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Sunday, September 1, 2024

International Public Notice: It's Not Britain or America at the Top

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is no news to the elite leadership I am addressing day in and day out; you all already know that Britain is being used as a sock puppet for Rome and Continental European Interests, and "the US" is, in turn, being used by Britain in the same way. 

The abuse of humanity is implemented from Britain, not rooted there. 

So the Globalists centered in Rome and the Netherlands and Switzerland jerk the strings of the British and use the British, and the British use us --- usually as the mercenary muscle to implement whatever nonsense that Rome, Netherlands, and Switzerland are pushing --- most of which is repugnant. 

The Devil resides in Geneva, Switzerland, so what can we expect? 

We rebut and refuse the False Claim of a British Territorial Republic being used to "restore" our American Federal Republic --- or appear to do so, to the ignorant.  

We did not grant our British Territorial Subcontractors the duties, rights, and responsibilities we granted to our own American-based Federal Subcontractor; they have liberally presumed upon the American delegated powers, but that has been done without any permission or authority--- and has in fact been a usurpation against the lawful American Government acting in international jurisdiction. 

We likewise reject any obligation to continue serving as the stick to Britain's carrot; we have been misidentified as the Bad Guys because we have been used as a storefront and have been blamed for all the dishonest, inhumane, hypocritical things we have---- unwittingly,  done, while under the influence and direction of the British Crown. 

Yes, we have been misinformed, indoctrinated, lied to, and we have served as unknowing cheap mercenaries for the Brits and their Masters.  These shadowy Masters --- the Dutch Bullion Bankers of Amsterdam, the City of Rome,  the Committee of 300 (WEF), and all the rest of it -- are all corporate and commercial interests.  

There's not a single lawful and actual government in the lot.   

We are not magically made into the criminals when we stand among the victims, instead.  

Look at the miserable conditions that the British people have long lived under -- the squalor, pollution of the Thames, lack of modern sanitation, months-long waiting times to even see a doctor or nurse, and millions of illegal aliens -- and you have your answer.  

They have been victims of these Commercial Regimes as well.  

And now it's time for the WEF and the UN CORPORATION and PARLIAMENT and the US CONGRESS and U.S. CONGRESS all these other legal fictions to come to an end or to a new and vastly different beginning.  

They have been formed and operated legally, but not lawfully, which is the requirement of their existence. 

Their Priority Creditors, worldwide, have foreclosed on them and demand their liquidation, forfeiture, or lawful conversion subject to the Law of the Land where they are chartered or incorporated. 

Continuance of "business as usual" is not among the options.  

Let each corporation look to its own future.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994 
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 1st 2024


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