By Anna Von Reitz
Please listen. Cities are not our natural environment. Cities were conceived and organized by others, of a common but diverse origin, brothers in the same sense as half-brothers are brothers.
These are diverse expressions of what it is to be a man.
Yet, in the end, we must agree to find one common fate and that can only be with and through our Mother, because we have different Fathers.
In our biology, our Mother expresses herself through our mitochondria, tiny semi-independent organelles in each cell, that have their own separate DNA and act as the power generation centers of the cells.
In our psyches, our Mother expresses herself through our impulses of compassion and nurturance, patience, unselfishness, and acceptance.
When these two aspects of our nature, our heart (biology) and our mind (psyche) come together as one, a third aspect comes into play -- the third aspect is the immortal spirit, or Oversoul, which manifests
whatever the heart and mind have agreed upon.
The City of Man is this "impossible" resolution -- otherwise known as the New Jerusalem, in which all the diverse expressions of man can be welcome and find peace, through their common love of their Mother.
The Mother is represented in many ways -- as Durga the Mother Goddess in India, as Mary the Mother of Jesus, as Hecate, as Hera, as Juno, as all the Mother Goddesses that have ever existed.
What we are subconsciously aware of is that we have a Mother in common who loves all of us and wants to see all of us happy; we can only achieve this by loving our Mother in return and by cultivating her expression in ourselves.
It is through the patience, acceptance, long-suffering, selfless-ness, faith, nurturance, compassion, sacrifice, humility, generosity, strength, and love of the Mother that we can give birth to the City of Man, the New Jerusalem, and end the Kali Yuga Age of illusion, delusion, and deceit.
This is the urgent task set before each one of us.
To find the Mother in ourselves.
To express the Mother in our lives.
To bring forth the union of mind and body, that allows the joinder
of spirit, to recreate the material world and make all things new again.
Remember what you have all been told. Only Eve and Satan passed the test in the Garden of Eden. Only her progeny and his progeny progressed.
There is only one way for all of us to win, and that is by coming into attunement with creation -- and the only way we can all come into attunement with creation, is through our Mother --- by coming into resonance with her unconditional love.
And then, finally, we can bid the Kali Yuga good-bye, and build our Beautiful City:
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