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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Preparing for pole-shift 2017- Retired Military Man John Moore

What the government knows for sure about the pole shift and loss of life
Why the CIA is being moved to Denver?

I have not researched this on my own, but this is something you should see and should be watching for.

I found this here:


  1. Thank you for this eye opening intel. It's always great to be informed to get a heads up, cause we are living in the last days.

  2. TRUST in your reality to take you where you desire to go.

    1. There is only one reality, and that reality is the way God, our Creator sees things, not the way we see things, so it's not our reality, it's God's reality until we find it and see it His way.

    2. I have known of this map for some years now,not sure if this is true but when I first found out I bought a map of america and wrote down all elevations for states.just a cautionary move because like I said not sure how true this is no matter who backs it.but if this man says the bible is truth then he would know god said he was not going to flood the earth rest easy and get a kayak just in case and preferably one with holes in bottom so it does not sink lol

  3. Posted by Paul for Renate Summers:

    We’ve been manipulated into believing the possibility of an alien invasions as in fiction or real life. And if that doesn’t work let’s use “wormwood, planet X next or whatever...To me, it’s just another excuse to kill us off and blame it on whatever and whoever. Bio electronic weapons are already planted over the global. Search “project blue beam”. Cell towers, murder meters are all in place. All radio microwave frequencies (wireless) and more are going up, truly an over kill. There’re patents for all this shit. Everything is done intentionally. The melting of the ice caps north/south all intentional.

    Look at take a good look what’s going on with our planet, check patents.
    renate summers (bc canada)

  4. And Free Will Choice is allways respected by the Eternal. As we are made in the image of the Unutterable One of First Eternal Life Creation (no word can even describe IT) or whatever one chooses to call IT. No demi-gawds who demand we serve them and plenty of them.
    We co-create our reality through our thoughts, words and actions/deeds. We are co-creators its our Divine Heritage and all the other gifts that come with it.

    1. We are in times of a SAC (Stellar Activation Cycle) 2000-2017, last one we had was Atlantis, transparency and re-awakening opportunities available to reclaim our Divine Essence. Its our birthright. Time to do the self-healing work required to be done as our individual consciousness expands.

    2. What You Focus on Expands,
      What You Resist Persist,
      What You Energize Comes Alive, and When You Be It! You Will See It!

  5. During times of SAC the True Legend from which all religions (re-legends) came from comes in for all. Here is a little bit about whats happening:
    Krystic & Fallen paths (a Briefer of things to come) by Ian Parks June 3/15
    Original Divine Manifest Creation is built upon the Eternal Life Kryst code which is a mathematical manifestation template that allows for back-flow-return Eternal Life energy circulation with God-Source. Everything starts out this way but through free will choices, a Kryst code template can become damaged to the point where a process called Monadic Reversal takes place and it loses it’s Eternal Life Phasing capabilities and can no longer engage back-flow-return to circulate the Eternal Life Frequencies from God Source consciousness field. Once this happens The Kryst Code Template is no longer capable of Krystic Ascension and can no longer take on board new quantum of frequency. This is then known as a Fallen Template based upon the Metatronic Code.
    A Metatronic Fallen Template cannot take on board new frequencies,so only has the quantum available at the point where it became fallen and lost it’s Eternal Life Capabilities. This means it will eventually burn out it’s quantum,lose it’s structural integrity and revert to Space Dust (which eventually ends up being carried back to God-Source consciousness field anyway, only without any template structure).
    We currently have a set of Soul Groups running the external power structures of this planet who have Fallen Metatronic Templates.These beings can be referred to collectively as Fallen Angelics,as they were once Krystic in nature but their templates have Fallen into Metatronic status.The important thing to note is that the energetic dynamics of a Fallen Template is that it can’t take on board new quantum unless they steal it from other living Krystic templates and use that to sustain their own.This unfortunately is what has been happening here for Billions of years… The whole concept of Vampires is based on a being with a Fallen Template who must suck the life force out of Krystic beings in order to sustain their own immortal (not Eternal) status. They can keep going indefinitely (immortal) as long as they keep feeding from other beings to add that quantum to their own templates.

    What happens over time is that beings with Metatronic Fallen Templates adopt the energetic dynamics of their template which out-pictures into their behaviour. They feel cut-off, abandoned, alone, lacking etc, so they try to fill this lack by attempting to control everything around them and all the resources they can as they literally feel that by not doing this they will die…. Controlling all the resources around them is a survival instinct based on a feeling of lack, which is caused ultimately by their Fallen Metatronic status and inability to naturally take on board new quantum from God-Source consciousness field.

    When we look around at the power structures on this planet we see corruption extreme, and a system designed to literally have us all working and paying taxes, which is equivalent to a giant vampiring machine designed to take our energy (represented externally by money) and feed the controlling Fallen Soul groups who hide at the top. If anyone still believes that our Governments are there for our benefit at this point then you have a serious gap in your understanding of what is happening which is simple enough to address given some research and an open mind. continued

    1. The reason for this post is to make people aware that a big shift is upon us. Certain energetic events have/are taking place (Failsafe Host) that is shifting the Earths Template back into a Krystic alignment, and also healing our personal partially Metatonic Templates (as we pick this condition up from the Earths template) progressively back to full Krystic status…. The physics and technical explanations for this process are hugely in depth and too vast to cover here, but are covered in KDDL-2 & 3 online workshop which I will link to below….

      One of the things happening is that everyone on the planet (even the hardline Fallen Angelics) have the opportunity to choose to heal their Fallen Templates by choosing to follow the Failsafe Host path of Kryst Shift the planet is currently undergoing. Some of these beings will choose not to participate with this path and continue to choose their fallen path which is their own free will choice. What is interesting is that a fallen template of a being who refuses to engage with the Planetary Kryst Shift will find it increasingly more difficult to remain here as the Krystic frequencies that are building here everyday will be progressively too much for their fallen templates to process, and may make them become ill etc, and generally not be happy here as this Planet is no longer supportive of a Fallen Template. When these beings who are choosing a different path naturally die of old age etc, they will not be able to reincarnate back here again, which is what they’ve been doing on a loop for many thousands of years…. This is why the Royals protect their bloodlines…. Once a member of these fallen soul groups dies, they get reincarnated back again into the same soul group family bloodlines, so in effect, the same souls have been ruling this planet since Atlantis times… All the power and control through time has been progressively stolen into these family line controlling families and even death can’t stop them as they just keep reincarnating back again, and the process of control and hording resources continues….. THIS IS NO LONGER A REALITY FOR THEM ! Continued

    2. What this means is that as each member of the controlling Fallen Angelic bloodlines naturally dies, they won’t be able to reincarnate back again, which means we will effectively be rid of these beings in as little as one generation in a peaceful and Krystic way… They still get to follow their chosen fallen path, only they will have to do it somewhere else…..

      As this Kryst shift progresses, more and more people will begin waking up which is happening now…. You will notice the Governments falling over themselves to install new forms of control that limit our freedoms as they know what’s coming and don’t want to lose the control they have enjoyed for quite some time…. They can make these choices but it won’t stop what is happening. They can either choose to ride the Kryst Shift Bus with us or get off at the next stop…. The energetic realities of what is happening is way outside of their control which I imagine they are not happy about.

      Even though we might be seeing more controls being placed upon us externally, know that amazing things are taking place that will inevitably bring down this horrendous system and move us to a much nicer place. ;)

    3. Feel Free to email us for the link.

  6. No thanks to your heresy. You are another new age dreamer.

    Take heed to the four last things.


    1. Paul, No truer 4 words spoken. Death, judgement, heaven, hell. I am not sure about the pole shift, but those 4 words hold the key to living in whatever time we are given. I pray I merit heaven!!!

  7. Not True, Paul! No new age cager here only a member of the Eternal like everyone else if they choose to re-claim it. No judgement on your part required. We are to share with each other so we find our way back home and thought this was what your comment section was about. We have no agrument with you only intentions of information embraced in God-Love.

    1. "Find our way back home"? NO, starting your own religion it looks like. Definitely not a Christian.

  8. John Moore's piece is very informative and sincere.
    However the next one is a staged waste of time
    It's not good enough for Paul's site here...

    1. Please tell me which article are you referring too when you say "next one".

  9. @Mtman2 "However the next one is a staged waste of time," we missed this part where can we find it?

  10. In my experiance in the 62 years of life on earth, there are no "Real Truths"(ie. complete). The best we can hope for is "half truths" because of the intensionable fraud and deceite by the very people who we should be able to trust have perverted the truth or intenstionally hid it from us for centuries now. All we really have are cleverly designed systems of "control" that amount to "Illusions" of reality. Freedom, Liberty, and even the concept of "Free Choice" are all nothing more than other systems of control, like "Neo" said in the movie "the Matrix". Every choice you ever made in this life(or dimension) were already made when you were conceived. The lord , and creator of all things already knew. The only choice you had was to repent, because we were all born sinners. We had no "choice" in that. We were born into this world with the stain of "Original Sin". This is the hardest thing for people to accept. Pride simply wont let them believe they are sinners even if they are generally good people to everyone. Before we can truely unite, we all have to realize that first. In other words, none of us is perfect, except George Cloony" Once we realize that , we can start to understand that because of that imperfection, we can never have true freedom, because to have any order at all in civil societies , they need artificial creations of man in the form of another How can you have complete reality when our entire system of dealing with each other and for providing for all our necessities for us and our families to survive is based on a "LIE". That there is no money. And the people believe the lie so good, is the reason it works to keep us civilized but at the expense of "separation" from each other and our creator. But i do agree that there are dark, negative forces at work and the people behind them that is making earth the best it could be. And unless those forces are identified and removed from intentionally separating us even further or keeping us that way, through their "social engineering" programs, we will never reach our full potential and happiness, that is creating unecessay "separation" and a better planet. You think we would have realized that by now.

  11. The "real truth" is what Jesus Christ said, revealed, and did while he walked this earth. We have to believe it all, not just the parts we like to believe.

    1. Best to know the "whole truth" so we don't make trouble for ourselves. The programming and dumbing down of the (hu)mankind on plan E.T., is an atrocity unto itself, leaving a majority in a phase-locked state of mind+. As mentioned in earlier comment all re-legends (religions) came from the True Legend that becomes accessible during SAC's. All re-legends (religions) have been infiltrated and carry distortions.

      In 325AD the bible was edited, books removed & others added (like how to do the ascension process) by the Nicean Council in Rome.
      Book of revelation is written by fallen angelics its their agenda as they continue to project their reality upon the masses to harness the masses energy to create it through Fear. Fear and love can not fill the same space.
      Fallen Angelics day of reckoning has come they know this and continue the path of chaos via many many many distractions to prevent others from focusing on healing & awakening and from realizing we are leaving the cycle of sorrow into the cycle of joy. Yes, life is bigger than the james bond movies. ;) Choose well sisters & brothers, we truly know the one true God of first Eternal Life is a loving, merciful God.

    2. So the truth finally comes out from your own mouth.
      You are a vicious anti Catholic like millions of others, who doesn't know the real history of Christ's life and His teachings.
      2 Timothy 4,3
      "For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: [4] And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. [5] But be thou vigilant, labour in all things, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill thy ministry. Be sober."

      You have rejected the Saviour, Christ the Son of God by rejecting His true Church.

      Get true faith back again before it's too late.

    3. Excuse me- Paul, your response is unacceptable and you are only hurting yourself, don't say things like this. Talking to others like they are little children does not get you very far.
      Besides no one- not even you - knows me better than I do! Thank You very much. Because of your misinnerstanding all you are programmed to do is attack which is a sign of immaturity, get a grip on life learn how to communicate and quit judging others on their relationship with God which is everyones Birth Right. You have no authority over us.

    4. Free Will Choice is allways respected by the Eternal.

    5. But evidently it got your attention.
      Yes our choices will be "respected" by God and dully noted, and in the end he never denies the results of these choices either. Choose evil over good or falsehood over truth and watch what it gets us. There are eternal consequences for people who don't studiously look for the truth THE WAY GOD SEES IT.

      I don't judge you. God will do that, but you are not listening. I don't have to know you. God knows you perfectly. You don't have to answer to me in the end, but remember you are writing on my blog, not yours.

      "everyone's Birth Right" No. I once had a co-worker tell me to stop talking. He said "I will deal with God in my own way". I said NO, God will deal with YOU in His own way. Regardless of what you or I believe, there are absolutes authored by our Creator and laws which are from His Divinity, and no matter how much you want those laws to be something other than what they are, they don't change, and have NEVER changed. We either comply with them or become enemies of our own Creator.

      You are right. He won't deny your ability to choose evil over good, or error over truth. But He also will never dismiss the consequences of the wrong choice without repentance. So be careful.
      You came on my blog and began long comments on what you believe, and I am just saying it's all heresy.

    6. Anytime people respond to our comments ITs the only proper thing to do is read it ;) and attempting to engage another in the victim/victimizer game is unacceptable and not a part of our environment. Nothing else you have said at this point dignifys an answer, except a friendly re-minder that you responded to our initial comment which is"TRUST in your reality to take you where you desire to go," where further comments ensued for anyone to resonant with or not, obviously you did not and this is your choice.

      Bty God-Source of First Eternal-Life Creation is not a "he" or a "she" ITs a pure consciousness field of Absolute Love and IT is very Sacred, and does have a preference, otherwise we all would be floating around as spacedust, that we don't make wrong choices bringing on pain and suffering for the self. Leading up to the patriarchal system which has been a major core distorted part in assisting in promoting a "he" God and you seem to be on the same page here and that it all leads to Rome. Can't deny this either. Will stop here since validation any further not required. So this is your reality! Your Free Will! All relates to our original comment!

      And last and not least....when humans are not given context for ascension, spiritual healing and 15 multi-dimensional reality, it is very hard for most people to discern between darkness & living light, deceit & truth, on the earth plane.

    7. I wish you the best, and in the end forgiveness and eternal salvation, if you can find the truth before it's too late.

    8. Hilarious! Save yourself is the best outcome to aim for. We are taken care of.

  12. The video is a hoax! Don't want to argue with y'all about that. If you look close you will see. Professional disinformation, just rather sloppily done.
    The most obvious thing about "John Moore" is that he is not an honest man. I don't know him personally so I can't give you any insight to his motive. Only that it isn't rational.
    The only reason for any for any non-optimum situation is a lack of technology about how the mind and life works. Wouldn't you say that's what really needs to be corrected?
    All The Best, Wirkin

  13. With respect, this is fear mongering dis-information. Even if this was true what is the purpose of spreading such information? There's not a damn thing anyone can do about it. Stop worrying about things we can not change. Focus on what we can change and that is ourselves.

    1. I don't disagree that we are not able to change much about what is coming, but we can get better prepared on both a spiritual and material level. Not that without God's providence we can do anything, but with it we can do everything. He requires our participation in His providence. So it's like someone who tries to make us aware of approaching radiation damage to our lives. We can't see it. We can't hear it, but it's there none the less. Many are not even aware that some of these things are being discussed, hence I published the video, and it seems it's getting quite a few views.

  14. All Ways Re-Member: When we do our best owning integrity in seeking Truth when times get tough~ GRACE steps in!

  15. Everyone talks as if we have no direct proof of what awaits us on the "other side" and instead resort to conjectures and intellicual semantics that no normal person can understand. But we do have tangible "Direct Evidence" of what to expect when we die from people who have actually, clinically speaking" , flat lined, defining the only meaning we know of as death.....these people have all had "near death" experiances(meaning actual death) , but suddenly return to life. And it may be able to be brushed off as some annomally if the near death experiance only lasted a few minutes, or even an hour or two. But not when a person has clinically flat lined for several hours, days, and in one rare case over a week(8 days) and returned to life, without any side effects , with all brain and body functions completely normal. And not just a few people who will always say that experiances like this are "anticdotal" because there arent enough of them to make a valid conclusion...WRONG!!! There have now been thousands of these occurances not only in America, but as one journalist who experianced it firsthand, went around the world, in almost every country, and representing every known religion and culture, came to find out that in just about every case, they all had exactly or very similar experiances....and that is that everyone describes floating above themselfs, followed by a tunnel or darkness of some sorts, with a light at the end which is immidiately felt or interpreted as "pure love" that everyone is drawn to like moths because without it there is nothing but utter "separation" from the "Source" of that love, the alternative viewed only as complete desolation (viewed as hell who experiance it) if they cant reach the "Source" because they lived their entire lives denying they ever had a connection to it or anyone else. But here is the real truth about "foregivness" and Gods eternal love for us even if we have denied him our entire lives....all you have to do, even at this point, all "HE" has to hear from that person is that they are truely sorry, that they never understood the connectedness to "HIM" and everyone else, and in shear desparation ask "HIM" for foregiveness for being so ignorant and just ask him in simple terms that he was wrong and pleads for his love. At that point, just about anyone can still be foregiven. Everyone that returns from that experiance always comes back a "changed" person forever, and much happier knowing that life isnt about money and things, but about love and kindness to their fellow man who they now realize they have a connection to through the main Source of most cases it is JESUS himself. But in other cultures all they refer to is just "Pure Love". But purely evil people experiance something else entirely. Unforetunately, unless these people are lucky enough to have a "near death" experiance, their fate is going to be eternal "separation". Thats a hell i dont even want to think about....God bless guys.

  16. Spatial memory is the part of the brain’s memory function that is responsible for recording information about the person’s environment and to have an awareness of their orientation in time and space. Spatial memory operates like a mental map, it holds information for an individual to access, code, store and recall information about the location and characteristics of events that they experience in their everyday life environment.  Each of us has our own mental map, which has been created from the accumulated memories that we have retained during our direct experiences. When we accumulate knowledge throughout our life experiences, we gain a pattern of thought and behavior that creates a framework or schematic for organizing all of the memory content in our mental body system. The coherence and strength of that mental framework or schema, is what defines the ways we are able to perceive new information and knowledge.

    Our mental map acts as a mainframe network that forms our personal schema and decoding of language, it is the lens from which we perceive all things. Most people’s mental map and personal schema have been formed from automatic thoughts that are generated from the unconscious mind content in the collective unconsciousness. Thus, most people tend to pay attention only to the things that.... fit onto their personal schema of unconscious and conscious mind beliefs, which they use to explain the nature of reality and to innerstand the world around them. They tend to re-interpret any new information that has contradictions to their beliefs, in order to fit that into their personal schema.  Our personal schema.... influences the way we perceive things and can ultimately block the uptake of new information, if our beliefs are mentally rigid. This may lead the person to selectively remember only certain things, taking in a small sliver of the actual data in situations, in order to have that information fit into their schema of thought. Most people form mental shortcuts, because it requires the least amount of effort. They choose the most common explanation that is easily accessible to interpret any new information, and label the new information with something they can recall and fit into their personal schema. As an example, we have heard the phrases; weather balloon, swamp gas, attention seeker and conspiracy theorist, used many times to discredit abduction scenarios or unidentified flying crafts, in order to fit these experiences into the cabal mind control schema.

    Our personal schema-is that which represents the knowledge base we have accumulated which forms into the language and meaning we use to express connections made between concepts. Our mental map is what allows us to visualize images in our mind’s eye, to see visual mental imagery and to see things with the mind. When we accumulate knowledge throughout our life experiences, we gain a pattern of thought and behavior that creates a framework for organizing our mental body system, the way we are able to perceive and categorize new information. If we can gain a mental map for bio-neurological consciousness expansion, also called Ascension, we can open our mind to consider a new knowledge base, which helps us to increase neuroplasticity, activating new brain activity and neural networks which help to expand our personal schema.

  17. Paul,
    I found this article, thought it was interesting!
    I agree, not without God's providence can we do anything.
    God bless!

  18. MUgal79,
    Here is the take from the True Legend: Niburans time of reckoning is coming. Nibiru is going to go spinning off creating a holocaust for themselves, their elders don't care and look at themselves as expendables- unless they choose the Krystal River FailSafe Host running on earth now.

  19. All of us need to remember that liars need to tell 99% truth, to get their 1% lie believed.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. GOoD Point- Right you are. This is exactly how deception & trickery has played out in all the religions, even their holy books,since being infiltrated a long time ago by Fallen Angelics puppets & minion producing the chaos seen exhibited in nowtime globally as their end results. Let the truth be know the True-Legend/Sacred Law of One encompasses all the relegends (religions) in their organic state. And thankful during these times of transparency & awakening more and more people are waking up every day. Truth stands no matter who does or does not believe it.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. (Hu)mankind evolves much quicker with truth rather than fear mongering. Love & Fear can not occupy the same space. Fallen Angelics, their puppets & minions on earth know this and utilize it in many ways. Fallen Angelics, their puppets & minions can even choose to get into alignment with the Christ. God-Source is merciful and loves all its creation.

    Truth heightens our awareness & consequently our integrity. Truth has to be told otherwise how can it be found as we observe in these times of transparency and awakening the lies, and atrocities humanity has lived under, kept so busy to just barely survive- with no time available to know themselves or even research their own belief system just follow the crowds since it been done for millennium, engrained first into their ancestoral psyche even to the point of death threat for the entire family if belief or talk of anything outside the con trollers intended agenda mentioned as we witness at this time the end result of the harm again caused by the controlling factions on many levels of life for a very very long time. So yes the programming and mindcontrol runs very deep in the current collective consciousness. This Too Shall Pass. In the end truth will prevail so we all get to see.

  24. What a wonderful conversation that is going on here!! Thank you everyone. All is Whole, Perfect and Complete and the principles of Light and Love ARE Truth and self-evident. We are made in the image of Prime Creator and have everything within us to transition this birthing to a glorious age of Peace and Prosperity...Let's decide right now to do this heart to heart together. A house united Stands; one that is divided falls...generation after manipulated generation. I have a new respect for the 10 commandments as commitments to our responsibility to be authentic and always do our best to be as 'What Love would do now'. You know, "I do not trespass upon another as no one trespasses upon me," and I choose to live in harmony. Love to you all, my Brothers and Sisters...Be Peace (fruits of the spirit) and live well!! Namaste'


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