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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Answers to Questions

 By Anna Von Reitz

Why isn’t the Federal Government helping flood victims?  Where is the National Guard?  Why are they stopping civilian efforts to rescue people? 

As I told everyone years ago and several times since, I lost my home in a wildfire in 1996.  FEMA did nothing then and don’t expect them to do anything now.  A more worthless and corrupt agency has never been created, unless you compare them to the IRS and FDA. 

This is why I warned everyone to be prepared and think ahead and join together.  

As usual, we Tin Hats were right. 

Many people still can’t believe the simple truth that the Federal Emergency Management Administration only “manages” one thing about disasters—- limiting the number and cost of disaster claims, with a sidebar job steering disaster relief funds to political cronies who supply disaster relief products.  

FEMA is worse than worthless.  They are criminal. And right now, they are committing genocide in America. 

Why are they stopping civilian relief efforts?  They would rather spend the three months of funding their cohorts in the USA, Inc., stupidly gave them on other things.  Like luxury hotels for illegal aliens.  Gotta buy those votes.  That and spending billions on a proxy war to protect their drug trade are more important to them than saving the lives of Constituents they owe a lot of money to. 

But, but, but…. You say, okay, so they are rotten and corrupt and focused like the horde of insurance adjusters they are,  on reducing government costs, but why block help coming in from civilian freewill donations? 

Because that would reduce the profits of cronies who are in the business of disaster relief — cronies who kickback handsome campaign contributions down the road.  

This is the dirt we contend with.  

And you say, don’t they care about the people they are forcing us to abandon?

No, they could care less.  This is just business and  they are locked into obeying the “policies” of the corporations that hire them and pay them by bilking and misrepresenting us.  

Why aren’t we doing anything about this? 

We are.  We are protesting and focusing worldwide attention on the actual genocide and the venal motives behind it.  

We are also protesting and focusing attention on their whole kickback system.  

Where is the FBI when you need them?  

Same story. 

The FBI doesn’t investigate and prosecute crimes in interstate jurisdictions.  The FB acts as a thug to attack political opponents.  

So FEMA does not protect us.  It protects the interests of the corporation(s) that hire it. 

And the same can be said of the FDA and a great many other corrupt and mercenary Agencies.  

So there is the truth.  What are you going to do about it? 


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