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Monday, June 27, 2016

Money is a Product Like Pork and Beans

by Anna Von Reitz

I have for some time observed the Truth about all that has value in our economies local, state, national, and international—- it all boils down to labor, natural resources, and the products we create from labor and natural resources. Once we all understand that and keep it clearly in view, it becomes obvious that using “a” commodity to “stand for” all other commodities is hokum, a form of idolatry no different from carving a little statue out of wood and making it “stand for” a god.
I’ve also observed that to the bankers, it does not matter what symbolic standard of value we use—- gold, denatured brass, tulip bulbs, wampum beads, pieces of printed paper—- it is all the same to them, so long as they can control and manipulate the supply of whatever The Magic Standard Commodity is.
People of the world, isn’t it time we all grew up and saw through this charade?
Everyone on this planet has a share in the natural resources of their country and most of us also have the ability to work in some capacity, yielding labor and creativity. These are the actual things of value and, please note, these are the only things of value that exist. All the digits and pieces of paper “representing” actual value are by nature just lies, fictions and idols.
Stop a moment and think about what the definition of a “United States Dollar” really is—- it is a unit measure of fine silver, like a cup of water, or a ton of lead. Does anyone seriously imagine that 500 quadrillion “dollars” of silver actually exist, anywhere on this planet? Hello?
Labor, natural resources, and the products we make of both– are what we trade and all we CAN trade, and what we are actually in need of is not a “Standard Commodity” like gold coins or wampum beads and not a “Standard Credit” like a Federal Reserve Note, which are all arbitrary “financial products” that are manufactured and manipulated by banks in exactly the same way that Burt and Stanley make Widgets—-what we really need is a Universal Commodity and Labor Standard that everyone has access to and which everyone can trade with and against.
Think of it in terms of money being a commodity like cotton or rice. If I am a rice producer, I can sell futures on the commodities exchange and lock in a price for all or part of my rice crop in advance. By doing this, I can guarantee a certain amount of return and so, self-insure my income. If the price of rice rises above my sell price, I lose the difference but it is only a “relative loss”. On the other hand, if the price of rice goes below my sell price, I am still guaranteed that I won’t lose my shirt. Most producers of commodities commit a certain portion of their production to futures contracts and gamble with the rest,
Banks and nations can indulge in these kinds of games with the supply and value of different kinds of money because they literally own the various different “money products”—-yen, dollars, Euros, Federal Reserve Notes, etc., but we, the actual producers and owners of everything of value on this planet, cannot. Why? Because we don’t produce our own money.
We let all these other entities–central banks and governments— produce the various forms of money and “currency” that we use and we remain at their mercy as a result. We put ourselves in the same exact same position as a corn producer investing in the rice commodity market—we can gamble, but we can’t insure against loss and we can exert no real influence, positive or negative, on the overall result of all the trading that goes on.
It remains all smoke and mirrors disconnected from reality and disconnected from us, the actual owners and producers.
How comfortable do you feel knowing that the “market value” of everything you have and everything you produce is arbitrary and out of your control? In the hands of bankers literally “playing a game” as Neil Keenan and Group K have described it?
Then ask yourselves—-shouldn’t the living people of the world have their own money? Call it “World Market Dollars” and base it on the value of all labor, all natural resources, and all products.
With the development of one honest currency based on the actual facts of life and a currency market in which everyone is a producer and thereby enabled to participate without fear of arbitrary valuations, we could finally have the basis for peace.
Imagine it? No more games. No more arbitrary manipulation. No more motivation to destroy for profit. No more hoarding. Everyone in the whole world could finally come to the table and together give meaning and voice to what is truly valuable.
How much is peace worth? How much is a healthy life worth? How much is abundant clean water worth?
When we think about what is really of value, it’s not to be found in the marketplace, is it? It’s not even being considered, because the banks and the governments are divorced from reality, divorced from what matters, divorced from the source of all labor and the actual owners of all natural resources. They are just “playing a game” with your lives, your homes, the value of your labor, the priorities of your government, and the fate of your planet.
Is everyone awake now? Good.
Does it make sense to let this situation continue?

No? Well, hallelujah, and show me where we can begin trading World Market Dollars on an index that tracks what we contribute that is of real, actual, value to Mankind and to our planet—–because at the end of the day, that’s all that really matters.
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  1. Good time to check out CREDIT TO THE PEOPLE. org all one word.

    Watch the prezi by John root jr.




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