By Anna Von Reitz
As we have said all along, our country has been secretly, illegally and immorally occupied by mercenary forces since the so-called American Civil War, which was itself a mercenary conflict and not a war.
The same playbook has been used in Britain, the former Commonwealth, seventeen countries in Western Europe, Japan, Iraq, and numerous other countries which have fallen under the sway of the hidden and thoroughly commercialized enemies.
This past week the world has been amazed to learn that the so-called pandemic was a military operation foisted upon us by NATO and other unelected and unauthorized officials and organizations operating in Breach of Trust.
The revelations from the Dutch Ministry of Health are conclusive of something we have been saying all along: Europe is still illegally occupied by NATO forces more than seventy-five years after WWII purportedly ended.
The reason that the Dutch Health Officials have been "obligated" to obey these foreign bureaucrats is as simple as it is scandalous: their government has been usurped by their "liberators" as of 1946 and they have been under constant occupation by commercial mercenary forces ever since. Just like all the rest of us.
They had to obey the Covid 19 "Agenda" because: (1) military force; (2) the USA, Inc. (and by default, the American people) have been paying their "defense" bills ever since 1946.
So their government has been usurped upon and coercively controlled in exactly the same manner as all the other western governments by a gang of thieves in military uniforms, men who are not truly part of any national military, but who are being enabled by the Central Banks to access national credit accounts.
This is a collusive and criminal take over by bureaucrats and private corporate interests, very similar to what happened in France just prior to the French Revolution, and deriving from the same cause: crooked banks and crooked bureaucrats working together to usurp upon the lawful government and misappropriate funds belonging to that government.
We are faced with exactly the same situation, and not only here in America, but throughout the Western World.
The Americans have been made to pay for rebuilding Dutch infrastructure and also to pay for Dutch electricity and Dutch hospitals and Dutch Defense Services, and in exchange, the Dutch Government has been enslaved to obey the bureaucrats of NATO.
This is all because the Dutch Government and the other "occupied nations" of Western Europe (since 1946) along with the governments of the British nations (1840) and the former Commonwealth nations (1910) as well as the government of The United States (1860) have all been illegally occupied by these commercial corporation subcontractors acting under color of law, in breach of trust, and violation of their service contracts.
The bureaucrats have been busy helping themselves and the "for hire" military has been glutting itself, and the banks have been colluding with them to this end, and doing the same.
Read the above sentence as many times as necessary to grasp the full meaning and importance of this.
The bureaucrats and mercenaries have been assisted in this by colluding Central Banks, which have been accepting our national assets as collateral and extending credit to these bandits, even though these same Central Banks have been given plenty of Notice and have Cause to Know that these Subcontractors are not our representatives in these matters, and were never granted any direct access to our credit nor any interest in our physical assets.
These banks also have Cause to Know that the "registrations" seeming to justify all this clandestine illegal activity, have been purloined under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure and are based on primary contracts that are totally unconscionable to the victims of these swindlers.
The Federal Constitutions which created these organizations and set the limitations of their delegated authorities are public documents. Nobody has any right, reason, or cause to make any other or extra or additional assumptions beyond the clearly stated provisions of these venerable service contracts, but it is apparent that both the bureaucrats and the hired military officers have not lived up to their public trust and contractual obligations owed to the American people --- nor any of the other people who have been the victims of these veiled commercial interests.
It is also apparent that the Central Banks have operated in criminal collusion with these usurpers, because without the collusion of the banks, none of this destruction could have happened. The usurpers would have been rebuffed like any credit card hacker, and they would have been obligated to admit the actual situation without further adieu.
Instead, we have had 160 years of Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their service contracts, and this criminal collusion of the banks misappropriating our assets and misdirecting our "services" to fight in endless wars for profit.
This is the actual situation, and now, the same bureau-rats and banks and for-hire military officials think that they are going to use our own assets, our own people, our own credit -- to fund a "war" against our lawful national governments.
We suggest that they think again. We suggest that we are their Priority Creditors, their Employers, and their Conscience; without us, they have no personnel, no money, no customers, and no future.
So it is time to take down the banks that have been illegally funding all this illegal activity, including the illegal military occupations involved, and get the national governments back in their rightful places, and time, too, for all the bureaucrats and "for hire" military officers to honor their contracts with the State Citizens of this country.
To restore their honor, they have to return our assets and credit to our control, obey the limitations of the Constitutions that created and defined the roles of their organizations, end the military occupation of this and every other country they have illegally and immorally imposed upon, and stop playing games and spinning narratives to try to "explain away" the circumstance.
In the past five (5) years we have been mercilessly attacked by these shadowy commercial interests, headed by Bill Gates, III, who have been engaged in illegal war profiteering and genocide for profit. The men responsible are international criminals. We have issued the warrants and orders for their arrest and prosecution.
The implements of war --- biological warfare (Covid 19), weather warfare (Hurricanes, DEW fires, earthquakes, tsunamis) and "lawfare" abusing the functions of justice --- have all been used indiscriminately against the very people whose credit has been exercised to develop all these weapons of mass destruction, and whose sons and daughters have been misled to use them.
This Satanic Illusion has to end. The sooner the better.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
November 13th 2024
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