by Anna Von Reitz
Regarding rumors of General Dunford acting as POTUS:
I see absolutely NO evidence that any of this has happened. Just rumors
that may be fueled by wishful thinking or disinformation spread to keep people
at a standstill waiting for someone or something else to save them.
This last possibility and the desirability of it in certain quarters has
more to do with manipulating the cost of precious metals than anything else.
Less than .05% of the American populace owns any gold and only about 1% own any
With the entire world heading toward a precious metals currency system the
Americans remain in a stupor. The IMF has declared "war" against our estate
assets and just as an after thought, that means that we as the "presumed"
co-trustees (together with the insolvent and inoperable UNITED STATES) will be
targeted for "legalized" murder, extortion, racketeering, etc.
They intend to let loose their mercenary armies -- the "agencies" hidden in
plain view---FEMA, FBI, BLM, etc., which have been provided with billions of
rounds of ammo and body bags and extermination centers known as FEMA camps on
the unsuspecting American People and anyone, including me, who resists will be the
first to be murdered.
That is the reality, Richard.
Feeding people fairy tales and placing your hope in General Dunford and the
rest of the Joint Chiefs is pitifully naive. The entire history of the past 150
years could not have happened without the complicity of the Top Brass of the
U.S. Military and that of NATO.
They consider themselves employees of these rats, dependent on them for a
paycheck and career benefits and advancements.
Are they going to do their job and protect the American People or are they
going to answer the Food Bell as they have for the past 150 years?
I have dutifully written to the Joint Chiefs and the UN Secretary General
and the U.S. Secretary of State and I have published this correspondence widely
in hopes of alerting SOME of those who haven't "caught the drift" yet and who
might be able to help prevent or soften the Blood Bath as these unpardonable
criminals prepare to kill their creditors.
I have also done it to make their crime visible to the world and keep them
from having any "plausible deniability". None of them including the man who
used to be my family lawyer will be able to stand there and shrug and say,
"Nobody told me."
I told you and them. I have made every official and satrap from Dunford and
Kerry on down responsible for their acts. And while that may not prevent these
vampires and zombies from attacking the people they owe money to, it will leave
a clear accusation against these vile murderers and thieves pressed firmly into
the public record and known by millions of people worldwide.
That is the reality, Richard.
I have no hope in General Dunford, nor any of the rest of the junta. They
have lived as parasites and have carried out these heinous acts in other
countries. There is no reason to think they won't do it here, especially in
plain view of all their numerous preparations for "the Divestiture"--- by which
they mean the murder and pillaging of their unsuspecting American Creditors and
the criminal seizure of American assets.
So long as people cling to their Normalcy Bias and listen to fairy tales,
these ruthless international criminals will continue to do whatever they
please--- and let me point out that Ms. LaGarde has already tipped her hand and
so has the "legislature" of the "state" of TENNESSEE".
See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Sad and so true. But the Christian also has hope, and prayer on his/her side too.
Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle...PSALM 144:1
DeleteThis will be an ugly situation indeed but we will not submit to tyranny for God himself instructs us to not comply with unjust rulers.