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Friday, March 24, 2017

So, I Am a Vatican Spy?

By Anna Von Reitz

I just got another poke in the ribs from Michael R. Hamilton, a con man pretending to be a Justice in Louisiana. He says that thanks to his propaganda, everyone now thinks I am a Vatican spy.  He was gloating over how easy it was to mislead you. 

Nobody who has read my voluminous correspondence with the Cardinals and Popes for the past thirty years would assume any such thing. 

They wouldn't be ignorant enough to think that "the Vatican" is equivalent to the Holy See, either.  

Be that as it may, as I told Mr. Hamilton who is tracking and secretly stealing data from everyone who visits his website-----

"The owner of afreecountry. com has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website....." 

--- an eternal truth. 

This is not now, has never been, and will never be about me.  It is about the veracity of the information I present, which is fully corroborated by other researchers and which is in front of your faces standing on the public record. 

And beyond that, it is about what you do with the information.  

Do you start rampaging around as gangs of armed thugs?  Abandon your lawful state militias?  And start calling your militiamen "Continental Marshals"--- ? 

Let's give everyone a clue here:  if you call your militiamen "Continental Marshals" you are subjecting them to arrest, when they would otherwise be guaranteed the right to assemble and regulate themselves. 

And who benefits from making your militias subject to arrest?  

Apparently, Michael R. Hamilton and Bruce Doucette benefit somehow.  That's what they are advocating. 

Or are you going to assemble your county jural assemblies and restore your own lawful government?   Assemble your state militias to serve the land jurisdiction states of this country?  And do so with the guarantees of The Constitution at your backs?  

That's my answer and it's the only answer that is going to work for the good of this country and its people.  All the other answers lead to war and bloodshed and the benefit of arms manufacturers and bankers---and insurance companies.  

Turns out that Mr. Hamilton is an insurance agent.  If you go back in history and study the use of insurance annuities to fund government you will quickly grasp Mr. Hamilton's stake in the game. 

Mr. Hamilton and Bruce Doucette have a job --to spread conflict and disinformation and to gum up the works to ensure that no true and lawful American government is re-established. My job, unpaid and such as it is, is to make sure that it is.

Bruce Doucette tried to commandeer my conference in Anchorage and harmed two of my lead researchers and left me to pay the bill--- $10,000 that could have and should have gone to other things. 

Bruce Doucette has misled people to take improper oaths and then claim that they are occupying vacated public offices.  The net effect of this is to leave them subject to arrest and to invalidate anything and everything they do while attempting to operate these offices. 

Bruce Doucette has promoted a practice of calling state militiamen "Continental Marshals" which has the affect noted above. 

Bruce Doucette once told me he had a "million men" signed up to act as "Continental Marshals" and that there were "hundreds" of complaints against Chief Marshal Bella Haywood.  

Thank God, I quickly realized that neither statement was true. 

And as for Michael R. Hamilton his reputation precedes him.  Wanted for con schemes in three states, named as a defendant in multiple sworn complaints of taking money from people and then not performing (not coincidentally, exactly what he accused Marshal Haywood of doing and which he failed to prove; this is an old British Crown ploy known as "the pot calling the kettle black") and I guess his support for making our militiamen subject to federal arrest speaks for itself. 

You are all grown ups and responsible for what you think and do.  You owe it to yourselves and your safety to thoroughly investigate the facts for yourselves and use your own horse sense.  

I have used mine and I have advised you to separate from what Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton are doing.  Don't go to Hamilton's blog/website, because as Firefox has confirmed, he is collecting and stealing data linking you to him and his crackpot activities. For what purpose, do you surmise? 

Don't attend their so-called "Justices and Marshals Calls" anymore.  Nothing correct is going on there, and all uncorrected error does is compound the errors already made. 

To quote the immortal Howard Freeman from his article, "The Two United States and the Law" ---- "They (the Founders)  wanted the principle of English common law, that an act done by any official person or law-making body beyond his or its legal competence was simply void." 

You may be sure the Founders set it up that way, and you may be sure that the action of anyone who hasn't corrected their political status, hasn't taken the correct oath of office, and hasn't posted a bond with the U.S. Treasury, is indeed void.  No matter what they claim, no matter how loudly they shout, "But, but, but.... I am one of the people!"

I have advised you all to focus on correcting your own political status, organizing your own county and statewide jural assemblies, electing your own land jurisdiction county sheriffs and organizing your own "well-regulated state militias". 

You will not suffer any adverse circumstance from doing so and will quickly regain both your freedom and your empowerment under the actual Constitution. 

If you want factual, practical, real-world help doing what needs to be done, start attending the National Assembly calls hosted by the Michigan General Jural Assembly every Thursday night at 9 p.m. EST,  1-712-770-4170, access code 226823# and visit their website   These folks have had their assembly up and going for decades. Listen to them. Learn from them. 

My facts are solid and my advice is sound, and as long as that is true, it doesn't matter who I am or where I am coming from.  It is to your advantage to listen. 

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 


  1. Armed thugs?oh you mean the corperate armed thugs.IRS,FBI,CIA,DEA,armed to the teeth . deliberately militarized face flag after face flag to further pass more natural rights eliminating . We know how they were done and who did it problem is the propaganda machines saturate the air waves.and we can't organize a big we must go to meetings.
    Anytime we meet its a step in the right direction.

  2. Anna is an agent of the Vatican? To even suggest such a thing is totally preposterous. Contained in the list of items on her website are letters to Cardinals wherein she exposes the abuses of the American people that the Church is allowing and to Popes in which she excoriates them for failing to perform their duties to the American people as Trustees. These are certainly not the writings of a spy.

    The complexity of the web of fraud and deceit that covers the people of the United States is overwhelming. The task of linking the frauds and deceptions together to see how they interrelate, find the vulnerabilities, and orchestrate a solution based on the laws that were constructed to ensnare is monumental. It is like being asked to put together a mosaic, but you are given no idea as to of what the picture is or how many pieces are to be used. But if you construct the wrong picture you go to jail.

    In finding the solution there will be much trial and error. Over time, pieces are arranged in such a way as to fit and more pieces are added. Then one day the picture, which shows a trail and a process that must be followed to acquire the treasure, is revealed. Only then can steps be taken to develop a procedure to reach the goal.

    Anyone who has read Anna’s articles has to know that in order to be able pen such information would require tens of thousands of hours of research – not by just one individual, but by many to find the parts that fit. Then, after each part was found it had to be scrutinized to see if and where it fits because, laced in with the frauds and deceptions are red herrings placed there to lead researchers in the wrong direction.

    Many good-intentioned people would have given up. Nonetheless, Anna and others persevered and have put forth the solution. Then, because the general public is totally ignorant of the realities concerning the country in which we live, Anna has spent thousands of more hours writing articles so that people can understand how things are supposed to be and how to get from where we are to there. Then she gives us the tools with which we can extricate ourselves from the fraudulent powers that be. The woman, and those working with her, is a God-send. We should be thanking the Lord that He brought us people such as these who are willing and able to do such valuable work.

    Yet there are those who criticize her and the others and try to discredit their work. Instead of paying attention to such people we should be listening to those who have followed Anna’s instructions and are now recognized by the people of Corp. U.S. as being outside the authority of their courts.

    What then can be said about those who criticize Anna’s work and try to discredit her? Can you say, “Our enemies?”

  3. The people that spread these types of rumors rely on people that aren't willing to look into the claims for themselves. Anyone familiar with Anna's work knows that the statement is rediculous and false. We judge those trees by their fruits, and stay away from poisonous fruit.

  4. Funny, Washington State 1st constitution says that the law shall be the common law with rare use of civil law if absolutely needed, also that all property would be allodial. The "new" post 1860s United States kicked it back and the second one re-worded so as not to mention these earlier facts. Due to DC crooks the constitution is still not properly done as it would have been prior to 1860s.
    These criminals attacking Anna expose themselves by name calling. That is a tactic by someone who has nothing to say that makes sense, cannot go on with the conversation, does not understand so reverts to attacking, name calling, trying to start rumors. Shows up plainly to anyone knowing this and obviously a bad move on their part revealing the true wolves hiding a devious plan.

  5. I can not care less what other people say about Anna. Anna, from the day one, my intuition told me that you are a great lady, lady with great intelligence, ethics, moral... My intuition never fails me. Thank you for all the knowledge you are sharing with other good People. Can not wait to read your next


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