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Tuesday, April 15, 2014



"It doesn’t matter what happened before statehood.  What matters is what has happened at the moment of statehood.  Now, if you think about that in the second.  At the moment of statehood.  What happened?  At the moment of statehood the people of the territory become people of the United States with the Constitution with equal footing to the original 13 states.  They had boundaries around them, a state line.  And that boundary was divided into 17 subdivisions, which were county. I live in one of those counties: Clark County, Nevada.  And in that county, Clark County, Nevada, we elect our county commissioners, which is the closest to we the people, and we elect the county sheriff and we pay him to do what? Protect our life, liberty and property. I’m a citizen of that county. I abide by all the state laws.

"Essentially, Bundy is saying this conflict isn't inherently about grazing fees or water rights, but that he ultimately does not recognize the lands to be federal and the United States government or the BLM do not have jurisdiction on the land."

I agree with Bundy, with one important distinction.



According to Black's Law Dictionary 5th Edition (found on page 1262), the definition of State is "A people permanently occupying a fixed territory bound together by common-law habits and custom into one body politic exercising, through the medium of an organization government, independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within its boundaries..." In other words, the People are the State.


The expression "State land" is correct, but only when properly understood to mean the People's land. Americans have been greatly deceived and are utterly confused because they don't understand the meanings and legal distinctions between words. "State" and "State government" are not synonymous. They are two very different things. Supreme Court decisions confirm this fact. And it is a very important distinction, because one implication as that state lands do not belong not to the state's government. They are an asset, a treasure if you will, that belongs to the People, either individually as private property, or collectively as public land.


What, then, is government? Government representatives are agents of the People, receiving their authority from the People, and accepting the duty to exercise this authority on behalf of the People to support and enforce the national and state constitutions.

Therein lies the problem.

Currently, many if not most state and local representatives are in breach of their fiduciary duty to the People by taking money from the federal government. In so doing, they create a massive conflict of interest, effectively becoming agents of the federal government, more concerned about the money than the People's rights. I know this first hand. Many, if not most, county representatives, for example, are more concerned about what the local federal agent has to say than what the People say, for fear of pissing off the federal government and losing the money. That's why we are losing our rights and lands; how Common Core education is creeping in; and how Agenda 21 gets traction.

In so doing, our representatives become co-conspirators in the unconstitutional expansion of federal authority; breach their fiduciary duty to the People and to their constitutions; and act under color of law; all of which have legal remedies, not just political ones.

As bad as those implications are, one only understands the full impact by understanding the fraud behind our current "monetary system". "Money" "given" to a state by the federal government is borrowed from the privately owned federal reserve system These debts are never repaid. They become perpetual debts, growing with interest. Like a snowball rolling down hill, they just continue growing until they consume all of our personal and national wealth and property, and the People are enslaved, forever laboring to pay off debts that cannot be repaid. Thus, the states' acceptance of federal "money" just deepens and accelerates our slavery. There is a reason why "bond" is the root word for "bondage".

It's about time the People wake up, and act accordingly.


KIrk MacKenzie

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 The corporate controlled media calls Bundy a tax cheat  READ THIS  Here's a statement made by the daughter of Cliven Bundy!

 It will help you get what's going on!  At least it should!"   Words from Shiree Bundy Cox:

"I have had people ask me to explain my dad's stance on this BLM fight. Here it is in as simple of terms as I can explain it. There is so much to it, but here it s in a nut shell. My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887 around there. Then he sold them to my grandpa who then turned them over to my dad in 1972. These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the survival of their cattle, all with their own money, not with tax dollars. These rights to the land use is called pre-emptive rights. Some where down the line, to keep the cows from over grazing, came the bureau of land management. They were supposed to assist the ranchers in the management of their ranges while the ranchers paid a yearly allotment which was to be use to pay the BLM wages and to help with repairs and improvements of the ranches. My dad did pay his grazing fees for years to the BLM until they were no longer using his fees to help him and to improve. Instead they began using these money's against the ranchers. They bought all the rest of the ranchers in the area out with they're (sic) own grazing fees. When they offered to buy my dad out for a penance he said no thanks and then fired them because they weren't doing their job. He quit paying the BLM but, tried giving his grazing fees to the county, which they turned down. So my dad just went on running his ranch and making his own improvements with his own equipment and his own money, not taxes. In essence the BLM was managing my dad out of business. Well when buying him out didn't work, they used the endangered species card. You've already heard about the desert tortoise. Well that didn't work either, so then began the threats and the court orders, which my dad has proven to be unlawful for all these years. Now they're desperate. It's come down to buying the brand inspector off and threatening the County Sheriff. Everything their doing at this point is illegal and totally against the Constitution of the United States of America. Now you may be saying," how sad, but what does this have to do with me?" Well, I'll tell you. They will get rid of Cliven Bundy, the last man standing on the Bunkerville allotment and then they will close all the roads so no one can ever go on it again. Next, it's Utah's turn. Mark my words, Utah is next.Then there's the issue of the cattle that are at this moment being stolen. See even if dad hasn't paid them, those cattle do belong to him. Regardless where they are they are my father's property. His herd has been part of that range for over a hundred years, long before the BLM even existed. Now the Feds think they can just come in and remove them and sell them without a legal brand inspection or without my dad's signature on it. They think they can take them over two borders, which is illegal, ask any trucker. Then they plan to take them to the Richfield Auction and sell them. All with our tax money. They have paid off the contract cowboys and the auction owner as well as the Nevada brand inspector with our tax dollars. See how slick they are?Well, this is it in a nut shell. "Thanks"

The Bundys are some of the nicest, humble and courageous people you could ever meet. 

The least deserving people to have to go through what they did. —  Richard Mack

Eight Levels of Control
Paul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 - June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing. He is often noted for his book, "Rules for Radicals"...which appears our President and his minions are following closely...
There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist/communist state. The first is the most important....
1) Healthcare "Control healthcare and you control the people”
2) Poverty “Increase the Poverty level as high as possible." Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt “Increase the national debt to an unsustainable level." That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control “Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government." That way you are able to create a police state - total local control.
5) Welfare “Take control of every aspect of their lives" (Food, Livestock, Housing, and Income)
6) Education “Take control of what people read and listen to take control of what children learn in school.”
7) Religion “Remove faith in God from the Government and school.”
8) Class Warfare “Divide the people into the wealthy against the poor. Racially divide." This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with full support of the voting poor.
Bunkerville, NEVADA, April 14, 2014– As reported yesterday, hundreds of federal agents are still at the Bundy Ranch and the area continues its status as a no-fly zone. Despite major media reports that the Nevada Bureau of Land Management is retreating, the remaining activity that still surrounds the ranch illustrates a different scenario.
Not only is the BLM not actually backing off of Cliven Bundy, Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association has revealed stunning information: on Ben Swann’s radio program, Mack said that he has received intelligence from multiple, credible sources inside the BLM and the Las Vegas Metro that there is “no question” that the federal government is planning a raid on the Bundy home and the homes of their children who live on the property.
According to Mack, the so-called retreat was nothing more than theatrics. “It was a ploy to get people to back off, to get people out of the way. They weren't expecting us to get this amount of people here. They were surprised by the numbers and so they wanted a way to get us out of here. This was a ploy to get us out of here and then they’re going after the Bundys.”  Mack said that when he was at the Bundy ranch on Saturday there were an estimated 600 to 800 protesters present when federal agents were releasing the cattle.“If they do that kind of raid, I don’t believe there’s any way that could happen without bloodshed,” Mack told Swann.
Mack spoke about the tactic that protesters could use by putting women at the front of the line facing the federal agents to make them think carefully before opening fire.“I would’ve gone next. I would’ve been the next one to be killed. I’m not afraid to die here. I’m willing to die here,” said Mack.
Mack said that he had been told by Bundy that the federal government is actively shutting down the ranching industry, specifically in Clark County. He also revealed that there used to be 53 ranches in Clark County. All of those ranchers have been put out of business, except for Bundy who is still trying to hold on. “Every American should be outraged by it,”  said Mack. The ranch has been in Bundy’s family since 1877.
Mack decried Nevada governor Brian Sandoval for declaring this situation unconstutional while doing nothing to stop it. “He could have called in the state’s national guard, could have called in the sheriff’s office, could have called in highway patrol, and he’s done nothing except assail what’s going on. That’s easy, that’s cowardly.” 
Sheriff Mack also called out media including radio host Glenn Beck who he says is siding with the BLM on this issue.
“I can’t believe that there are some Americans, and some media like Glenn Beck, that are supporting the BLM in this and it’s absolutely disgraceful.”
You can listen to the full interview, including Sheriff Mack’s stunning statement, above.

from the German pastor, Martin Neimoller: “First, they came for the Randy Weaver family in Idaho, and I did not speak out; next, they came for the Branch Davidians in Texas, and I did not speak out; then, they came for the Cliven Bundy family in Nevada, and I did not speak out; then, they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out.”
But, God willing, there are still millions of us left who will speak out. Will you be one of them? Here is the contact information for the Nevada BLM office (taken from its website):
BLM Nevada State Office
1340 Financial Blvd.
Reno, NV 89502
Front desk: 775-861-6601

State Director: Amy Lueders
Associate State Director: Marci Todd
Phone: 775-861-6590

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