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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Charity at Home

By Anna Von Reitz

Among all the questions I get--- and I get some strange questions -- none perplex me more than inquiries about where I donate money and why?  

Well, obviously, for some years now my husband and I have been supporting a mammoth effort to research America's history and the history of law and religion throughout the world.  This has not been a small or inexpensive endeavor for an oil painter and a legal beagle.  The bulk of whatever charitable giving we have goes to the members of The Living Law Firm and the researchers and paralegals supporting them.  That's the way it is, and the way it has to be, if we are to continue to make the strides homeward that we have made. 

That said, there are lots of worthy efforts and we don't forget them or fail those duties, either. 

We just got our "21 years" card from the Paralyzed Veterans of America.   My husband put it most succinctly: "Their sacrifice continues, so our support  continues, too." 

Easy enough. 

The family motto is "Loyal unto death." So it was and is and always will be.

Paralyzed Veterans of America
7 Mill Brook Road
PO Box 9533
Wilton, NH 03086-9533

We have been contributing for a long time, though I have no specific number of years, to Food for the Poor, also.  This organization provides food, clean water, housing, medical help, orphan care, and whatever it can do to help our neighbors in the Caribbean and Meso-America.  It has one of the lowest administrative costs of any such organization on Earth, and when they invite you to make a prayer request--- they are serious.  They will call you up and pray for you and with you. As you all have cause to know, I am a skeptic--- so when I say, "Yeah!" -- it means something.  The people this organization supports are our neighbors; they are desperately poor and many have suffered the ravages of severe storms, earthquakes, and other disasters.  If we have a calling to help beyond our borders, let it begin here with our offshore neighbors and with organizations like Food for the Poor --- mission driven, unselfish, effective, and sincere.    

Food for the Poor
PO Box 979003
Coconut Creek, Florida 33097-9989

Then, I have two schools I support, both of them Church Residential Schools for Native Americans.  Although I do not and never did support the enforced residential schools imposed by the government, these Christian institutions fulfill a desperate need in some of the poorest counties in America and protect some of those who are most worthy of our care: Native American children. 

It is a terrible scandalous situation that continues to blemish our great nation that these First People have suffered all that they have suffered and continue to suffer: poverty, neglect, prejudice, and truncated opportunities.  Life "on the Res" is often brutal and the clash of cultures and values that continues to this day destroys health, destroys families, and too often, destroys hope itself. 

I know that Kevin Annett has made a name decrying abuses that went on in similar schools fifty or a hundred years ago.  What I can tell you for sure is that both of these schools have no such history of child abuse and have many, many successful graduates who are making a difference in the arts and sciences, in the military, in education, and in government.  Giving these Americans a decent chance in life is--- in my view--- another sacred duty.  Nobody knows or loves this country more than the Native Americans.  Enough said. 

St. Labre Indian School 
P.O. Box 216 
Ashland, Montana 59002-9989

Serves the Crow and Flathead tribes in Montana, some of the most expert traders and craft artists on this continent. 

St. Joseph's Indian School
P.O. Box 326
Chamberlain, SD 57326

Serves the Lakota Sioux, among the bravest warriors who ever lived on Earth. 

My charity also extends to animals, especially draft horses and elderly black cats. 

I have always loved the Gentle Giants and revered their strength and contribution to building this country.  It was draft horses that pulled the millstones and worked the fields and hauled the stones and logs and now many of them need help.  A draft horse needs a lot of food and care and pays back in love and strength and willingness to work.  Maybe we can't go back to a truly agrarian farm culture, but my "horse sense"--- pardon the pun--- tells me that we would be better off if we did, and that if we betray these patient, trusting creatures we betray ourselves and our roots and our culture.  If everyone reading this contributed just $10 a year, it would totally revolutionize the work that the good people at Gentle Giants do to save and defend and preserve this precious living heritage.

My own Black Cat Rescue began many years ago when I was adopted by an elderly black cat.  He was a denizen of the salty piers in Juneau, Alaska, a tough, cold, and rainy place if there ever was one, but Poontah of the Punjab, so called because of his regal demeanor, panther-like grace, unfailing civility, and noble temper--- as well as the fact that he wore a collar of Hindu beads--- was equal to any challenge.  Even me.  

I had never been owned by a cat and never imagined that I would be, but he won me over and together we survived some very, very tough times.  When the Old Hero died, I wept for three days.  Among the lessons he taught me were patience, respect for others, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.  Who can repay such a debt? 
And among the things I learned because of him is that life for a black cat, especially an elderly black cat, can be very desperate indeed.  

People are superstitious about black cats, so they have a lower than average chance of being adopted into a good home to begin with, and as they get older, those slim chances decline.  Despite the advantages that many older and more experienced cats offer to a family, they aren't as cute and playful as kittens. So, in memory of my first cat, I began putting out the word that when rescuers found elderly black cats in need of a sponsor..... four elderly black cats later, I can tell you that I have no regrets.  They each gave me love and entertainment and good luck equal to winning a lottery.  

As with most things, patience and dedication and goodwill are what pay off, not the amount given, but the fact of the giving, not the grand gesture, but the day by day and year by year support that fills in the blanks and tides over the rough spots and makes it possible to keep going when all you have is faith that someone, somewhere cares enough to help. 

You realize that fully when you get a membership card in the mail that says you've been a supporter for 21 years. 

So for all those who are curious about my own giving habits, these are "my" charities above and beyond The Living Law Firm and the Asset Recovery Team that I contribute to faithfully every year.  I can recommend them all as worthy efforts and good places to weigh in and make a difference.  The important point is to thoroughly check out the organizations and causes you give money to, and make those choices in alignment with your own values and experience in life---and then give and keep on giving.  Make it count.  Make it a commitment.  There are times in my life when I only had $5 to give, but I gave it. 

When I turn up my heels, I will know that I kept my faith with my country and my countrymen, with our veterans, with the Native children, with the Gentle Giants, and a certain number of very special elderly black cats.  That may seem to be an odd assortment, and I fully admit that it is, but then, I am an odd person.  It all fits me to a "t".  So go forth, America, in the dark days of the winter and let your light shine when it is least expected; give in support of the people and causes that matter to you, because in the end, you are giving back to yourself and "voting" in a far more meaningful way than by checking a box on a ballot. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. most favorite times are hauling grain from farmer's to the mill.
    Have soft spot for fur bearing critters of all types .
    Would give it all up and head for the country but the war must go on
    Till we get control at least of local military .to be sure they don't turn it on us.

    1. Hauling in feed for hungry cows is a heartwarming experience .

    2. bubba, but ''hauling out the aftermath' after it has piled up over the winter, is downright disgusting. If you can just imagine, what kind of father gives his daughter such a chore as THAT! I also slopped the hogs, dug up potatoes after a rain, and pushed grain back in the grainery, dust and all. And upon his death, I was left Zero $$. (those old foreigners customs give it all to the oldest son and to hell with any other children; they are just free farm-hands. And then that 'beloved oldest son' left this 'free farmhand sister' to bury little brother all by herself and was nowhere to be found.)
      But this is not a boo-hoo story; for I have the Kingdom
      just up ahead, right around the bend and a wonderful loving
      true son and a real Father who loves us both. Woo woo !

  2. You say you are a skeptic ? Does that mean you are on the fence and are not sure of the battle between good and evil. I can tell you from my life experiences and I am an old man that there is indeed a battle on between good and evil. Evil imposes and good allows free will and does not impose. Evil had full power over the creatures of this Earth unobstructed for a short time. It began in 1914 and ended in 2014. Evil lost and good is once again accessible but still does not impose. You are an angle of good. There is huge unrest in the world right now greater than I have ever seen in my 66 years. This could be called tribulations. Evil is going crazy in the usa because of Trump and evil is at full power here in Canada because of our poor misguided leader. The battle was fought and evil lost fair and square. What is happening now is the mopping up after this great one sided battle. Evil will cease to exist Good will see that man is good finally and the dawn of the seventh day will soon rise then good can take a much deserved rest. You Anna too will be able to rest. You have done your assignment admirably. You have written the guide to the future. Much like Karl Marx has written the guide for the present.
    You need not be a skeptic. Understand there are many agents of good on this planet who all had assignments. They were and are incorruptible. They to have completed their assignments and I believe the floor has been moped now. We are just waiting for it to dry.

    1. Skepticism is a good thing. If Eve had been skeptical things would have been a lot different, no?

      As for tribulation-- the root word is "tribute" as in "paying tribute to Caesar"---- and I think you can see that we have indeed suffered the greatest tribulation in history.

    2. I can see you are not easily cornered lol. Is suffered past tense in your opinion. Still waiting for the floor to dry.

    3. Sorry bluecollarmovement, I posted the wrong message. This may help....
      Awhile back now I said I would post in regards to who we really are in international law and promised to post why we (our group) considered us the Crown. There were a few amendments to our paperwork and their forms hence this is one of the reasons why I did not post as we would be giving out bad info with no confirmation to give that anything had worked. We believe that now we have nailed the process, and covered all bases. However we will soon see as the Chief Justice of New Zealand (Dame Sian Elias) was served by the Crown yesterday at the lower house at Waitangi. Here's a youtube video of her being served. If you wish you can fast forward to 1:30secs and watch the main member of our group (in the purple shirt) hand the papers over to Sian. We'll let you know how this goes. PS My old handle on this blog was Cody but that's because it was my sons account but my adopted name is Nick. OK here's the link.

    4. just so were clear on why I wrote tribulation and not tribute.

      noun: tribulation; plural noun: tribulations
      a cause of great trouble or suffering.
      "the tribulations of being a megastar"
      suffering, distress, trouble, misery, wretchedness, unhappiness, sadness, heartache, woe, grief, sorrow, pain, anguish, agony; literarytravail
      "his time of tribulation was just beginning"
      a state of great trouble or suffering.
      "his time of tribulation was just beginning"
      trouble, difficulty, problem, worry, anxiety, burden, cross to bear, ordeal, trial, adversity, hardship, tragedy, sorrow, trauma, affliction; More

    5. blue, if you think evil is ended, then you are dreaming. Evil is more rampant today than ever in the history of the Earth, and the worst is yet to come. Its called the Great Tribulation and it will be far worse than shock and awe.
      Good will never prevail UNTIL Jesus Returns which is After
      the GT has cleaned out every smidgen of evil and evil Doers.

      If evil was done with, you would not even be locking your doors. Wake up to real TRuth, and stop with the play on Words.

    6. The light at the end of this very dark tribulation tunnel IS indeed shining brighter, brighter everyday!! So grateful even when everything seems to be hitting me at once right now, and I still have moments of feeling "overwhelmed" but thankfully they ARE just fleeing moments and focus, determination are prevailing like never before!
      It's All Good, we've got this NOW!!

  3. awesome ana hope the living law firm received my donation last month!

    keep on loving, we need you and appreciate you and all your hard work and dedication...

  4. I am so touched by Anna's huge heart in all these causes she is supporting. Thank you for sharing this...a good idea for us all to share where they care!

    1. So am i , its a beautiful habit, i simply love cats and all animals for that matter, and have a black female cate of my own (Black Girl) along with 4 other indoor cats and a host of strays that i feed on a yearly basis twice a day..

      Beautiful testimony anna..

    2. So am i , its a beautiful habit, i simply love cats and all animals for that matter, and have a black female cate of my own (Black Girl) along with 4 other indoor cats and a host of strays that i feed on a yearly basis twice a day..

      Beautiful testimony anna..

  5. Very good group to help out by helping Anna+Paul...
    I'd add RUN Ministries + Voice of the Martyrs(Richard Wurmbrand)
    They are in every anti Christian nation on Earth as WE speak.
    Including -
    China + many more.
    Many of these missionaries are being killed doing so.
    A movie is being made of RICHARD WURMBRANDS life.
    FDR's handing 1/2 the free world over to Stalin created such horrors- even worse was Trumans backing of Mao over Christian Chiang Kai Chek in China= yes the USA was behind it as well as FDR/Truman's installing the U.N. on American soil and dividing Korea into N+S.
    Then after being betrayed by invasion took the North out- yet then gave it back for the U.N.(Globalist) great "Communist Experiment" = how's that workin out.
    My father as a 17yr old farmboy was in firefights with Bolchevik terrorist attempting takeover during the Wiemar after the Globalist's inserting Woodrow into WWI(once gainng the FED/IRS) and their devastating Treaty of Versaille then caused WWII...

  6. Very good group to help out by helping Anna+Paul...
    I'd add RUN Ministries + Voice of the Martyrs(Richard Wurmbrand)
    They are in every anti Christian nation on Earth as WE speak.
    Including -
    China + many more.
    Many of these missionaries are being killed doing so.
    A movie is being made of RICHARD WURMBRANDS life.
    FDR's handing 1/2 the free world over to Stalin created such horrors- even worse was Trumans backing of Mao over Christian Chiang Kai Chek in China= yes the USA was behind it as well as FDR/Truman's installing the U.N. on American soil and dividing Korea into N+S.
    Then after being betrayed by invasion took the North out- yet then gave it back for the U.N.(Globalist) great "Communist Experiment" = how's that workin out.
    My father as a 17yr old farmboy was in firefights with Bolchevik terrorist attempting takeover during the Wiemar after the Globalist's inserting Woodrow into WWI(once gainng the FED/IRS) and their devastating Treaty of Versaille then caused WWII...

  7. It sounds like the Asset Recovery Team has been working for quite
    some time now. So what Assets have they recovered? Where are the

    1. Hi Abby, not sure if you read my reply from 4 posts ago so I'm re-posting it....
      Cody is my son and he's the one with the google account so at that stage I felt the name wasn't as important as what the message was. My other son is Zac and he also has an account, so if you see his name pop up don't be alarmed. Anyway now you know it's Nick. I'm very surprised that the link went nowhere so I'll post it again and put down the name of the video so it gives you another option. Good to hear from you Abby! Video name "Crown has served Chief Justice" link
      If both options don't work PLEASE get back to me.

    2. Nick, I watched this video and all it is is a group of people standing around in a room. The whole 2 minutes

    3. Bank of France is returning $475 trillion of ours and that is just the start.

    4. Nick, yes I saw your post explaining the Names usage and Accounts you used belonging to your son. Hope you post
      more often.

      ANNA, well it can't get here soon enough. Thanks for your welcomed response. Do you have a general time frame on its arrival, and another one for Disbursement into our hot little empty hands?

      At our house, we have some well thought out ideas, some for animal shelter, some for children, some for the needy and homeless, as God leads us. Meanwhile, we have developed a 'right attitude' about 'money'.

    5. Anna where did you get info that Bank of France is returning $475 Trillion to US. i just checked France debt clock; NATIONAL DEBT OF FRANCE

      $ 2,645,367,685,976 going up by the hundreds of thousands faster than you can copy. where would the Bank of France get $475 Trillion? and who do you think would end up with that money if it were returned? Surely wont go to American people, would have to pass through the hands of too many crooks, ex. bankers, congressmen and senators,etc..Sounds like I'm the real skeptic

    6. there is an equal credit side to this ledger, that's the beautiful, hidden side that is being claimed properly, and rightfully to the true Principals. This is amazing News Anna, thank you!!!

    7. Thats awesome anna, i'll continue waiting patiently yet impatiently,,
      Great News..

    8. Great Call last night with Anna on Angela Stark's Talkshoe Kimberly....may be some gold nuggets in there for you and your situation. Enjoy!!

    9. Great call Last night with Anna on Angela Stark's Talkshoe!! Might be some gold nuggets in there for you and your situation Kimberly..Enjoy!

  8. That is great that some people can afford to donate but some of us just can't do it my car needs a transmission and I can't afford to buy a decent used car now I have to rely on others to get basic supplies, food ect.

    1. Someday you will have extra and then you will need to think wisely about what you decide to give to. That's what this post is about--- not to brag, not to shame, not to do anything but make people think about what they are giving to, why they are giving, and how they are giving when they give.

    2. Holly, hang in there; sounds like Anna is saying you may be able to just go buy a new one.

  9. I learned the formula about the time of finding out or hearing of the huge debt "we owe" ( really the United States and those imposing on us). It is this "Assets = Liablity + Owners Equity. So what we are not shown by our so called government and forced monopoly banking system is the assets and owners equity. That is equal to the debt. The change to non-payment of debts and an all borrowed money system could not work without the double entry accounting. So when you see the debt also along with that is an equal asset column. Prolly some fraudulent banker law made up saying they do not have to show it. Like Cestui que vie trusts there is a rule they made up that those "properties" do not have to be divulged and are secret.

    Horses have been getting the short end of the stick for a while now. Good thing someone is keeping them going and I have pulled logs with a regular horse so do have a great deal of respect for the large draft horses. I watched the Queens' arrival at a public hall an seems there was a large team of some of the finest horses pulling her gold and diamond studded "taxi" She said people with less than 30000 annual income would be given a home but so far have not heard that it was put in to action.

  10. The u.s. had frozen Iran's own $110 billion and when obumbo returned it to its rightful owner, it happened with a simple phone call as it was already well known who the rightful owner was.
    In this case with the french bank it should be no different. The only question for the FB is.....where do we return it to.

    Here's the problem: The cabal crooks have been tampering with money transfers for a good long while; how do we know they won't steer it into their own bank accounts or hinder its rightful destination?
    Anna, have you covered that?

  11. I simply love this article, it opens the hearts of many to share , it is my duty to help others around the globe, i look forward to my abundance, so that i am able to provide for man and creatures.

  12. Dear Lady Anne, I liked you before I read this post, but after reading this one, you are a woman after my own thoughts and likes. I have felt for a long time that the Native American have been the most mistreated people on this present planet. It started many years ago and just keeps continuing. These people are so wise and deserving of everyone looking up to them and not down on them. I also feel they are so wise that their information should not get out, it would destroy the cabal, because the American Indian is all about lOVE. They truly are Americans.

    Also, I am an animal lover, especially of cats'

    Thanks so much for all your wonderful information.


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