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Monday, January 15, 2018

Did The BLM Send A Militarized Force Upon The American People?

Here is some of the evidence withheld by the prosecution in the Bundy case. This is some of the reason the case was dismissed "with prejudice".

I found this evidence at the Mental Militia website in an article written by Elias Alias.

Here is the link to that article, which you should all read.

The title is 

The Gaspee Affair and The Sagebrush Rebellion


  1. Thanks Paul!
    it's amazing how the prosecution somehow forgot to let the judge and jury know about this sort of thing, lol!
    Thank you for spreading it around to your good folks here.
    Elias Alias

    1. I guarantee you they had that evidence and presented it to the judge (The WALL) who simply said it can't be entered into evidence...!!!

  2. No doubt the prosecutors were paid to make these indictments stick and went out of their way to create stories slanted from the truth to attempt success. However, a lie is a lie and truth will prevail, because in creating a lie, one must create answers and evidence for all possible questions and that is almost impossible in cases especially like this.

    Perhaps now any existing similar cases will be brought to bear the truth and the victims exonerated.

  3. The BLM are all guilty of high treason against the American people. Violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention, Title 18 USC 1651 (Piracy under the law of nations), unlawful conversion, and a host of other crimes (likely murder as well). The individuals in the BLM need to receive personal Notices of Liability and Harm and Trespass which will be unrebuttable and indefensible. No wonder the Territorial government services slugs are spiriting away bad actors right and left to places like Guantanamo Bay (likely to hide them away as human, physical evidence) when they should be paraded out into public places on the continent to stand speedy trial and meet their fates.

  4. This entire form of govt has to go...!! You can't correct this much corruption without first replacing the entire BAR association..When is this going to happen.....!!! Can "jural assemblies" sue the govt sanctioned BAR in a class action suit in your court, judge Anna..!!

    1. No, the govt as you call it is a hired contractor to provide 19 governmental services to the American people until the American people revert back to self governing via the county and state assemblies. Anna's court is not the court for people to seek remedy from this corporation. We THE People in assembly have enacted the Contempt of Constitution DeJure law. We have reseated our original jurisdiction Article Three Court. This court is the Quo Warranto Board of Inquiry. Both have been globally noticed and have zero rebuttals. This is by, of, and for the people!

      Here is the Quo Warranto Board of Inquiry

      Here is the 1st notice part1:

      Here is the first notice part2:

      Here is the Quo Warranto Board of Inquiry Rules for Operation and Functioning:

      Here is the Contempt of Constitution:

      And here is one of the 10 notices of enactment for the Contempt of Constitution:

    2. we have been told on numerous occasions by judge Anna is just another opportunistic bunch of bankers who want those 19 delegations of authority...F#@k Nesara and all the other similar agencies who want those same 19 delegations of authority...No one is getting those 19 delegations of authority ever again. If America can't take care of itself, then we need a new country with a completely different constitution that doesn't include 19 delegations of authority.....

    3. I totally second you James "No one is getting those 19 delegations of authority ever again".

      Enough of this madness this Fictitious world no wonder the Hindus call it Maya = Illusion because all this money or legal construct is a fiction and illusion by people who concocted it.

  5. The Lieber Code then states in Section II, Article 31., that: “A victorious army appropriates all public money, seizes all public movable property until further direction by its government, and sequesters for its own benefit or that of its government all revenues of real property belonging to the hostile government or nation. The title to such real property remains in abeyance during military occupation, and until the conquest is made complete." (emphasis supplied) {10} Under Martial Law, one’s title is a mere fiction, since all property belongs to the military except for that property which the Commander-in-Chief may, in his benevolence, exempt from taxation and seizure and upon which he allows the enemy to reside. After Lincoln, a new type of government was born in America when the District of Columbia was incorporated in 1872. In the U.S. Titles and Codes, the District of Columbia can also be called, the “United States." Why did the federal power need a corporation? The answer is, first, martial law governments are — in law — styled as ‘fictional creations.’ Second, the doctrine of equal standing in law makes it clear that only parties of equal standing can communicate in law. The maxim of Law is; “Disparata non debent jungi — Dissimilar things ought not to be joined." {11} Third, since such governments are fictions, they can only deal with fictions and are thus, prohibited from re-creating lawful civil authority. Only the people have the sole and exclusive right, power, and authority to alter, abolish, or create a Lawful Civil government. These people can only control you as a corporate fiction. No more votes for any one who is running to a corporate presidents for the united states. He needs to a unincorporated for the people of america. Pass this on to every one you know. Every presidents that has been in office has been in office misrepresenting the americans for the foreign federal corporation called the united states.

  6. The Law of Peace manual trumps even The Lieber Code, but above all the US Army is charged with protecting the public and its assets and watchdogging the Bar Association and its actions -- BIG FAIL. It's barratry and more criminality!

  7. And we are supposed to change all that when people are so dumbed down they will paint us as "terrorist"....It won t work...!!

  8. Freewill.....all your paperwork won't amount to a hill of beans when the military has all the weapons and manpower to wipe America off the face of the planet.....and don't think for a minute they wouldn't do it in a heartbeat if they are facing incarceration at GITMO....Everyone thinks they can win wars just because of fancy words on paper that someone will actually take notice of..!! Dream on Freewill...!! Your dream is nothing but a nightmare!!!

  9. Freewill...what exactly is your problem with an entirely different form of government...something never tried before and doesn't include old ways of thinking like a "Constitution".!!! Why can't you let go of universally accepted forms of govt and raise to higher ground than all other govt that ever existed in this planet......we don't need govt.....AT ALL!!! Only people....thats it!!! No courts either, because they all become corrupt..!! We either need a completely different form of govt or none at all.. I suggest every single street enforces their own rules for that street alone and affects no other street..!! In other words, hundreds of millions of small govt with jurisdictions so small they can't possible take over anything...!!!!

    1. All I have to say is to you James Pansini I love all your points of view in terms of governments and fully agree with you 1000%.

      All forms of governing others leaves it wide open for this mess to happen all over again with the probability of corruption.

      Self Governing is the key to our freedom and liberation if we are ever to evolve on this planet, grow up in order to reach a state of higher consciousness and intelligence.

      Thanks for all your posts, Chris and i always learn so much valuable legal info from you in your comments were for ever grateful to you! Thanks again for all you do.

    2. Thank you so much Sonia.. I've been through the grinder and came out the other side scratched and bruised, but a lot smarter about courtroom proceedure...!! It seems you can't learn anything unless you have the guts to go into the lions den...there is no other way to learn....reading about law is only half the battle. Then you have to face the corrupt courts and judges...thats the only place you can see for yourself how really corrupt it is...but these judges aren t ready for someone that knows that OZ is controlling everything from behind the curtain...!! That's when the real antics start...!! Ask yourself, did the Bundys even have a say about going to court...hell no!! Now what.. what are you going to do when that happens....Ive been trying to educate people on what to say to a judge once your in that position which judge Anna never addresses....and trust me it's scary. They hold a lot of power and they have the sherriffs in their who is clueless to his real job and willing to do anything the judge orders him to do....!! But I'm on a mission on this site to forget the paperwork and know how to handle a judge in our new "battlefields"...the courts!!

    3. James, now you're talking the right stuff. Its time to ''get down and dirty' and just cut to the chase. I would welcome a court room run-through from you; none of us has any time left for 'trial and error' and we could learn from you since you've 'been there, done that' already.

  10. That judge knew these men were innocent, now she is covering her butt. Brittish agricultural revolution! State farm anyone.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


    The French European buildings there in Nongkhai proves that this part of land used to belong to Laos in the early 1880. The French Rothschild sold/gave 48% of Laotian land to Thai's Nathan Rothschild Puppet around 1880’s, through some types of political / financial scams. Evidenced by the same Laotian language still in use in this region. Thailand called this region as "Lao Esan":

    Now in 2015-17, the same scam repeats in America. She recently got out via Rothschild puppets to UN, another financial scam. Judges Anna's group filed a large lien to block the assets transfer. So when you see UN entering America in 2018~, they may remove American people guns to declare America as a new country, under new owner. Don’t be surprised! Why would UN care for your safety? Against whom? No body is invading America. Think of the opposite, Thieves are quite clever.

    Still doubt? Check American’s Astrochart . The return of Pluto to its 1776 is due now. It means the same theme will repeat. BIG Similar Revolution will manifest, you will hate the UK again. Enter this data into chart: 7/4/1776, 38:36N, 95:43W

    1. Sorry folks, the chart data I enter is 5 / 4/ 1774. The past got ugly in July 23 1774, we may see similar event in 7/23/2018

      Why May 1774? War happened before independent day.

    2. It just goes to show you there is no form of govt that will ever solve the problems we face on earth in this 3rd dimension.. It's going to take completely different thinking and admitting to God once and for all that without his help, we are doomed to constantly repeat this situation throughout eternity...!!!

    3. James, at the risk of repeating myself, the reason our country is in such decay is because sin is running rampant and reached into the mud. Morality has taken a long vacation to nowhere. Churches are even welcoming in those that are known 'sinners' which puts their stamp of approval on such behavior. Whatever people approve of makes them just as guilty, according to scripture. Our pulpits are full of hypocrites and liars who are preaching false teachings 'and all are falling in the ditch together'.
      Man and churches both have made a mockery out of our Creator; do we see anyone straightening up? There are some prerequisites to gaining His help, but they are not being met.
      John 9:31

  13. As a Patriot who was active at the Sugar Pine Mine and Burns, Oregon, I will tell you all this. American citizen's are/were treated as occupying enemy combatants at both places by our own "Brown Boot" BLM, Oregon State Police, Oregon Governor Kate brown, and the Federal Government. The shooting of Lavoy Finnicum was an assassination perpetrated by Oregon's Governor and State Police on the orders of Barack Obama, plain and simple. More evidence was lost, not entered or not allowed by the Courts than was presented. Thank GOD the jury and the American people were intelligent enough to see through the smoke screen the FED's tried to blind them with. This is NOT an isolated event-this will/is going to be a more common occurance if American citizen's don't stop sitting on their laurals and allowing the FED to do as they please. America is becoming a police state being run by their own version of the KGB (BLM). WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

  14. And as far as Calif is concerned, let's just rename it upper Mexico, and Mexico as lower Mexico....that would be truer ....!! Did any of us ever hear about "chain migration" before Trump came along.....NO!!!!! NO one in our Congress has a conscious....!! It looks like they would rather be traitors to the end than give up all there benefit and backhanded deals...!! The bastards just tried again to give themselves their usual 26% raise this year...Thank God Trump spotted it and said no changed it to a 2% raise just like all of us on SS got...!! How does it feel Congress...!!!

    1. James, I hate all things done in %. Decades ago you never got a % raise; it was always given to you in $ per wk. When % is used across the board for everyone, the high paid folks get a significant raise, while the low paid folks get peanuts. The % method still leaves the same salary gaps.

    2. Well I agree Abby. But since when did anyone ever get into govt to make money...I have relatives that are no longer alive that always used to tell me, Jim if you work for govt you will probably have a job for life but you will never be rich....what happened!! He should see it now..!! It boggles the mind to think that everyone in "water power and electric are all getting over $100,000/year, including the what reality does that happen... do you think any of them see it our way...???

    3. Fed. pay scale is very low; and the very same job in large cities pays more than it does in the smaller cities. The pay scale is decided by the cost of living in different locations.
      On the other hand, here, state jobs pay a lot more and don't expect a person to work very hard at all. Also,benefits are much much better than with the Fed.
      City jobs and county jobs are also more lucrative than the fed.
      Each state can be vastly different, one from another.

  15. What I don't understand and no one has said yet, is why is that land of the Bundys so valuable that our govt and BLK are willing to kill for...what is on that land that is so precious to kill for.....they obvious don't want the cattle or anything on the must be something under the LAND...but what...does anyone know...???

    1. James, I wish I could recall the details, but not long ago I read where there is a military base not far from this ranch and there was an insinuation that that base is slated to be used for nefarious purposes; inferring that 'they' plan to use it in some kind of takeover of the People. So it may well be that 'they' do not want anyone around that area to see what they plan to do. It included bringing in foreign troops.
      So who knows. But Plans are just plans, and many of them can get thwarted. Whatever their reason is, it is not good.


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