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Friday, December 16, 2016

The Only Adult in the Room.... Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 4

By Anna Von Reitz

Have you listened to the arguments and accusations about purported Russian spying and hacking --supposedly to interfere in the US elections?   

I have taught school all my life.  Even as a teenager, I taught Church School.

I've taught grade school, middle school and high school students and as a TA in college I have taught adults, too.  One of the things that teaching forces you to do, is to learn. 

Ironically, you can't teach anyone else anything without learning things yourself. You are just learning different things than your students.

They are learning to spell or to write coherent sentences or unravel the meaning of statistics or discovering the evidence of electrical current or learning the names of stars. 

You are learning how people think and how they react to new information and being tasked to answer questions nobody in your text books bothered to answer.

So, one of the things I have learned and which any decent teacher learns very early on, is to discern when a student is "flibberty-gibbeting"---- trying to escape perdition (or at least a red ink pen) by arguing a non-related non-argument in answer to an actual fact or problem.

The actual fact or problem is that John Podesta's emails are evidence of filthy crimes and cheating and nastiness beyond belief.

And all Hillary and Obummer want to whine about is how they got caught. 

Oh, it was so unfair that criminals and psychopaths and child molesters were exposed----oh, those terrible, sneaky Russians!  Those devious Republicans! Oh, my! Oh, my!

(Don't pay attention to the evils -- the hideous, immoral, venal, corruptions--exposed by the leaked emails.)

(Don't screw together your logic circuits and say--- who cares how this filth was discovered or who discovered it?)

What's important is that the emails are true, that leading members of the Democratic Party are criminals and pedophiles and deserve to be rounded up and prosecuted. 

What they are trying to do now, unsuccessfully, is to argue a technicality in the court of public opinion.

They are trying to say that how they were caught or the identity of those who caught them, is more important than the crimes and acts of immorality they have committed.

And that simply isn't true.

They are trying to say, without any credible proof, that the Russians were trying to undermine Hillary. 

Looks to me like Hillary undermined herself, by participating in this nastiness as a major player and by hiring John Podesta----failures of both morality and judgment that she can blame on nobody else in the world.  Not even Bill.

As for the "Democratic Process" which the Democrats constantly invoke, except for now, when it yielded a result they don't like---- let me remind everyone on the planet that a democracy requires a mandate of 51% of the population and that all this drama is being fomented by less than 30% of the population on average counting both sides, Republican and Democrat.

Let me also remind everyone that this vaunted presidential election is a private corporate election, not intrinsically different, better, or more important than the election of a new CEO to lead Dairy Queen, International.  It has nothing to do with the actual government owed to this country.

When you put all the hype and provably false assumptions aside, there's nothing here to get excited about.  It's just Situation Normal for the United States which is a filthy little cesspool on our shores, being mismanaged as it always has been by European powers, and which is no more "American" than a goat is a sheep.

So stop being stupid.  Be glad that someone, somewhere, made the effort to begin draining the swamp, sucking up the septic, and cleaning up the vomit. It had to be done. 

Whether we like it or not, a great deal more of similarly dirty and thankless work has to be done.  The entire governmental structure of the planet needs to be flushed and composted and turned into something worthwhile. Who knows?  Maybe when it is all said and done, we can grow a rose bush? 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

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  1. Congressmen look best flying through a wood chipper .

  2. That's funny, JC. Incompetents or Malevolent or both, to a man, woman, or "other."

  3. Makes you wonder it there any legitimate law remaining??

  4. Bingo! Anna hit on takes 51% of the total population to make a quorum and less than 30% turned out. This tells me that maybe a great number of people don't know exactly what's wrong, but they know something's wrong, and if a move is made to confiscate their property, I doubt they will just sit there and take it. We know that there are over 100 million Americans who know something's wrong who are fully armed. In time they will learn what's wrong too, then perhaps we can get back the republic we lost.

  5. Obviously the "elist" of the world prepared for everything except the "Truth" being spread like wildfire through something else they never planned for..."social media" and the "internet". It has simply become to big and changing so fast everyday that it cannot be controled by anyone. Technology has finally caught up with them and theres no where to hide. Their old methods of control are gone. It is a "New World Order", just not the one they envisioned.

  6. Very efficiently written information


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