

    11. Thanks for sharing your experience. Did Christopher say he could help salvage your application?

    12. uncertain due to the fact that the dos returned the expired passport( i thought that was odd), bc, and all the letters sent in as my reply to their letter(s). NO money back though....i will be contacting him again to follow up on the possibility of salvaging.
      Thank you for the LLF info.
      Appreciate your input 1FreeMan

    13. I would bundle it all up again and send it back to them with an apology for your delay in responding to their request and provide them with the SSN in a box in DF's ES and secure your passport.

  19. Your kidding right? (at the recommendation of my LLF lawyer) sooooooooooo, I am to be influenced by what this "NCSN" PASSPORT is worth? Nothing to me as I AM comfortable to speak and jump to offend the TPTW to be arrested for even
    'trying" to control me. I DON'T like being told what to do and never did, do you?

    1. You must be new to this site or you would have known that an LLF is Judge Anna's Living Law Firm with Constitutional non-bar card lawyers. Just FYI, a NCSN passport is the only thing that will let you through a checkpoint or out of the country when the S hits the fan. You certainly won't like being told what to do then.

    2. 1FreeMan: I agree that 90colleen must be new to this site. I have read many of your posts and have always found them to be helpful and respectful and cogent. I have no doubt that I am among many who appreciate your information and generous spirit. Keep up the good work!

    3. Unfortunately, that passport is a little expensive to get using him to do it and even if we do it..will he consider payments..!!

    4. I would recommend taking the classes for a lot less than letting him do it. And you can take them at your own pace to split up the payments. If you still want him to do it, I'm sure you can ask him for payments.

    5. Thanks, Genevieve, for your kind words. We are always kind, patient and tolerant of all newcomers and glad to help. We must stand together as a team to overcome all the presumptions against us or they will continue to divide and conquer to rule over us.

  20. So, 1FreeMan, If your NOT comfortable with filing a passport, but your comfortable with condescending and acting as a no-it-all ATTITUDE on this blog to insult a fellow blogger? with NO proof that this is so... a NCSN passport is the only thing that will let you through a checkpoint or out of the country...
    Could that just mean your a paid CIA? just WONDERING.... "Paul", can you step in here?

  21. No, not know-it-all or I would not have hired Christopher or my LLF lawyer. I am smart enough to know what I don't know and invest in professionals who do. Done-it-all, yes, just about. I have filed just about all of Anna's paperwork with much success as I have freely shared on this blog to help and encourage others. I have no intentions of being condescending or insulting, only to clear up apparent misperceptions since this is your first time posting on this site. And since you are asking for proof, yes, I have secured the 5 star passport for myself and others. Yes, I have surrender the federal person and zeroed out my IRS account and helped others do the same. Yes, I have even helped free people from jail and many others in their predicaments. No, I am not CIA or I would not be helping anyone. There are many on this blog who can vouch for me. And no, I am not the one with the attitude.

    1. 1FreeMan...have you personally used your passport to leave the country, and which one is the safest to go to and has the most good looking

    2. No, since I just secured it about 2 months ago, I have not had a chance to use it yet to leave the country. But I have had quite a bit of fun with my passport card. It raises a lot of eyebrows.

  22. My mistake....I will no longer be wasting my time with your level of logic...

  23. 90colleen- I Perceive U misunderstand both 1Freeman's info. & intent - a Non-citizen state national(ncsn) passport confirms one's status BEing OUTSIDE and beyond U.S.corp[se] jurisdiction, from their own issuance, but must be done correctly to obtain this desired resulting status and standing. Having this replace all other "ID" may seem desirable to many; 1FreeMan seems helpful in sharing from his experienced success with it 4 others. I perceive no "no-it-all ATTITUDE" for "insult" from him at all in this. One can certainly choose not to pursue same unless one wishes to.
    1Freeman- did I get the ncsn description & intent correct here? I appreciate Ur specific sharing, as do many others.
    Seeking LLF contact name & Number, so I can pay for their assistance & possibly provide precedent & innovative ideas for highest good of all. Since 4/2012 unlawful foreclosure sale’s resulting 2 evictions, upon 3rd attempt, Sheriff agents eventually honored our claims asking “What would U like us to do?” seeking my permission to come onto the land and assist in removing trespassing vehicles ( & people) come to “inventory” our belongings… much happened since then, but ‘tis indeed NOW time for final Victory to the People on this & many other issues, as one performs necessary processes for same as part of Anna’s team continues to graciously share with us here.
    Teamwork makes the Dream work!

    1. Yes, Tricia, you have the description and intent correct. Thank you for your kind words. If you can please post your email I will be happy to provide you with a referral to the LLF as I am not at liberty to publish it here.

    2. YAY Tricia!!! That's awesome news re attempted theft of your home!!! Way to GO!! I can hardly wait to hear your story and the results, and hope it can be of help to so many others that are being targeted!

      I also agree re 1Freeman's honorable intent and assistance provided here. Consistently patient & kind, even when tempers flare in here,lol Definetly NOT opposition in any way.

    3. 1FreeMan, I too would appreciate your referral to the LLF. I need to begin this entire process including Anna's process. My email is:
      Much Gratitude and Thanks

    4. 74MJOHN, just sent the referral to your email.

  24. It would be good to hear from other folks who have had success with this process or from those of you on this string of comments that finish the process successfully as you are able to afford the process. Some have more disposable income than others.LOL

  25. doesn't appear my earlier 12.05pm comment got posted here so again:

    1FreeMan- my email U requested: Thanx so much 4 LLF referral & ALL U BE & DO 4 Highest good of ALL- U R appreciated, as R all contributors in this Team effort!!

    Kelli- re: some of our “Standing our Ground” story : link to call I was invited to share by Kelby, former "loan" broker, on
    THis ministry is awakening people to significant Truth & law. I was invited to share on this call (23:40- 47 min, with great sharing by Bob when I got dropped); also ended up doing closing prayer (2:38:50), by Kelby's invitation, and sharing from "Standing our ground" (2:32:20) Given me to honor Him, as all we are Given is for us to honor Him and to share with others to help them also.
    Blessings 2 all BEing & DOing 4 highest good of ALL- Tricia :D

  26. Tricia, my pleasure. Just sent you the referral.

  27. Howdy, Anna!

    You wrote: "Record your Certificate of Assumed Name and other paperwork claiming your assets and publishing your political status as a non-citizen American national,... You claim your DNA, your name, you [sic] lineage, everything about you and record the Deed under your copyright...."

    I have copyrighted my name via the "Certificate of Assumed Name, Notice of Transfer of Reserved Name, Certificate of Ownership." I'm hoping you'll answer these embarrassingly basic questions:

    1. Once I've copyrighted my name, is it imperative that I use the copyright symbol every time I sign my name or print my name?

    2. Do I use the copyright symbol after all variations of my name, e.g.: when using all caps; or upper-lower case; or last name, first middle?

    3. In which Deed do we claim our DNA and lineage?

    Thank you for all that you do.

    1. Can anyone answer my questions? I would be grateful for any assistance. Thank you.

    2. Hello Genevieve, I've tried to respond but message keeps disappearing...hopefully this time it will stay??

      I was just listening to a round table call with Anna as guest this am, and she discussed this in better detail, it was great!! Here is link and it was Last nights call, feb 8th, 2018, Angela Stark- talkshoe, my private audio;
      But in a nutshell to answer your question now, Anna explained how using our By: Last, First_________________
      restricted sig Byline effectively establishes Copyright as fact. So no symbols needed.

      Grant Deed is where you claim ALL your property ie; DNA, your titles, lineage. A complete property list, leave nothing out, lol. This "Security Agreement" in by and between your STRAWMAN as the "GRANTOR"(DEBTOR) and your Private Trade Name as the "Grantee" (Secured Party)
      This is your hold harmless agreement between the Private Man and your now claimed STRAWMAN, that you NOW manage and control, solely.
      Hope this helps!

    3. Anna even talks in more detail on the UCC filing which was so wonderful!!Great call 3 1/2 hours recording! I learned so much and more so regarding where I errored in my process 9 years ago as well! Good Stuff

    4. Howdy, Kelli!
      Yes, your info really helps--thanks so much for your response! I'm listening to Angela's show now and learning quite a bit. I might have more questions--hahaha. :)


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