by Anna Von Reitz
Years ago there was a wonderful TV commercial with a feisty old woman who looked at her puny fast food sandwich, wrinkled her nose and spouted, "Where's the beef?"
Now you've got another feisty old lady saying, "Where's the mandate?"
You've all learned that the United States is not America. You've learned that, most likely, you aren't a "United States Citizen" nor a "citizen of the United States", either. You've learned that their elections aren't our elections. You've learned that they are not the actual government of this country---- just a foreign jurisdictional enclave and a corporation under contract to provide us and our Several States of the Union with "essential governmental services"-----Well, there is something else you have to think about now.
All your life you have heard it endlessly repeated: "Democracy, Democracy, Democracy....." as if "democracy" were some great thing and we were proud to be a "democracy"-----but America was never a "democracy". The 50 nation states are all republics, and republics are very, very different from democracies.
Republics honor and protect each one of the people. Democracies have no respect for your one-each rights at all. They function by Mob Rule--- whatever the majority wants, the majority gets.
So, if 51% of your neighbors want to eat you for Christmas Dinner, that's a-okay in a "democracy." If they want to steal your land, that's okay, too. If they want to rape your daughters or your house guests like in old Sodom and Gomorrah, well, what do you think?
Your country--meaning your state of the Union--- is not a "democracy" and you certainly don't want to spread "democracy" around the world.
But there is one thing about a "democracy"---- it requires a "majority" to work, and without a majority, it doesn't have a mandate to act----even according to its own profoundly disgusting rules.
Take that fact in--- without a majority there is no mandate.
Now, let's do another little thought---
Only about half of the potential "voters" are registered to vote, and of those, only about 30% regularly show up at the polls, and that 30% is split roughly down the middle into two political parties, one of which will get the lion's share of votes so that at the end of the day, only about 15% of those "represented" actually get their own way----and that number is FAR, FAR less than 50% of anything, much less a popular mandate from over half of the entire population.
It's a tiny percentage of people that are actually being represented by all these frou-frou-rah elections. There hasn't been an honest mandate in this country in my lifetime. So, by their own rules, and their own admissions, nothing these jokers have done has had a mandate.
None of it is lawful even under their own system.
The perpetrators have tried to excuse themselves by pretending that whatever "the majority of those who show up at the polls" wants is a mandate, but it's not.
The "demos" is the entire group of voters and they never get close to 50% of that group on one side of anything, much less any popular mandate from the public at large.
So not only have you been lied to and not only has a stinking immoral "democracy" been enabled to usurp the republican form of government you are heir to and owed, but they haven't even been able to operate a democracy lawfully.
They have no mandate. And in my lifetime they have never had a mandate. Ever.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website
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Well said Anna! I do have one question though. What about the People's republic of China? Is that nation considered a republic? It certainly doesn't seem like it.
ReplyDeleteAdd one more thing to the list of what we have learned, and it's that this "government" is merely a corporation and not real government, and the elections are just for show, to keep the masses thinking their vote counts. So with something like that, a mandate means nothing, even if 80% of U.S. citizens voted. The elections are rigged, and the voters vote does not count.
Certin party who has muscled in like the mob they are set the rules to be what ever suits them! They through hundreds of years have mastered the bribe . Highly illeagel.
ReplyDeleteGood Point! Well said!
ReplyDeleteLeonard Cohen also made the point rather succinctly in a tune he called "Democracy Is Coming To The USA" on an album called "The Future" back in the early 90's. It was fair warning!!!