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Sunday, June 5, 2016

For Our British Friends --- Unanswered Letter 22 --- for Roger

by Anna Von Reitz

(This letter is for British friends trying to sort out what has happened to their country, too----but the points are the same except for the names and dates, and the information overall about "incorporation v. corporation" is the same and of use for all.)

The present rot began with Benjamin Dusraeli, Queen Victoria and the enfranchisement Act.  That served to make all voters franchisees obligated to obey every whim of the British Crown Corp.  After enslaving the people via promising them the right to vote, they enslaved the towns and cities via the Municipal Corporations Act (1888) and turned all of them into just cogs in the Crown machinery. 

Your history parallels what went on here and throughout the old British Empire.  Start with those two acts in Britain and compare with what happened here. You will see that you have an exactly analogous circumstance. 

Englishmen are born on the land and are owed the land jurisdiction and the English Common Law but they are immediately stripped bare of their natural birthright and press ganged into the international jurisdiction of the sea, declared to be a "British Citizen" (parallels "United States Citizen") and a "citizen of the United Kingdom" (parallels the corporate franchise citizenship known as "citizen of the United States". 

Queen Victoria was besotted with Disraeli and his promise to make her Empress of India--- which he did by enslaving the English people in their own country and using the resulting flush of credit to conquer India and elsewhere. 

He and the Queen built a great Empire at the cost of enslaving their own people, their Allies, their friends, and even their neighbors. They did this via fraud and deceit and lies that are now self-evident. 

The result has been that the English people have been denied the rights guaranteed by the Magna Carta for 150 years and kept alive merely on propaganda and a small share of receipts from worldwide piracy. 

We are contemplating the heinous sins that have been committed by what has passed for our government and the same painful process will inevitably come to England.  Just remember that you have to face the demon before you can conquer it and must know and define the problem before you find a solution.

The current System appears to have arisen through the banking system in both England and America at the same time--- 1866-68.  And it spread from there throughout the old British Empire like a flu virus. 

The English people gave the rest of the world the concept of limited government and freedom of choice within a constitutional framework allowing for dissent, free speech, and so many other rights and freedoms that are the heritage of all Mankind.  Perhaps it is not so strange that the Queen of England was chosen to be the "Weak Link" and Betrayer of the Magna Carta which bound her office, which is now reduced to being a rubber stamp for the Lord Mayor and the international banking cartels. 

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave...."

The people of England like the people of the American states are beginning to wake up from their confusion and miasma.  There will be a short time while you all fumble through the research process and locate the names and dates of each step in the long betrayal process. 

At that point you will stand where we now do, with the evidence of what happened clear before you, the consequences glaring you in the face, and I have no doubt that the solution will also be the same----- you will need to come home again and resurrect your Unincorporated counties, town, and village governments operating on the land jurisdiction of your country--- England, not Great Britain, not the United Kingdom. 

It is in your true political status as native Englishmen that you can access the glories of your heritage, the richness of your guarantees against despots, and regain control of your country. 

If our experience is any guide, you will need to apply for an adult name change and willfully revert back to the Upper and Lower Case spelling as a visible sign that you have chosen not to spend your life treated as a corporate franchise. 

You will have to record various affidavits with the land recorders office expatriating from any status as a "citizen" and reclaiming your political status as a native of England. 

I am not sure that the deceitful naming conventions are all the same, but here all the incorporated "counties" functioning in the international jurisdiction of the sea as franchises of these vainglorious international governmental services corporations employ prepositions in their names or attempt to use a place name only in all capital letters. 

For example, you will probably find that you still have a "Suffolk County" but also a "County of Suffolk" and a "SUFFOLK COUNTY" and you may also have simply something calling itself "SUFFOLK" or even "County for Suffolk"--- all of which are fakes--- corporate franchises merely named in such a way as to invite confusion with the legitimate government of the land, which is and must be an unincorporated body politic.

To better grasp this you may recall that businesses used to function as unincorporated companies like "Kimberly and Sons, Makers of Fine Furniture" but now we have Kimberly Corp and Kimberly, LLC, and Kimberly Furniture, Inc. and so on. 

As an unincorporated business the Kimberly family furniture business was not under any subjugation to any parent organization, not a franchise, not obligated to follow the rules of a parent corporation, receiving no support or special privileges, and buying its own private insurance.  As a result, it was free to conduct its business as it saw fit so long as it didn't harm anyone or their property.  It was not liable for income taxes, not regulated by any government agencies, and not obliged to make its business public with reporting requirements and wage standards and all that.

But when the grandson of the original owners decided to incorporate the family business and register it with whatever government agency, it all became subject to every whim and demand of the government approving its charter.  Now they were liable for income tax and insurance tax and regulatory fees and inspections of their premises and no end of interference and extra expense affecting every aspect of their business and private lives. 

Why you should be asking would anyone incorporate their business much less their county government? 

Unless you are involved in a truly risky endeavor it makes no sense to incorporate anything. Any advantage or protection from the so-called corporate "veil" can be offset for the cost of a bit more private insurance and for most of us we aren't engaged in anything questionable or dangerous in the first place. 

Incorporation, then, has been the means to enslave us and make us subject to the whims of parent corporations and their governments. 

Here, in America, they seize upon us as babes in our cradles and use bogus undisclosed paperwork signed by our Mothers as an excuse to claim that we are wards of the "STATE"--- one of fifty corporate franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC.  They then misuse their ill-gotten position as our guardian to create another franchise named after us---for example, CLIFFORD DEAN HANSON.  

This doppelgänger is subject to the whims of the shareholders and management of the parent corporation and is a slave -- purportedly in "equitable exchange" for "benefits" he receives---- which he pays for himself either directly out of his wages, or via fees and taxes.  

I have not studied it but have no doubt that the same thing is going on in Britain and that a "citizen of the United Kingdom" is in the same slave status as a "citizen of the United States" described above. 

We have to object and bust this "System" or it will continue to enslave us with ever-increasing efficiency and Draconian malice. 

Please do all that you can to get the word out and to explain why having and operating unincorporated counties and unincorporated businesses is so important to the preservation of your rights and freedoms. Also please explain why the process of "enfranchisement" trades your freedom for the right to vote in a private corporate election.  

We need to shove these outrageous presumptions and practices into the faces of the politicians responsible. We need to liquidate the bogus individually NAMED franchises and the corporations that have promoted this scheme. 

Good luck! 
See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website
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  1. Doesn't incorporation protect from personal liability in event of a bankruptcy? Not that this justifies the rest of the bargain, but I don't think there's insurance for bankruptcy and a business bankruptcy could be ruinous for an individual. Any answers?

  2. "you will need to apply for an adult name change and willfully revert back to the Upper and Lower Case spelling as a visible sign that you have chosen not to spend your life treated as a corporate franchise" is written in this post... Is this step necessary if we have expatriated, and noticed every governmental agency we can think of regarding this step? As Anna has pointed out, no one is "born" a U.S. citizen, and such status must be applied for. So, even the expatriation process is nothing more than denying the presumption we ever were U.S. citizens. To me, changing our names back to what was given us would be an admission we were U.S. citizens, and now didn't want to be one anymore. If one doesn't take any benefits, vote, or receive any "benefits", the evidence of his status should be clear enough.



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