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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Third Round with Karen Hudes in Three Parts --- Judge Anna

This document is of critical and international importance to the people of America!

I received this thread from Judge Anna this morning Jan. 10th 2016 with the following request.

Please see attached document.  It is in three parts so people can see the whole discussion. 

1. Part One of Third Round:  Karen would not answer straight questions and went running after a brief sparring match, so we just sent our Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien directly to her bosses. 

2. Part Two of Third Round: Karen replied to our Final Notice of Commercial Obligation Lien without actually replying--- just making several specious claims, to which we responded and also pointed out that she didn't answer the five points of our lien and if she doesn't it goes into effect as of January 17 as International Law. 

3. Part Three of Third Round:  Karen has been sending out a lot of gratuitous false claims and hate mail, so I took one and replied to it.  

Please help this information get out to as many people as humanly possible.  It clearly shows the way these rats misrepresent documents, identities, everything.  


The document is article # 130 at

130. Three part document on Karen Hudes by Judge Anna

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