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Saturday, September 21, 2024

International Public Notice: How the Finances Are Supposed to Work

 By Anna Von Reitz

Each country is supposed to have control of their own national treasury and their gold, silver, and other assets are supposed to be accounted for as part of the function of government.  

Beginning in the 1860's national government functions were overthrown secretly by undeclared British Territorial Agents and Colonial Corporations operating under color of law and conditions of deceit.  

You can gain an understanding of how this was done by studying the British Raj in India (a Territorial Government imposed under color of law) and the "Raj" imposed by the British South Africa Company (Cecil Rhodes, Lord Pirbright, and Henry Wellcome) in South Africa.  

These are all Territorial and Commercial adjuncts of British Colonialism and Roman Imperialism. 

As a result our national treasuries were, one by one, shut down or taken over by foreign interests and foreign banks.  This applies not only to India during the Raj, and South Africa, but the home countries of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, all the former Commonwealth countries, all those countries of Western Europe occupied by the "Allies" after WWII, Japan, South Korea, Libya, Iraq, and the list goes on.  

These preposterous Fraud Artists have usurped upon countless nations and gotten away with it by impersonating the lawful governments and misrepresenting their Employers.  

No place is this more true than here, in The United States, where generations of Americans have been deliberately mis-registered and mischaracterized as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and also as Municipal citizens of the United States. 

For many years the British Territorial United States Government doing business as "the United States of America, Inc." and its Roman Municipal counterpart, the "United States, Inc." have pretended that the mischaracterized Americans have adopted their foreign citizenship obligations voluntarily and claimed that our national government was "in interregnum, absent, whereabouts unknown".  

This is not true, but it is what these Bounders have claimed just the same. 

So, when the Pope released the gold bonds that had been used to "purchase" each and every American baby misidentified as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, and shipped back 650 plane-loads of gold owed to the babies of six generations of Americans, the same U.S. Citizen perpetrators stepped forward, as usual, pretending to be our Caretakers while illegally occupying our country and misrepresenting their Employers. 

They received massive amounts of gold and stashed it near the Canadian border, handy for misguided Canadian troops to snatch.  

That arrangement was discovered and thwarted. 

Their next move has been to "offer" to give all the phony land titles that were generated from misidentifying American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens to the American Native Tribes. 

It should be recognized that at least 90% of these land titles are the fruits of this egregious fraud against the American babies (and later adults) -- pretending that we all voluntarily adopted the status of U.S. Citizens --- and so, these "land titles" are null and void as a result. 

Americans are owed land grants and hold sovereign patents.  Not titles.  We have States not "real estate" which means "royal estate" trusts. 

If successful, this plot would leave the American Native people still obligated to pay "tribute" to Rome, which is what "tribes" do, and place them in a position of holding fraudulent and illegally obtained trust interests, much as a Pawnbroker may be innocently left holding stolen goods.

The gold that the Pope returned was accepted by the U.S. Citizens in the U.S. Armed Services purportedly acting "for" us, but instead of honoring the fact that this gold is owed to each and every American -- surely including American Natives Tribes -- but not exclusively owed to them, they have instead sought to get the Native Tribes to set up "sovereign banks" as separate sovereign nations, without apparent realizing that such sovereign banks suffer the same incapacity that they also suffer.  

Our gold in our treasury is an asset.  Our gold in anyone else's bank or treasury is a debt. 

Whether the British Territorial United States or the Kingdom of France or the Republic of France or the Government of the Lakota Nation, all of these "nations" are foreign with respect to the Owners of Record, the American Government, and receipt of our gold has the same universal result. 

If you deposit or reposit our gold, it represents a debt owed by the Receiver to the American People --- all the American People --- to whom the gold belongs. 

So the endlessly crooked schemers have offered to use our gold as the collateral assets backing their issuance of "United States Notes" -- once again, purloining our assets to back their debts and leaving their vendors and customers in the position of knowingly accepting debt notes (I.O.U.s) based on stolen goods. 

Apparently, nobody told them how this system is supposed to work.

The gold is supposed to be lodged in the sovereign treasury account of the American Government where it rates as a positive asset.  Not a debt. 

Not a "collateral asset", just a plain old asset. 

As we have observed many times, the actual asset owner owns both the physical asset and any credit generated by the physical assets. 

So, not only is the U.S. Service in the hole for the gold they are surreptitiously "borrowing" but for all the credit that they are generating.  We hate to break it to them, but two negatives do not make a positive. 

From the get-go, these Fraudsters have no choice but to go endlessly deeper into debt, and the entire system is set up for them to "fail their way to success" so long as their frequent and deliberately engineered bankruptcies appear to be legitimate --- and allow them to cast off their corporate debts on the unsuspecting American Public. 

They cannot claim bankruptcy protection when they go into the situation knowing that they can only generate more and more and more debt for themselves, ending in certain bankruptcy.  This is bankruptcy fraud in addition to all the other cheesy stuff that they have pulled. 

No, the American gold is supposed to be deposited in the American Treasury where it counts as a positive asset not a debt; from there, any debt notes generated by the Perps are supposed to be returned to the American Treasury for cancellation (aka, "redemption")  and issuance of prepaid credit owed to the long-suffering American Public. 

Which, ironically, most of the U.S. Servicemen are actually part of. 

They've been trapped in their own scheme. 

So, we, Americans and our American Government, have chartered our own banks, both international trade banks competent to receive physical assets, and both varieties of commercial banks, to handle both debt and credit issues, and we have fully informed the military that they are allowing international corporate interests and foreign banks to embezzle the wealth of this country, while they are illegally occupying it.  

We've set up our treasury and our sovereign treasury accounts in our own chartered banks, set up our global servers and satellites, and worked out our own block chained "quantum" algorithms -- and set up a complete new, clean, non-monopolized, and fully competent banking system of our own. 

It is their duty to return all the stolen and purloined assets owed to this country to the lawful government and to stand down in place with respect to these matters.  

Mr. Lincoln was a British Bar Attorney prohibited from serving as our President.  It follows that he served only as a British Territorial "President" and had no authority to issue any Executive Orders affecting American Assets.  It also is apparent that he had no granted authority to declare war. 

The entire so-called "Civil War" was never declared by any Congress and never settled by any peace process and so we know for sure that it and everything that has followed afterward have all been nothing but bloody, illegal, infamous Mercenary Conflicts followed by illegal and unlawful occupations of entire countries --including ours-- by the equivalent of the British Raj in India and Roman Municipal Corporation (British Crown) interests. 

This situation is an affront to all common sense and decency, all law and all order; it has already been decided in favor of the people of India that this kind of fraud and usurpation and commercial and colonialist bunk against sovereign governments and sovereign people, including the American people, is repugnant, illegal, unlawful, and immoral.  

So let's not pretend that no precedent exists for the rightful international and global conclusions to be drawn.  

Both the British Government and their "Holy" Roman collaborators are to be recognized as the Principals responsible for these reprehensible acts and gross breaches of trust and service contracts going back more than 200 years. 

Their American victims saved their rumps in many, many conflicts, even above and beyond the two World Wars that they engendered.  

Even now, they are trying to whip up a Third World War against Russia. 

We trust that it is fully apparent to the banks that we won't be participating and that if they try anything at home, during such an altercation, NATO will immediately be facing a rear-guard action and both the Brits and the Holy Romans and all the panty-waist EU Corporation leaders pushing for a war with Russia will be left with their pants down and their pockets open, if this entire fraud scheme is not brought to a prompt end. 

Return the American gold to the American treasury. Stand by for "US" debt cancellation and issuance of prepaid credit to all Americans.  Look forward to the same results for every country and nation worldwide. 

We have begun court action convicting judges who misaddress Americans without valid contracts establishing their jurisdiction in evidence-- of treason, and can easily prove multiple other crimes as well.  These results are the righteous application of their own case law to them. 

All Americans in the U.S. Services are hereby given Notice of these facts.  All retired U.S. Service Members are hereby given Notice of these facts.  
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

The only reason that anyone on this planet is suffering any lack whatsoever is the greed and the guile of evil men who have successfully misled and duped all the others for their own benefit. 

Those who are done with this evil and deceit and oppression are invited to leave it behind. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 20th 2024


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