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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Midnight Ride - When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law

This is the full version released by James Jaeger, and might be the most important new movie of this year, and is certainly critically important to the future of our country.

a JAMES JAEGER Film -- Featuring RON PAUL, PAT BUCHANAN, SHERIFF MACK, STEWART RHODES, PASTOR CHUCK BALDWIN, EDWIN VIEIRA, JR., G. EDWARD GRIFFIN, LARRY PRATT, WALTER REDDY, Dan Happel, David R. Gillie, Elias Alias, Erich Pratt, Jack Rooney, Rosie Haas and Sheila Matthews. 


Inspired by the works of Edwin Vieira, Jr. Produced by Richard B. Iott and Brian G. Rockey. Narrated by Kris Chandler. 

Have you noticed the police and surveilance state being quietly built around us since 9/11?

MIDNIGHT RIDE -- the sister film to MOLON LABE -- explores what would happen if the dollar crashed taking the world financial system down with it? How would this police state be used in the ensuing civil unrest? Would martial law be declared? If it were, would this be Consitutional? Should such martial law be obeyed? The concerned citizen should be asking these questions.

MIDNIGHT RIDE -- inspired by the book, "BY TYRANNY OUT OF NECESSITY: The Bastardy of Martial Law" by Edwin Vieira, Jr., available at Amazon -- explores the nature of martial law and how it relates to the Second Amendment and militia clauses in the U.S. Constitution.

Anyone who likes MIDNIGHT RIDE and wants to support the effort is invited to purchase copies of it on DVD and/or donate to the marketing campaign. Donate at and get DVDs at 

Other films by James Jaeger and Matrix Productions -- such as MOLON LABE, SPOILER, ORIGINAL INTENT, CULTURAL MARXISM, CORPORATE FASCISM and FIAT EMPIRE -- are available on DVD at


  1. You need to defined what the deference is under the wording state, or State, under a Union State, regarding the People. Great Post!

  2. Washington DC is not part of our country.

  3. California is a Sovereign Entity

    1. Wow! That explains a the drought.


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