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Monday, August 5, 2024

International Public Notice: For Everyone's Information

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Federation of States is the Source of all Powers delegated to all and any Federal Subcontractors.  That's why these entities are collectively called "the Federal Government".  

They derive all powers and duties as delegated directly from the Federation of States.  

The State Citizens who granted the contracts known as Constitutions, and who are known as "the People" of this country, and our Federation of States known as The United States of America (Unincorporated) are the Source of all Federal Powers. 

The way the power flows in our government is not that hard to understand. 

It begins with the Union States that currently occupy the soil jurisdiction, also known as National Jurisdiction, of our country.  

The Union States do business as: (1) The United States; (2) The United States of America, and (3) the States of America.  

The United States is known as the original Union (not to be confused with Civil War Era entities). It was formed in 1776.  (National Soil Jurisdiction) 

The United States of America is the Federation of States operating in International Jurisdiction, sometimes called "the States of the Union", also formed in 1776.  (International Land and Sea) 

Finally, the States of America is the Confederation of American States-of-States operating in the realm of global commerce.  This entity began development in 1777, was operated by The United States of America for several years, and finally became free-standing in 1781. (Global Air Jurisdiction)

All three of these primary American Government instrumentalities were formed during The War of Independence. All three represent the individual Several States banded together collectively to operate for their mutual benefit in specific jurisdictions.

These three (3) primary instrumentalities of the American Government are mirrored by three Federal Subcontractors to whom some of their powers have been delegated under contracts known as Constitutions. 

The three mirrored Federal Subcontractors exercising powers delegated to them were given very similar names to their American counterparts and were identified by "stiles" -- slight changes in typography to differentiate between the Instrumentalities and the Subcontractors. 

Note the stile difference:  The United States (American States) v. the United States (Federal Subcontractor).   

The United States of America (American States) v. the United States of America, Inc. (Federal Subcontractor). 

The States of America (American States-of-States) v. the States of America, Inc. (Federal Subcontractor). 

The first and most important Federal Subcontractor in receipt of delegated powers was operated by the  Confederation as "the United States" and it mirrored The United States.  It was created by and operated under The Constitution for the united States of America (1787).  

This American Federal Subcontractor was known popularly as the Federal Republic.  It operated from 1787 to 1861, when its direct sponsor, the Confederation, went dormant for lack of a quorum to operate.  

The American Federal Republic had State-level franchises known as State Republics.  They operated under two names used to designate their jurisdictional interests -- for example, the Texas Republic (land) and the Republic of Texas (sea). 

The purpose of the State Republics was to oversee the application of the Federal Republic's delegated powers as they impacted State Land and State Sea interests. 

This is the entity and structure that all the Hullaballoo is about.  This is what all these people running around trying to restore the Federal Republic and create State Republics is about

The Federal Republic, like its sponsor, the Confederation, and its State Republic franchises, have all been vacated, awaiting "reconstruction" since 1861, and now, Mr. Trump, while working for a foreign British Territorial Corporation calling itself "the United States of America, Inc." wants to restore the Federal Republic and is calling for the States to organize State Republic franchises.  

The problem with this is that a British Territorial entity and its U.S. Citizens don't have standing to restore the American Federal Republic nor any ability to bring forward legitimate State Republic franchises. 

Only Americans standing in their proper and lawful and original political status can restore the American Federal Republic. 

The Brits, via unlawful conversion and illegal registration of American babies under pretense of "war" have done their best to make sure that no Americans standing in their original political status have survived. 

Unfortunately for them, we woke up and realized what they were doing and have not only exposed their crimes to the world, but have taken the proper actions to lawfully convert our Good Names and property back to our birthright political status.  

As a result, there are lawful inheritors of all physical assets and Given Names opposing their attempts to create and pass off and substitute a British Territorial "Federal Republic" for an American Federal Republic. 

Our State Citizens, who are Parties to the Federal Constitutions, are here to enforce them.  

And the Federation of States is here to perform or subcontract any duties that the nascent American Federal Republic is unable to perform in the interim.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, 99652

August 4th 2024


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