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Monday, November 13, 2017

A Righteous Man in a Crazy World

By Anna Von Reitz

Did you ever play the game "You Can't See Me?" as a child?  Essentially, if certain conditions were met, the players all agreed to pretend that the other players were invisible.  For example, if you reached the sidewalk in front of your house, you were "safe" and could do anything you liked, and the other players couldn't see you.

This is the game the rats have been playing for decades.  This is the reason that at certain points in court processes, the attorneys and judges all fell silent.  They couldn't see or hear you, because according to the rules of their game, you were "dead".

I know this sounds crazy.  I know that the idea of grown men and women doing something like this is at least very odd, but that's the way it is.

They have been deliberately misinterpreting your Trade Name as a Foreign Situs Trust, then seizing the Foreign Situs Trust as a salvaged "vessel" and converting it into an ESTATE belonging to unknown parties "missing, presumed lost at sea".   And therein lies their whole excuse for pretending that you aren't actually standing in their courtroom---- their own deliberate falsification of the evidence in the public record allows them to play this game.

Most recently, they have tried to bankrupt your imaginary ESTATE and establish Public Transmitting Utilities named after you, instead.

They have been playing other "mind games" as well.  Let's give some examples.   If I were to write you a letter, the established convention would be to begin by writing the date in the upper right hand corner and using the form January 6, 2017 ----for example.

But.... what happens if I write it in a different place (say, the upper left corner of the page) or use a different form to symbolize the date?

6 January 2017......




Jan. 6, 2017.....

JAN 6, 2017....




January 6, 2017.....

January 6th, 2017.....

6th January 2017.....

Sixth January 2017.....

January Sixth 2017......

January Sixth Two Thousand Seventeen....

January the Sixth Two Thousand and Seventeen.....

The Sixth day of January 2017

This 6th Day of January Two Thousand and Seventeen.....

Well, I could go on, but you get the idea, right?

How about this all-too familiar situation?

The land parcel located at Township 4 North, Range 10 West of Albion County, Illinois, beginning at the Northwest Corner of the intersection of Elizabeth and Wescester Roads Plat 12-1198, page 2A and running 30' 4'' SSW 336 lineal feet to....

Otherwise described as the North 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Township 4 North Range 10 West.....

Otherwise described as Lots 10,11,12 of Block 6 in the Elmwood Subdivision of the Lexington Meridian, Elmhurst, Illinois.....

Otherwise described as 1112 Elmhurst Drive......

Otherwise described as......

Each one of these "descriptions" are copyrighted conventions of one or another level of government or organization that you are presumed to belong to, each one staking a claim on what is supposed to be your land.

The possibilities for confusion and false claims and abuses are potentially endless in such a situation.

Enter Russell-Jay:Gould, a righteous man in a crazy situation.  What to do?

As a young man (he is still a young man from my perspective, of course) Russell found himself being targeted by the organizations perpetuating these abuses and making these false claims and presumptions; his only sin was standing up for himself, for his own name, and his own assets, but since his claim to be his own man and in control of his own property was a threat to this System of things, he was put under heavy fire from the local, state, and federal authorities promoting his enslavement.

Please understand--- Russell was on no crusade and he wasn't interested in glomming on to anybody else's stuff.  He just wanted to protect his own.

Arduously, painfully, by a process of research and thought and trial and error, at great risk and at the cost of great suffering---- Russell figured out what the vermin were doing.  And he then used their own system against them.


He created his own world, his own corporation, and his own naming conventions for everything, starting with his own name.  He left "Russell Jay Gould" in their clutches and copyrighted his own rendition of it:  Russell-Jay:Gould.   This created a separation between "their" Person and his Person.

They could no longer see him, by the same rules they used to separate him from his lawful Trade Name.   He became invisible.

He not only adopted a new Trade Name, he adopted a new form of name via the punctuation.  And then he copyrighted that unique style of punctuating a name and justified it as correct grammar and punctuation when symbolizing a fact.

So now, Russell-Jay:Gould has established his own "vessel" under his own control and ownership, immune from any claim that the various organizations using other name styles and conventions of punctuation can use against him.

This, in a nutshell, is what he calls the "Grammar War".  There is a lot more to it, and he made many, many other discoveries along the way; for starters, he discovered that the way our common everyday language is constructed is incorrect---- falsified so that it cannot and does not deliver any specific and certain meaning that we can depend upon.

Think of the consequences of that discovery?

We can accept a meaning by mutual agreement, but any true meaning isn't there, because the underlying structure of the language --- it's conventions--- are messed up.

And Russell-Jay:Gould proved that.

From there, it became a question of--- what would a correct structure be?

And he delved that out, too.

I have taken a different approach to the same problem---- my response to all the fraud and horse hooey promoted by the commercial corporations responsible for this situation was to attack the fraud at its roots and invalidate all their claims going back to 1860.

My response was (and is) --- my Trade Name is my Trade Name and it is properly at home on the land and soil of my state of the Union.  In nautical terms: my vessel (body) and cargo (consciousness) are right where they have always been, thank you, very much.

I have no name.  God didn't give me one yet, and Adam can only name animals and things.  Considering that I am neither a thing nor an animal,  I can create, define, and possess a name the same way I "have" a bicycle or a chest of drawers.

I possess my name, my name does not possess me.

Once everyone gets that straight we can stop pretending not to see what we see and slathering layers of fraud and debt and false claims on other people and on the actual, factual world we all live in.

So while Russell gave up his original Trade Name and created his own form of name to make himself invisible and take himself outside their System, I came back around the other way and kicked their rumps.

What has happened over the last few days is that Russell and I have "met in the middle" of the Old and the New, in that sacred and only space called "Now" --- as he points out --- and he is a righteous man in a crazy world.  He's been called a lot of names, attacked, told that he is insane, but he is none of these things.

Russell-Jay:Gould symbolically stands for a very intelligent, very kind, and very caring man who found his own way out of the Matrix.

I have listened to all that he said and explained about Parse Syntax Grammar being correct and I can't argue his logic, at least not based upon his starting points.

My own education in the subject is only beginning, but I can foresee a day when all contracts are written in this form of language----and a necessity that we all learn and safeguard it, so that it does not become yet another "secret language" akin to the jargon of legalese which has been used to enslave and rob people---instead of accomplishing Russell's vision of using Parse to end senseless controversies, dishonest contracts, and fraud.

As you will see if you (please do) investigate it,  Parse Syntax will never be the language of poetry. Parse will never be graceful or fluid or melodious---but like a Haiku, it will have its own strict form and potent meaning.

How do I feel about Russell-Jay:Gould?  I love him.  I am more than content that he is the custodian of the US flag and ready to commend him as Commander-in-Chief.  There are some fine points that need to be worked on-- mainly just more education for both of us about the separate worlds we occupy-- but I can foresee a wonderful outcome for living people who, like Russell, just want to live in peace and have control of what is theirs by right.

I give you Russell-Jay:Gould: Huzzah!  Huzzah!  Huzzah!

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website
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  1. Things are under attack Annas post disappear .

    1. bubba, no it just needed a little repair. Fine now, so Paul tells me.
      Sooo, this confirms my gut feeling Trump did not accept the job. I sort of think he just wants to leave the whole mess mostly for family sake. JMO
      So when is RJ going to take his position.
      And can we too just start spelling our own Name in like manner? I am liking it, and boy would that throw them for a loop, Lol.

  2. Rebutt not a corporation so NOT a name, impossible and alive on the land prior to seven years old. Authentic bc and return fraud. Get certificate of live birth, kill name or dba/asc ... unincorporated or do death certificate and get ... jonah bey got his credit account unlimited... who else??!!

    1. Lifecoach, your post here is just about as clear as mud; ends up having absolutely no meaning whatsoever to the average joe. Why can you not speak in normal language so there is a real contribution for others, instead of twitter talk.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I did run into a little glitch in the Google Blogger software with the comment section not working. The only way to fix it was to delete the article and re-post it, which changed the link, so I re-sent the link just now.

    1. should start another side business of fixing peoples problems with their computers..You have used them long enough to figure out how to fix what otherwise would have the rest of us pulling out what little hair we have speaking personally of It doesnt seem like you had any learning curve at all with your new equipment..

    2. Thanks James, but I wouldn't know where to find the time to help anybody with anything that doesn't pertain to what I am already doing.

  4. The (trust) attached to the name /birthcirtificate carry your copy were you go to court and say I'm here about that matter as a one time appearance here's the trust settle it.that's all the really want .piddley.little 40 dollar fine is nothing.

  5. Russell-Jay: Gould's teacher is David-Wynn: Miller, you can learn it too.


    1. It appears that David-Wynn writes in ALL CAPS - the style of fiction!

    2. in High School, I studied Pitman Shorthand and was taking dictation at 300 words per minute. I understood nothing on Perhaps I need to take a day or two to find the teaching page for the language spoken.

    3. David Wyann Miller tried to get "parse-syntax" approved as a National least in Hawaii.. because he has some connection to it or found out that Hawaii was a soverign Nation going back to some King ....Kamai Maia! But of course the U. S. bullies put so much pressure on them, rather than fight and lose everything , they just agreed to become part of the U.S., begrudingly..!!

  6. Why arent we requesting a Form of Existence provided to us seeking President Trump's Acknowledgment of Existence by Executive Order granting the Ownership of any and all Accounts and Funds transferred to the Living Holder Assigned a Social Security Number signed under the Presidential Seal, to be accepted by All Federal Agencies including the Department of Treasury, which requires a Court Order to access our Treasury Direct Accounts.

    1. Wow - would be great-!!!
      However - assassination is "their" usual MO...
      ONLY - this time I doubt VP-Pence is "their" installed backup man like LBJ + H.W.Bush were.

      So both must be taken out at once- whereupon Rep. Paul Ryan is their man next in line...

      Which is why I've been posting for them to NEVER fly together since last fall as H/O's 2,000 Stingers R L's are still missing from "their" mutual Libyan arms deal and elimination of Ambassador Stevens for knowing waaaay to much of the arms shipments to Obama's "Redline freedom-fighters" now known as ISIS which caused the mass migration's now rampant to destabilize the West.
      WE are now at the edge of the precipous and all bets are off as to how far the true Globa-lust popowerplayer'and "deepstate" will go to insure stuffing America into their NWO/OWG-bag.

      - for now OUR -
      "DON'T TREAD ON ME" mentality is gaining renewal daily.
      And a provoked Rattlesnake is dangerous till fully stuffed "in the bag" ...

    2. Wow - would be great-!!!
      However - assassination is "their" usual MO...
      ONLY - this time I doubt VP-Pence is "their" installed backup man like LBJ + H.W.Bush were.

      So both must be taken out at once- whereupon Rep. Paul Ryan is their man next in line...

      Which is why I've been posting for them to NEVER fly together since last fall as H/O's 2,000 Stingers R L's are still missing from "their" mutual Libyan arms deal and elimination of Ambassador Stevens for knowing waaaay to much of the arms shipments to Obama's "Redline freedom-fighters" now known as ISIS which caused the mass migration's now rampant to destabilize the West.
      WE are now at the edge of the precipous and all bets are off as to how far the true Globa-lust popowerplayer'and "deepstate" will go to insure stuffing America into their NWO/OWG-bag.

      - for now OUR -
      "DON'T TREAD ON ME" mentality is gaining renewal daily.
      And a provoked Rattlesnake is dangerous till fully stuffed "in the bag" ...

    3. So even if he changed his Corp. fictional name , how would it carry any weight in any court if it wasnt "BONDED"..Bonding is the key..not the name. Bonding in this system is the glue that keeps it functioning and covers all "liabilities" for the "person". Without it, how would anyone have a "Remedy" for redress if the captains of the ship of state(the judges) just dececide to do whatever they know damn well law enforcement will only obey a court order and nothing else..!!

  7. Yes! Two spirit filled hearts and minds meeting in the middle is bound to produce wonderful and timely results! Much love and gratitude for your courage and unwavering commitment to lighting our paths along this journey😍

  8. So, according to our astute fraud of a historian, "the way our common everyday language is constructed is incorrect---- falsified so that it cannot and does not deliver any specific and certain meaning that we can depend upon." REALLY anna!!!??? So, if a man tells his wife, "I love you" OR "you are pretty" OR "I appreciate you" OR even the comments that are being written in this comment section, I am supposed to believe the words of our fraud of a historian that EVERY WORD written here is "incorrect and/or has no meaning"!!!??? Ladies, next time your husband or boyfriend says something nice to you or about you, you now know that he does not mean what he says!!!!!! Once again anna strays off the reservation with her malarkey. Guess she ran out of meds but it does not help her credibility when she states crapola that she should know better, but then again, anything she states, by her OWN definitions in this article have no meaning so, what is her point!!!??? That's right, she doesn't know because no one can figure out what anyone is saying because "ALL our words is incorrect and have no meaning"!!!

    1. We have a common perceived translation we choose to accept. Don't get mad the education system defrauded us or the government services corporation, it means what you and the receiver perceive in truth... but when comes to a crown court, they are collection system and prey upon our lack of education. Hope this helps... check out 7 stages of grief.

    2. is it just me or does anyone else recognize the style and spirit of this poster expressing themselves as "Unknown"? Haha I SEE you! Why are you hiding, that is so unlike you?

    3. or maybe I should state IT IS exactly like you to "react" and throw your ego tantrum, it was quite predictable. Your faithless, untrusting, bitter, angry & prideful EGO is so "large and in charge" your not hard to miss! Nice try hiding though, but as you can see the light is shining in everyone's darkest hiding places Now and each and every one of us is being exposed and having to be held accountable for our thoughts and actions, with good intentions or with the intention to cause harm. Your freewill choice, I accept that observation and choose to learn from it, thank you. Have a beautiful day

    4. From Mark Hermary:

      Unknown, please relax.
      Yes when you say I love you to your husband it means what it's always meant to you. How would you ever think that it doesn't by what Anna wrote? Seriously?

      If you were to research Russell and David Wynn Miller before telling everyone Anna is a "fraud of a historian", you would see what Anna is referring to, is the entirety of what these two brilliant men have uncovered and accomplished.... the fact that all contracts written in the languages we use world wide, can mean many things as our beloved BAR Attorneys and Judges have created as many meanings to a word as they wish and need to fleece the people who use them.

      So, your contract with your Banker Unknown, that has stolen your name and profited from it in a massive way (and all the other ways Anna has so graciously and honourably uncovered for us all to use as tools to correct the problem), has done so ONLY because of his way of perceiving the English language, which is to say, your banker and their lawyers manipulate the meaning for their benefit and create much harm to you as you instantly become the surety/security to their crimes.

      This is vastly more so a problem if anyone enters a courtroom anywhere on the planet today.

      What Russell and David have done, is to correct that problem so that every contract written would be fully understood and 100% correct, and... get this.... whether it was read forwards or backwards.

      Also, any contract written in syntax could be translated to any language one wishes, then from that language to another, then to another, until you've gone through most every language on the planet, and then back to your original contract in English, and it will mean exactly the same thing it meant before 5000 language translations.... whether you read it forwards or backwards.

      Please show me a contract that you have signed that could go through such scrutiny.

      China is apparently teaching syntax in university, and likely because they see the future.

      We are trying to progress and evolve Unknown, getting away from the arguing and pointing the finger, unless it is those who commit the crimes against humanity Anna is exposing daily.

      As Anna sticks her neck out for humanity every day, and uses her day for research and creating amazing new documents and ideas for the corrections of the wrongs of Man, which is amazingly refreshing and noble compared to 99.9% of humanity, you decide to say she is posting "malarkey" and "crapola" and "ran out of meds", when in all probability it is you posting such, about yourself.

      I for one will stand by Anna like we all should when someone mounts her stallion everyday to fight the good fight while the world watches Idol or the game, fights in wars they do not belong in as they are created by and for bankers, or are the beings being bombed and fighting for their lives, partially because people would rather put down others instead of acting positively and getting to the bottom of why the world is the way it is and mounting their own stallion.

      Only then can we correct it.

      Please think and research before speaking next time as your comment was but negativity, where we should be filling the world with positive ideas for taking back our power and overcoming the evil our past generations have produced. Turn your finger pointing in the proper direction, it is not Anna who has created the mess, she is giving her life trying to correct it.

      Be kind, and be well.

      Mark Hermary

    5. Very well said Mark, thank you! We have some pretty amazing souls going through the fire for all of humanity, and we absolutely owe them nothing but our respect, support and gratitude!

    6. Exactly..!! Between one another, words do have meaning, because we dont have a hidden agenda when we speak them..however, even normal language can be used in evil ways, when you say you "love" someone when you really dont or trying to use it in order to get something..!! However, when we try to deal with "contracts", especially govt contracts, its not that we dont understand the words, its the fact we dont realize what the "contract" is actually saying..In parse-syntax all contracts mean...."no contract" in their legalese terminology..!! But words do have meanings, but they dont all have the same definition. And that is what is causing the entire problem...if we were all trained to define words according to "Blacks Law" dictionary, there wouldnt be all this nonesense going on. If we are speaking English then they are intentionally using greek intentionally to confuse and defraud us..!! Then to make matters worse they have adopted an unlawful and insideous doctrine of "silent judical notice" giving the court so much power because of our ignorance of these policies of the court that hardly anyone stands a chance of winning... It short, nothing about a court is "EQUITABLE"...!!!

    7. James, I don't know if this is what you are talking about or not, but have you noticed how doctors in general also ''talk funny''? They will say 'I'm going to prescribe something for such and such' or they will ask if you have had your flu shot yet this year, and if you say no, they will say 'ok, I will send the nurse in and she will give you one''.
      They don't ask you, they wait to see your response, and if you don't object, then they assume that means its ok with you. Silence means approval.
      But my response is ''oh no you are NOT''. Or I will tell them I don't need their prescription. They look surprised, why don't I want to get a flue shot. Well, can you tell me whats in it. No answer, lol. Then why would I accept a flu shot. No response.
      So thats how the medical profession plays their games. So no surprise the judicial system also plays similar games.
      A little reminder, if you ever go into surgery, makes sure you tell them in the O.R. before they put you under, exactly what surgery you are having, don't leave things to chance.
      Just sayin'

    8. Hey unknown, have you ever engaged in thought before you write or do you just listen perpetually to the satanic voices that have taken up residence in your dark spirit?

    9. Oh no Net, to engage in any real positive thought by "unknown" is way too much work and one fact we know about unknown's type is work is for everyone else to do. She doesn't feel any personal responsibility, therefore she feels no obligation to change her thoughts or actions. However she has no problem judging everyone else thoughts/actions if they don't align with her fear filled, conditioned mind,lol. Oh no, net....way too much work, but always demands answers and results NOW! I find the childish tantrums of "unknown" to be hilarious! So grateful knowing that this type of behavior IS coming to its end and positive thoughts and actions ARE kicking these mindless, thoughtless lazy asses to the curb!

  9. Imho it is the spirit (essense) of the words spoken (consciously conveyed) that give it meaning. When words are used mindlessly (without spirit) they have no true depth and lack any authentic value for the receiver.

  10. Judge David Wynn Miller... king of parse syntax.... he has judges running from courtrooms. Just hard to understand. Also a very simple change you passport to state citizen or American National. Solidarity in Christ.

    1. RPA, I would like to hear more about the passport simple change.

  11. I would like to learn more about what Russell-Jay:Gould has done. Is there somewhere we can learn more? It seems to me we should all be learning this, IMHO, not getting sarcastic over it. Please let me know where/how I can start? Thank you.

  12. Not to change the topic, but seems important: Ive gotten wind of what looks like about 400 sealed indictments in just the past couple of weeks, big names, including 1/3 of d.c. which ought to removed some of the thugs who have stood in our way on so many things we are discussing on this forum.
    So I have been hunting around for some confirmation and have found several; to the point where I feel it is valid. This is far reaching from coast to coast. Target is on many troublemakers we need rid of.
    Actual names should be coming out in the near term now. Big sting. If so, then many obstacles will be removed.

  13. One more thing i think i should bring up...someone posted something awhile back on Annas site when this subject came up before..It was her testimony that they hired David Wyann Miller to save their home or something like that which cost them thousands and got no results....just saying..!! Even if DWM won hundreds of cases using his style, he should never lose ONE..!! If he does, he should be willing to give the money back.. I would like to hear his version of why he lost just so we hear both sides to know what really happened..!!

    1. David is band from even filing any case prior to the approval as well wont be allowed on any others cases until it is not syntaxed,he hasn't fared well at all,anyone who mentions his name or has his syntax anywhere near a court basically will be shut down just like a sovereign citizen.I have read somewhere on google many .wont be hard to find again for those seeking .

  14. Judge Anna, just what are you trying to say..!! That all your letters you have written to everyone are basically useless because they werent recognized as "parse -syntax"..!! Is that why they arent being recognized or enforced..??

  15. Around here I noticed road signs going one way in English, coming the other way ALL CAPS ( not English) and looking around this stuff is all over the place, mixed languages on road signs, on buildings, on boxes in the store, on mailboxes, bills and "legal" papers especially. A military manual I found says write all military operations in ALL CAPS. So that would mean my name written MY NAME is defining a military operation. Yep, martial rule, military rule and our names or NAMES are emergency military operations, little corporations, trusts etc, to assist the military actions still in progress.
    I did read about an old legendary language of old that was said to be the only one used once upon a time. It could be mathematically checked so no lying was possible, it would show up like math and was in a sense words made up of math in some way.

  16. I was just scouting out Miller's site, and I can tell you right now, I have NO interest in parse syntax. I don't think it will ever fly, JMO.

  17. Wow, while on the surface parse syntax is Alot to absorb into our 2nd grade educational mentality, it absolutely is resonating as a necessity to learn and grow our knowledge and expand our awareness moving forward. This is wonderfully confusing and amazing at the same time! Im looking forward to learning and supporting this much needed shift in how we conduct our lives and business transactions in truth based on conscious facts vs unconscious fiction, no facts or closure. Bring on the closure!!! Thank you again Anna! I have complete faith that this journey of discovery is going to produce a bounty of wonderful fruit😍

  18. :Greetings, :Anna: Von-Reitz., :Paul: Stramer., and :Readers.

    :Thank-you is for the up-date concerning the righteous-man for whom I-very-much-respect. For you may-have-meant with the writing of his name is as the following ... :Russell-Jay: Gould. (1) For the colon before his first-name is of a contraction (abbreviation) of the (pre)positional-phrase, For The –– thereby, for the making of his first-name is of a now-time-fact (a noun). (2) For the hyphen between his first-and-middle-names is with the making of a compound-now-time-fact (a compound-noun). (3) For the colon (a) at the back of his middle name, and (b) with the space before his last-name is with the contraction of the (pre)positional-phrase, Of The. (4) For the period at the back of his last-name is with the termination (end) of a thought or of a sentence. For the voicing of his name is as the following ... for the Russell, hyphen, Jay, of the Gould family-name, period.

    With my gratitude, :Edward-Leopold: Novak.


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